Working my way to 100%

bashiera Posts: 140 Member
Hey guys, so I've been eating MAINLY paleo for the past week (It's my first week really committing to it) and I'm still having trouble with late-night snacks! Since I was a kid, I'd always have some graham crackers and milk before bed, and it's a really hard habit to break. So, I eat well all day, keep my carbs under 130 until night time! I always fall prey to two sheets of graham crackers and a big glass of milk. What are some substitutions I can use for late night cravings instead of carby crackers and unfermented milk? (Also, I don't do the majority of the grocery shopping; I live at home with my grandparents and commute to college so not buying them isn't an option) I've also cut back on how much honey I use in my morning coffee because just 1 Tbs is 17 carbs of sugar, so it's a bit devastating to my overall macros, so I'm going to switch to stevia in the raw for a sweetener.


  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    My fiance makes himself a fruit smoothie before bed most nights. I cut myself a bowl of fresh fruit and just snack on that in bed. Our nap time snack as kids was peppermint tea, oranges and walnuts, so I often find myself leaning towards that-- funny how habits will stick over so many years!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I have tghe same problem. Now I go to bed earlier.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I used to have ice cream before bed most nights. Now I stick some frozen bananas in a food processor and that satisfies me. Like Zella, I go with fruit and nuts for my snack! I'm gonna buy some dark chocolate this week too, I just don't know what to get yet. I'd start weaning yourself off, I personally wouldn't go cold turkey:) Maybe try to only have it 3 times this week? Google paleo cracker recipes....there's gotta something similar!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have tghe same problem. Now I go to bed earlier.

    This. I've found that most of the time if I'm craving carby or sweet snacks in the evening it's because I'm tired and/or thirsty. Depending on what time it is, like if it's before 7 or so, I'll have a glass of water (any later than that and I'll be up peeing in the middle of the night), but if it's later, I'll just brush my teeth and then go to bed earlier. Carbs are quick energy, so your body craves them when it's needing that extra boost. If it's to the point that it's not late enough to go to bed and you've had your glass of water and the craving is still there, grab some protein instead. A hard-boiled egg, some tuna, whatever. Or, have some fresh fruit instead of your graham crackers.

    At this point, it really probably is more of a habit than an actual craving. Find a substitution, and do that for a week. Doesn't matter what the substitution is, just anything else in place of that snack. I think you'll find that after a week, it's not such a big deal. It's just getting over that hump that's the problem.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    When I want something crunchy i go for Pork rinds...just a small handful.

    When I want something sweet I go for frozen blueberries. (let them sit out for a few minutes to defrost a little bit - yummm)
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    Awesome suggestions, thank you.
  • cabg6
    cabg6 Posts: 40 Member
    I had my wife stop buying my before-bed snack - tapioca pudding.
    Then I hit a plateau and I'm wondering if I did the right thing.
    jk, I know I did.
    Right? Hahaha.