Road Warriors - June Challenge - Post your miles here



  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    06/02/2012 - 30.84 Miles - 02 Hours 48 Minutes - 2595 Calories - - Rolling ride around Versailles, MO
    06/03/2012 - 34.27 Miles - 02 Hours 39 Minutes - 2305 Calories - - Recovery ride from Driveway from Hell.
    06/06/2012 - 36.23 Miles - 03 Hours 01 Minutes - 2660 Calories - - Nice, cool ride.
    06/07/2012 - 28.13 Miles - 02 Hours 18 Minutes - 2198 Calories - - Ride to lunch.
    06/08/2012 - 34.38 Miles - 02 Hours 42 Minutes - 2429 Calories - - Ride to pick up Charlie
    06/09/2012 - 55.78 Miles - 04 Hours 13 Minutes - 4381 Calories - - Hot, Hot, Hot.
    06/10/2012 - 21.30 Miles - 01 Hours 44 Minutes - 1615 Calories - - Recovery ride.
    06/12/2012 - 19.80 Miles - 01 Hours 41 Minutes - 1453 Calories - - Nice, evening ride.
    06/13/2012 - 20.57 Miles - 01 Hours 41 Minutes - 1569 Calories - - Taking it easy.
    06/14/2012 - 18.45 Miles - 01 Hours 30 Minutes - 1496 Calories - - Hopedale to Pekin
    06/14/2012 - 05:03 Miles - 00 Hours 24 Minutes - 0381 Calories - - 2nd ride.
    06/15/2012 - 20.56 Miles - 01 Hours 52 Minutes - 1838 Calories - - NIght ride into the wind.
    06/16/2012 - 15.79 Miles - 01 Hours 25 Minutes - 1339 Calories - - Windy Ride.
    06/19/2012 - 20.95 Miles - 01 Hours 41 Minutes - 1515 Calories - - Back on the bike.
    06/20/2012 - 21.35 Miles - 01 Hours 42 Minutes - 1522 Calories - - Almost as good as yesterday.
    06/21/2012 - 21.38 Miles - 01 Hours 42 Minutes - 1535 Calories - - Another nice night.
    06/23/2012 - 22.24 Miles - 01 Hours 52 Minutes - 1739 Calories - - Taking it easy.
    06/23/2012 - 20.14 Miles - 01 Hours 37 Minutes - 1391 Calories - - Taking it easy again.
    06/24/2012 - 13.49 Miles - 01 Hours 04 Minutes - 0974 Calories - - Easy morning ride.
    06/24/2012 - 19.24 Miles - 01 Hours 30 Minutes - 1301 Calories - - Easy night ride.
    06/25/2012 - 12.77 Miles - 01 Hours 04 Minutes - 0936 Calories - - Quick night ride.
    06/26/2012 - 30.38 Miles - 02 Hours 55 Minutes - 2706 Calories -
    06/27/2012 - 16.28 Miles - 01 Hours 21 Minutes - 1135 Calories -
    06/29/2012 - 19.89 Miles - 01 Hours 37 Minutes - 1548 Calories -

    June Totals - 559.24 Miles - 46 Hours 04 Minutes - 42560 Calories - 40.76 Miles to go for the month.

    Long Ride Goal - 50 Miles - Done on (6/09/2012)

    Goal for the month - 600 Miles
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    June 2-45
    June 3-60
    June 5-20
    June 6-30
    June 9-55
    June 11-20
    June 12-20
    June 16-65
    June 17-50
    June 19-20
    June 21-25
    June 23-80
    JUne 24-30
    June 26-20
    June 27-20
    June 28-20
    June 39-50

    Total: 630

    Long ride goal --75 miles. Met on 6/23 with an 80 mile
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    06/02/2012 - 30.84 Miles - 02 Hours 48 Minutes - 2595 Calories - - Rolling ride around Versailles, MO
    06/03/2012 - 34.27 Miles - 02 Hours 39 Minutes - 2305 Calories - - Recovery ride from Driveway from Hell.
    06/06/2012 - 36.23 Miles - 03 Hours 01 Minutes - 2660 Calories - - Nice, cool ride.
    06/07/2012 - 28.13 Miles - 02 Hours 18 Minutes - 2198 Calories - - Ride to lunch.
    06/08/2012 - 34.38 Miles - 02 Hours 42 Minutes - 2429 Calories - - Ride to pick up Charlie
    06/09/2012 - 55.78 Miles - 04 Hours 13 Minutes - 4381 Calories - - Hot, Hot, Hot.
    06/10/2012 - 21.30 Miles - 01 Hours 44 Minutes - 1615 Calories - - Recovery ride.
    06/12/2012 - 19.80 Miles - 01 Hours 41 Minutes - 1453 Calories - - Nice, evening ride.
    06/13/2012 - 20.57 Miles - 01 Hours 41 Minutes - 1569 Calories - - Taking it easy.
    06/14/2012 - 18.45 Miles - 01 Hours 30 Minutes - 1496 Calories - - Hopedale to Pekin
    06/14/2012 - 05:03 Miles - 00 Hours 24 Minutes - 0381 Calories - - 2nd ride.
    06/15/2012 - 20.56 Miles - 01 Hours 52 Minutes - 1838 Calories - - NIght ride into the wind.
    06/16/2012 - 15.79 Miles - 01 Hours 25 Minutes - 1339 Calories - - Windy Ride.
    06/19/2012 - 20.95 Miles - 01 Hours 41 Minutes - 1515 Calories - - Back on the bike.
    06/20/2012 - 21.35 Miles - 01 Hours 42 Minutes - 1522 Calories - - Almost as good as yesterday.
    06/21/2012 - 21.38 Miles - 01 Hours 42 Minutes - 1535 Calories - - Another nice night.
    06/23/2012 - 22.24 Miles - 01 Hours 52 Minutes - 1739 Calories - - Taking it easy.
    06/23/2012 - 20.14 Miles - 01 Hours 37 Minutes - 1391 Calories - - Taking it easy again.
    06/24/2012 - 13.49 Miles - 01 Hours 04 Minutes - 0974 Calories - - Easy morning ride.
    06/24/2012 - 19.24 Miles - 01 Hours 30 Minutes - 1301 Calories - - Easy night ride.
    06/25/2012 - 12.77 Miles - 01 Hours 04 Minutes - 0936 Calories - - Quick night ride.
    06/26/2012 - 30.38 Miles - 02 Hours 55 Minutes - 2706 Calories -
    06/27/2012 - 16.28 Miles - 01 Hours 21 Minutes - 1135 Calories -
    06/29/2012 - 19.89 Miles - 01 Hours 37 Minutes - 1548 Calories -
    06/30/2012 - 41.12 Miles - 03 Hours 28 Minutes - 3355 Calories -

    June Totals - 600.36 Miles - 49 Hours 32 Minutes - 45915 Calories

    Long Ride Goal - 50 Miles - Completed on (6/09/2012)

    Goal for the month - 600 Miles - Completed on 06/30/2012

    That's it; I'm taking the rest of the month off and relaxing.
  • Stinkeymonkey
    Stinkeymonkey Posts: 55 Member
    June 29 22.7 miles
    June 30 29 miles

    MTD - 417.60 miles Monthly goal was 420. Just don't know if I have it in me to do another 2.5 miles.

    Long ride goal 30 met.
  • jhalsey205
    jhalsey205 Posts: 91 Member
    MTD: 404.54 miles

    6/2 38.51 miles
    6/3 40.51 miles
    6/5 25.42 miles
    6/7 24.54 miles
    6/9 67.86 miles
    6/16 70.15 miles
    6/18 22.59 miles
    6/23 47.21 miles
    6/24 39.53 miles
    6/30 28.22 miles

    Long Ride Goal: 50+ miles (done!)
    Month Mileage Goal: 400 miles; goal attained
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    My apologies - I failed to complete either my mileage or my long ride... I only had one day that I had time for the long ride this month and wasted it :(
    I'll log the mileage I did do later (wrote it down somewhere).
    Sorry once again though
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    Here's the June Challenge totals for Team Road Warriers Congrats to the riders in BOLD who met their LRG!

    name --- LRG ---- Mileage Goal ---- Total Miles Ridden
    Miles to go ---- LRG date completed.

    Amiller7x7 - - 100 - - 700 - - 729.0 - - (29.0) - 06/10/12
    Bethlikesbikes - - 70 - - 600 - - 305.0 - - 295.0 - no
    Christophens - - 57 - - 300 - - 39.7 - - 260.3 - no
    daddiocoolcat - - 15 - - 150 - - 159.0 - - (9.0) - 06/14/12
    hawkeyegal1995 - - 75 - - 200 - - 630.0 - - (430.0) - 06/23/12
    hypallage - - 20 - - 100 - - 36.3 - - 63.8 - no
    jhalsey205 - - ?? - - 400 - - 404.5 - - (4.5) - 06/09/12
    kevindaymc - - ?? - - 300 - - 172.2 - - 127.8 - no
    legmotor - - 100 - - 600 - - 397.2 - - 202.8 - no
    Losingitforsummer - - 25 - - 200 - - 10.6 - - 189.4 - no
    Marmitegeoff - - ?? - - ?? - - 179.0 - - ?? - no
    MiloBloom83 - - 100 - - 400 - - 290.7 - - 109.4 - 06/09/12
    nerdieprofessor - - 40 - - 400 - - 0.0 - - 400.0 - no
    Notfortyyet - - 60 - - 200 - - 270.0 - - (70.0) - no
    OkieWorkout - - 18 - - 100 - - 27.9 - - 72.1 - no
    Snowridesbikes - - 75 - - 400 - - 143.4 - - 256.6 - no
    Stinkeymonkey - - 30 - - 420 - - 417.6 - - 2.4 - 06/30/12
    TDSeest - - 50 - - 600 - - 600.4 - - (0.4) - 06/09/12
    unrulygurl - - 25 - - 200 - - 73.8 - - 126.2 - 06/12/12
    Total - Road Warriors - - - - 6270 - - 4886.2 - - 1562.9 - -
  • legmotor
    legmotor Posts: 197 Member
    Date Miles
    06/01/2012 20.79
    06/03/2012 43.22
    06/04/2012 25.52
    06/05/2012 31.78
    06/06/2012 20.73
    06/07/2012 8.21
    06/12/2012 25.49
    06/14/2012 36.18
    06/15/2012 20.92
    06/17/2012 71.16
    06/18/2012 62.59
    06/22/2012 30.61
    06/30/2012 30.27
    Total June Miles 427.47
  • losingitforsummer
    losingitforsummer Posts: 20 Member
    6/1/12 7.25 Miles
    6/3/12 3.36 Miles
    6/4/12 4.67 Miles
    6/6/12 18.77 Miles
    6/8/12 25.01 Miles Long ride Completed
    6/23/12 5.45 Miles
    6/23/12 5.31 Miles
    June Total 69.82
  • kevindaymc
    kevindaymc Posts: 15 Member
    Total rode 295.2 miles, 958 minutes
    2.6.12 rode 41.3 miles in 154 minutes
    4.6.12 rode 35.7 miles in 125 minutes
    7.6.12 rode 13.7 miles in 43 minutes
    13.6.12 rode 31.2 miles in 101 minutes
    15.6.12 rode 20 miles in 56 minutes
    17.6.12 rode 30.3 miles in 116 minutes
    19.6.12 rode 20 miles in 57 minutes
    23.6.12 rode 30 miles in 87 minutes
    29.6.12 rode 11 miles in 34 minutes
    29.6.12 rode 21 miles in 56 minutes
    30.6.12 rode 41 miles in 129 minutes

    A disappointing total but new job and weather didn't help. Roll on July's challenge.