
Do any of you eat cereal for breakfast? I can't seem to give up my cheerios and wheaties!! Also, is whole wheat bread considered clean? I know there are brands that are more organic than others. Do you eat bread?? My dietician said it's fine.


  • breathless575
    breathless575 Posts: 140 Member
    I think the best option for bread is ezekiel low-sodium. It's a flourless bread and it's really good, especially toasted. All the Ezekiel products are wonderful, in my opinion. They also make a good cereal.

    Another good cereal is Kashi Go Lean Crunch Flax/Honey. Take one cup of the cereal, one cup fat-free plain yogurt, and one cup berries; and you have a delicious, healthy parfait.

    Oatmeal is also good for breakfast if you want something hot.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Wheat isn't exactly a nutritional powerhouse, but as long as it isn't your only carb source, I don't see the problem.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    We do eat cereal but not every day.

    I eat oatmeal for breakfast M-F at work.

    We eat things like crumpets and english muffins (from Whole foods, so very clean eating) on weekends.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I used to eat Kashi, but then I read that their products tested for high levels of GMO's and it disgusted me that they pitch themselves as all organic and healthy. So discouraging.

    When I cut out the sugar a few weeks ago I also cut out the cereal. Between the cereal and the milk I was eating a lot of grams of sugar at breakfast and I'd rather "save it" for fruits or veggies.

    Here's the link to the Kashi brouhaha:
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Nature's Path makes a really good "Cheerios" type cereal. It tastes better, holds up better in milk and is totally organic. I think it's called whole o's or something...
  • seapard
    seapard Posts: 33 Member
    I make my own granola to have on hand on those mornings where I'm dying for cereal.

    For bread, we have only been eating sprouted grain stuff: Ezekiel or Silver Hills Big 16. Protein content is so high that it keeps us full, and I suspect our bodies are having an easier time breaking it down.

    Any other time I'm making something that involves wheat or grains, I add a little whey and let it sit for a while, a la Nourishing Traditions.
  • heidienglund
    heidienglund Posts: 20 Member
    I like gluten free Cinnamon Chex, and Chocolate Chex. There's also gluten free Rice Krispies, and I make rice Krispy treats out of them. As far as bread goes, I eat the Udi's brand, it comes frozen, and I keep it in the freezer and use two pieces at a time, it lasts me quite a while since I don't eat it every day. There are so many substitutes out there, just keep looking and read the Clean Eating magazine for ideas!
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    I bake my own bread. I use whole wheat flour, oat flour and rice flour and 1 whole cup of flax meal. Its great because I know exactly what I'm eating. Also, since it has no perservatives you have to freeze anything that is going to be over 2 days old. I slice my bread and wrap it in freezer paper and then seal it in ziplock baggies so I can have individual slices on demand without having to thaw and refreeze the loaf!
  • Grissay
    Grissay Posts: 112 Member
    Ezekiel cereal with almond milk is delicious!!!!!!!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I think it's better we don't use bread (unless the real healthier ones as some of you have mentioned), but if I had to make the healthier move..I go with 100% whole wheat.
  • shareylee
    shareylee Posts: 14
    I make my own breads and a breakfast bar that is loaded with oats and dates and very little flour. I use it in place of oatmeal or cereal with some fruit.
  • jodyrluv
    jodyrluv Posts: 2 Member
    I agree Ezekiel bread is the best. I just had an Ezekiel english muffin and I'm full! Normally if I were to eat just a regular white english muffin I would be wanting something more.:smile:
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    I bake my own with whole wheat flour. It doesn't rise as much as white flour but hey, it tastes pretty damn good, much more satisfying, yum with honey. I also make my own cookies with protein and fibre added. I say get into baking! Once you learn how to "adjust" recipies to make them clean its soooo easy. Plus the house smells nice!
    I only have bread occasionally but have a muffin once a day (i find its easaier to control my carb intake that way). Go to she is amazing. I learnt how to bake clean from her.
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    I bake my own bread. I use whole wheat flour, oat flour and rice flour and 1 whole cup of flax meal. Its great because I know exactly what I'm eating. Also, since it has no perservatives you have to freeze anything that is going to be over 2 days old. I slice my bread and wrap it in freezer paper and then seal it in ziplock baggies so I can have individual slices on demand without having to thaw and refreeze the loaf!

    me too!
  • andthenwhat
    andthenwhat Posts: 69 Member
    IF and WHEN I do eat bread, I like it to be sprouted grain (Ezekial... they make english muffins, bread, hot dog buns, etc.), but it's a rare occasion. I don't eat cereal... it's too hard to find any that aren't processed beyond belief here where I live, so I just stick with old-fashioned oatmeal.
  • tammies00
    tammies00 Posts: 16
    Can you share the bread recipe?
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    Can you share the bread recipe?
    yes, please do share!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    it takes a bit of kneading and doesn't rise like 'normal' bread, but oh man, with some peanut butter and honey on top, I am in my own little heaven! Oh, its way more filling too. Even my fiance' likes it and he eats only white all the time. It has a beatiful crust and is divine toasted. I freeze it in slices so when I feel like a treat I grab a slice. Being clean with no preservatives, it will go bad within a couple of days.
    I also like to spray some olive oil on top before I bake it and add sea salt and garlic granules on the olive oil. Its so yum, it really is gourmet bread!

    Clean Eating Breakfast Bread
    (Makes 1 loaf)

    2 1/2 cups warm water (between 105 – 115 F.)
    1 packet active dry yeast
    4 cups white whole wheat flour
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    2 tablespoon olive oil + extra for coating


    Step 1 – combine the water and yeast and set aside to foam.

    Step 2 – In a large mixing bowl blend the flour and salt.

    Step 3 – Pour the oil into the flour, and then the yeast mixture.

    Step 4 – Mix with a wooden spoon until the dough forms, then continue by kneading with your hands for about 5 minutes.

    Step 5 – Form the dough into a ball and coat the ball with a small amount of oil. Cover the bowl with a towel and allow to sit in a warm (not hot) environment to rise for 1 hour.

    Step 6 – Punch down the dough, and place in an oiled or non-stick bread pan, forming it into the pan.

    Step 7 – Cover with a towel and allow to rise for 1 more hour.

    Step 8 – Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (or 180c)

    Step 9 – Score the top of the dough if desired. Bake for approximately 30 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the middle of the loaf pulls out clean.

    Step 10 – Allow to cool, slice and serve.
    Eat and Enjoy!

    Nutritional Content
    1 serving = 1 slice (1/15 of the loaf)

    Calories: 126
    Total Fat: 2 gm
    Saturated Fats: 0 gm
    Trans Fats: 0 gm
    Cholesterol: 0 mg
    Sodium: 157 mg
    Carbohydrates: 23 gm
    Dietary fiber: 4 gm
    Sugars: 0 gm
    Protein: 5 gm
    Estimated Glycemic Load: 12
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    Thanks for the recipe. bump.
  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    Ezekiel isn't wheat or flour-free, it's made from sprouted whole grains. You can also buy sprouted wheat flour at many grocery stores (Bob's Red Mill brand). I've made bread with it and it's OK - has the same heavier texture as Ezekiel bread. When I started my clean eating I ate a lot of Ezekiel products but then as I lost my carb cravings I just sort of quit eating bread and cereal.