Rough Day yesterday

irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
I had a pretty rough day with food intake yesterday. I think I over ate too much and it wasn't very healthy food!

Let's see... In the morning I had an English muffin with thin layers of pb&j before setting out on a 15 mile run. It was my first time doing that distance and was strong most of the way! Before I upped my calories, I attempted to run that distance once and couldn't finish. During my run, I fueled with two Gu gels which is just nothing but pure carbs, 100 cals each and some gatorade. When I got home, I had a Kashi Go Lean crunchy bar. Imburned about 1150 calories. Day sounds great so far right? It starts to get bad cause I ate out the rest of the day.

It was my brother's birthday yesterday so we took him to brunch. I tried to order as healthy as possible. An egg white veggie scramble with a little cheese on top, substituted potatoes with fresh fruit and a slice of whole wheat toast with jam. We also ordered some pancakes to share so I had maybe half a pancake from about 8" round one.

Dinner was Chinese food with the family, again for my brother's birthday. This is where I pretty much lost track of all I ate. I tried to enter in everything I had during dinner but I'm sure I've left some stuff out and perhaps underestimating calories because with eating out, you just never know how much oil they use, etc. I also had a pretty small slice of ice cream cake.

I'm feeling so guilty and I can't get over it! When I weighed myself on the scale yesterday morning, I was 119.4. Today, I'm 122.4. I know most of it is water weight but part of me wonders how much of it is actual fat and how far back it set me on my weight loss journey.


  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I had a pretty rough day with food intake yesterday. I think I over ate too much and it wasn't very healthy food!

    Let's see... In the morning I had an English muffin with thin layers of pb&j before setting out on a 15 mile run. It was my first time doing that distance and was strong most of the way! Before I upped my calories, I attempted to run that distance once and couldn't finish. During my run, I fueled with two Gu gels which is just nothing but pure carbs, 100 cals each and some gatorade. When I got home, I had a Kashi Go Lean crunchy bar. Imburned about 1150 calories. Day sounds great so far right? It starts to get bad cause I ate out the rest of the day.

    It was my brother's birthday yesterday so we took him to brunch. I tried to order as healthy as possible. An egg white veggie scramble with a little cheese on top, substituted potatoes with fresh fruit and a slice of whole wheat toast with jam. We also ordered some pancakes to share so I had maybe half a pancake from about 8" round one.

    Dinner was Chinese food with the family, again for my brother's birthday. This is where I pretty much lost track of all I ate. I tried to enter in everything I had during dinner but I'm sure I've left some stuff out and perhaps underestimating calories because with eating out, you just never know how much oil they use, etc. I also had a pretty small slice of ice cream cake.

    I'm feeling so guilty and I can't get over it! When I weighed myself on the scale yesterday morning, I was 119.4. Today, I'm 122.4. I know most of it is water weight but part of me wonders how much of it is actual fat and how far back it set me on my weight loss journey.

    First of all, I just wanted to remind you to breathe. ;)

    Life happens, and its okay. Unless you ate 7500 calories above your TDEE, That is not fat gain. Its just water/ sodium.
    If it makes you feel any better, I'm on vacation coming off a whole week of treats! I ate a whopping 4100 calories yesterday which included candy and a MEDIUM blizzard!

    Bottom line: life happens, and you cannot beat yourself up! We all have bad days, just get back on the wagon, dont stress, and move on. Btw, if I ever weighed 122, for any reason, I think Id be jumping for joy!! : P
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    Not sure why you think it was a bad day, it sounds pretty good to me! So you overate on Chinese food, but you also ran 15 freaking miles! That's awesome. Chin up, you've just got some sodium bloat. How tall are you? 120 is a pretty good weight for anyone over 5 feet tall, I would think. Don't beat yourself up!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I like the life happens mentality, and as previously stated, your 15 mile run can spot you some calories.
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    Agree with everyone. Hell, if I ran 15 miles I would eat whatever I wanted that day! It takes time to put on weight. One day isn't going to kill it.
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I agree with everyone else, life has to fit in!! & running 15 miles! Wow well done: )
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    If I ran 15 miles (never mind that I would have a heart attack and die first) Id totally eat a large pizza and not even trip.

    Life does happen, you did not gain fat., just water :)
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for the reassurance guys. It feels great to have such a wonderful support system. I've never been part of any forum group that has been so helpful and friendly as all of you have.

    Today was definitely a sedentary day and I'm starting to come down with some bug. :( Throat is sore and ears are ringing. Hope this doesn't interrupt my workout tomorrow.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    My favorite greasy meal to have out is a giant Philly Cheesesteak sandwich on a big white bun with gooey cheese on it, au jus with fries... the entire meal is only 1500 calories. It's REALLY hard to eat enough calories to gain any fat overnight.