New Here...

CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
I am new all this really, been hard at work for a week now. I am doing the 1200 to 1400 a day calorie intake with meals throughout the day along with snacks along with exercise, mainly I have been doing cardio. I do know one metabolism is SO messed up, possibly even damaged due to how I have been for many yrs prior. I never knew I was messing it up that bad. I read the article on the sticky about metabolic damage and starvation mode, but Im still not quit sure what I am doing is best. Any advice from others who have been there? And because my metabolism is so messed up, does that mean that it will take longer before I will start to see pounds drop? Thanks in advance for your help:)


  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I am new all this really, been hard at work for a week now. I am doing the 1200 to 1400 a day calorie intake with meals throughout the day along with snacks along with exercise, mainly I have been doing cardio. I do know one metabolism is SO messed up, possibly even damaged due to how I have been for many yrs prior. I never knew I was messing it up that bad. I read the article on the sticky about metabolic damage and starvation mode, but Im still not quit sure what I am doing is best. Any advice from others who have been there? And because my metabolism is so messed up, does that mean that it will take longer before I will start to see pounds drop? Thanks in advance for your help:)

    Yes, you are I'm the right place! I am a recovering dieter myself, still plugging away and learning as I go. This is not a quick fix, you may not see results right away, but I'm the end it will be worth it. Have you read the what to expect sticky?
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hello,and welcome to the group

    I have damaged my metabolism over many years as well and I am on day 4 of doing the metabolic reset. I think that's the way to go if you have been on restricted calories for a long time.

    Read through the stickies-theres a lot of information there.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Hi there, I too have dieted or had an eating disorder most of my life. So my body has been used to slow calories and I always had a hard time losing weight even when restricting myself to 1200 calories or often less.

    I have lost almost 5 lbs (though I am up a couple this week from bday dinner/sodium/lack of exercise)....but this is definitely the right place for you if you are in it for the long haul, if you're ready to take things slowly, if you can handle possibly seeing a gain of a few pounds before you lose (but the losses will come and the gain is just water).

    I would encourage you to read all of the stickies.

    This group is fantastic and has improved the quality of my life immensely.
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Wow! What a welcome!!:) Thank you everyone for your kind words and support:) No i havent read all the stickies yet but I will be doing that today!!:) When I was younger, I was a dancer. Ate whatever I wanted whenever lol...which included tons of fast food, junk food, etc. But I never would gain a pound. Lost some weight even when I got into dancing...I was an instructor. Dropped down to 93 pounds which I wasnt happy about...I was too thin and underweight for my height. I tried to gain to get back to 100 to 110 but I just couldnt. Then life happened lol. I quit dancing and moved, etc, etc. Since then I have been a SAHM to 3 kids. I never exercised, just sat at home on the computer or the couch:) But during this time also, I got to were I stopped eating. Not on purpose really, although it may have been a subconscious thing. I just didnt feel like taking the time to fix me something to eat throughout the day. I would make the kids something of course but after that I would just be like....ehh Ill eat later and put everything away. From age 29 to up 35 my body has been accustomed to only eating dinner in the evenings and thats it. Sometimes...maybe twice a week I would fix me a sandwich for lunch and also eat dinner, but mostly it was just dinner. My body got to where it wasnt hungry until dinner time! My hubby and kids would try to make me eat during the day and I would be like...But honestly...I am not hungry! lol. Anyway...thats how I got here...gained 60 pounds and I finally said enough is enough...I HAVE to start eating right and loosing all this extra weight before it gets waaay out of hand. Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome!:) Feel free to add me as a friend too if you wish!:)
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Hi! And welcome to the greatest group on the site! :bigsmile:
    You will get lots of support and advice and are so in the right place.

    Wow sounds like you are definitely a candidate for the Reset! Think you might want to go see the thread on the stickies and join in. :smile: I don't think you will be sorry.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome - I'm another life long dieter with a messed up metabolism.

    I've been here for a few weeks and it's very strange to be eating double the number of calories that I was a few weeks ago.

    So far I've only put on 2lbs too though it appears I underestimated my activity level for the last couple of weeks so have had to increase again by another 300 calories.

    Stick with it - I felt very tired for the first few weeks but now I have far more energy, and can eat lots :)
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Welcome aboard!
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    I'm new at this, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced a loss right away (for me I lost 2.8 lbs the first week and got down to 192.2) and then gain (gained 2+lbs the second week, back up to 195)? And now I'm scared to step on that dreaded scale! I've upped my water intake by a few cups (about 3 litres a day now - 12 cups) and I'm eating as clean as I can, I'd say about 75-80%, and changed my macros to 40-30-30 carbs/protein/fat. I don't do protein shakes, I prefer to get my nutrients from food (bad memories of my Slim Fast days... :sick: )

    After eating what MFP "told me to" (at 195 lbs I was eating 1470 plus exercise cals) and plateauing at 195 for several weeks, I decided to try EM2WL and see where this takes me - I've heard lots of good about it but I'm scared because all my life I'm told to eat less not more, taught that food is "the enemy" and that's how I got fat, etc... I'm sure I'm not alone in this! It doesn't help that when I set my new goals in MFP, it tells me that I'm going to GAIN 0.4 lbs a week!! :noway: Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or if what I'm experiencing is normal...

    Here are my stats, any input is welcome! Feel free to message or add me as well :)

    SW: 207.4
    CW: 195-ish (fluctuates daily!)
    GW: a healthy 155-160
    H: 5'7"
    Age: 41

    According to's calculators, these are my stats:
    TDEE: 2510 (moderate activity)
    BMR: 1620
    Cut: 2133 (TDEE - 15%)

    I workout at home 4-5 days a week for minimum of 30 minutes (I'd say it's almost always 45 or more) doing treadmill w/ incline intervals, Jillian Michaels DVD's, exercise bike, other DVD's and stability ball. I have a HRM and record my exercises according to that rather than going by the website or machines. I do light weights (5#) during the DVD workouts and would like to start doing strength training, once I get the proper form down.