Common theme - 1200 calorie problems from main forum



  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    I followed somebody's link on the main forums to this group, so planting the seed does help. I lurked and read stuff for a couple weeks before just diving in, toyed with slightly increasing calories for a bit as I read. Between my dieting last year and this year, I had a combined total of 7 months or so, only losing the first 2 -3.

    After looking at my progress so far obviously the 1000 - 1200 cal diet isn't working, and I had put in such an effort and failed to see results. So, I finally decided I had nothing to lose by trying it. Results couldn't be any worse than the 7 months of dieting I had so far. I wasn't that afraid of eating more, cause I sure as hell didn't put on the weight I did only eating 1900 a day. I just had to get passed the "but everybody says 1200!" obstacle, but then remember "the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". I think I had a couple days at 1700ish, then decided, i like food im going for the 1900! heh

    I started last Sunday, and have been downward trending working through those 3 lbs. (again). I haven't passed my lightest yet, but I'm there. That alone tells me my body is fine eating at this amount for my current weight and activity level.

    So, thanks for your efforts to spread the information. As people read and start to question their stagnation, more will take the plunge into testing it for themselves. Might not be immediately, they might come back in a month or two, but I do think it will help more people than you probably will every realize.
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    I think encouragement can help but unfortunately most people (like me!) have to find out the hard way. It's so counterintuitive to consume more calories to lose weight. I am still terrified but have upped my cals as this is my last resort. 900-1200 cals was ruining my life - no energy, felt terrible ALL the time, just couldn't function.

    Thanks to you and everyone else in this group who is trying to help others. I'm glad to be here and really hope it works :-/
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    What I find really frustrating is that most of those posters will say they're willing to try anything...except eating more. Many have been starving themselves for years with little or no results, but they still refuse to eat more. It's sad, really, but if people are trapped in that mindset, all you can do is provide the information and hope they start making healthier choices. It sure can be hard to bite your tongue, though.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I never really bought into the 1200 calorie diet, but I guess I was kind of doing it before I found you guys. I was going balls to the wall with cardio for an hour per day 6 days a week, no strength training, and eating between 1500 and 1800 cals per day. I found this group a few weeks ago, and dove in head first. I upped my cals to 1920, lowered my cardio way down, and started using the machines at the gym (I'm scared of the free weight 2 1/2 weeks later, I'm down 4 pounds after being stuck for 3 weeks. I even had a couple days where I went over my TDEE. I'm LOVING this!
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    I was only on this site a few days when I found this group. I thought, wait you're saying I can eat a lot of food and lose weight?! This is exactly what I need! I had been eating until 1200 calories and was generally miserable.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    This is why I can't wait to be a "success story". I do brag when I can that I went from eating 1200-1600 cals a day to 2600 and still wear the same clothes. If I have gained scale weight, I wouldn't know since I am staying away from that! Upping my cals up to that and not bursting out of my clothes to me is a success and really shows how much I was hurting my poor body!

    But when I can start to lose after the reset and prove it to others is when I am really going to hammer it in on those threads:wink: and to family and friends.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am glad everyone is here :)

    To be honest, it helps me stay the course when I help other people. If I feel like its expected of me to set a good example, I stick with it 100 % lol

  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    The problem isn't so much MFP.. but that people are in such a hurry to lose weight they put their goal at the max weight loss so they can fit into a bikini by next weekend.

    And the fact that people don't do any research and they just accept what the site says based on the goals they chose like its the law and never think of changing it.

    But really can we blame people? nope.. women especially have been indoctrinated all our lives to believe 1200 cals is a magic number and we can lose 20lbs a month if we just eat less and exercise more.. It takes a lot more to turn around a lifetime if misinformation and relearn a healthy and SLOW method. We are all impatient and want to be FIT yesterday.. no one wants to have to slow their progress.

    Luckily some people are open to learning about different methods... some.. not so much.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I try to suggest here and there. I also put the link to the group and encourage people to check it out. But I do look forward to the day that I'm an EMTWL success story. Then I feel like I will have earned the right to proclaim the message a bit more boldly than I do now.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    It's overwhelming to try to reach everyone. I helped one friend start a reset. If I can make a difference for one person than my job is done. But I do tell people to simply find this board and start reading.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I didn't really do the 1200 calorie thing either. My problem was burning tons of calories and then forgetting that I was supposed to eat some back! Facepalm!! I try to help people too, but they get so upset and mad at you! I have a friend who is eating less than her R.M.R. now and is trying to do c25k. I keep trying to nudge her in the right direction, but she doesn't seem concerned that she will harm her body. Everyone has to go their own path, I guess.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I try and steer as many people as I can to the group with all of the great information there. You have helped so many and the rest is really up to them. Thanks for being out there.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I have been trying to help people when I find them too. It worked for me.. I was stuck going back and forth between 9 lbs for the last year and a half and it was super frustrating. I also gained an inch pretty much everywhere which means I lost muscle during that time... The dumb thing is that I weigh 317 lbs so I 'technically' should be able to handle low calories, but it didn't work for me. I about doubled my calorie intake and have finally started to see results and even have lost 2.5 inches off my stomach in the last 2 weeks. Woohoo! :P

    I wish more people would listen too because they are doing themselves more harm by not.

    This was my experience as well. I was told, by a doctor no less- that it was okay to starve myself long term because I 'have more fuel stored'. Uhm- NO.

    Takes fuel to burn fuel. You can't make a bonfire out of one leaf- you need fuel to start the fire- THEN the big logs can go on it. It's very simple but I think larger folks like myself feel we have to punish ourselves for our gain. Mass media supports this kind of mind-freak.

    Congrats on your loss!!! :D That's great progress!