low carb cleanse invite


if you are already in the know of how to SAFELY do a low carb, no sugar, 30 day cleanse, join us in the
June challenge

Please, no newbies. I'm here in this group to help, so if you need low carb help, just post on this thread and I will answer.

I'm gluten free, and I am full paleo. I don't eat any starches at all. I've been full keto since October of last year, nonstop. No problem and in the best health of my life! NO LIE.


  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    still paleo, low carb as f*&^ on our group.

    if you are not a newbie and want a mature community of keto dieters, join us. This group here, keto, is great too!