Reset regrets?

Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
Hey guys. I've had a super depressing past few days. I've been doing the reset ... plan on doing it for 8 weeks with everything ending on June 18 and going to a 15% cut. Here are my stats, etc.:

Weight: started at 213 pounds
Height: 5'5"
Activity level: Moderate (strength training twice a week, spin one day and a circuit one day)
Age: 27 (28 next month)
TDEE: 2720
Cut: 2312
What I've done so far: I have bounced from 1200-1800 over the past three years on a daily basis. I've lost 67 pounds. I began the EMTLW journey on April 10. I ate my cut that week, no exercise. The next week, I ate my cut with exercise. Then I began eating my TDEE, with exercise, the following week. I've been doing that since April 30, so I'm going into week 5 of my reset.

My weight initially jumped up around 10 pounds. Then 13. I wasn't upset because my clothes fit the same and I only felt a teeny bit more squishy. Well ... things have changed. The scale has shot up a total of 17 pounds so far. My loose pants are tight. My loose shirts are tight. I can't even wear my normal bra's anymore ... I've resorted to sports bras. I am visibly fatter, my face is puffier and I am just so ... mentally taxed. I have loaded up on diuretics because my feet and hands are swollen. I am drinking water like crazy. My eating is not the cleanest, but that it something I am working on. I hit my macros almost every day, except sometimes on the weekends. This past weekend I hosted a cookout and then went to a family cookout the next day. I didn't pig out, but may have went over my TDEE.

I just don't know what to do. I am literally running out of clothes to wear. I throw my fatTER clothes away or donate them when they're too big. I don't know what to wear to work. I feel like I weigh 1000 pounds and everyone can see it.

I've been craving fruit, so I bought some to add to my diet this week. Blueberries, grapes and cantaloupe. I've been trying to eat on a strict budget, so I've had to buy some frozen items for lunches and dinners a lot of the time ... I know the sodium is killer, but with the amount of water I drink, I didn't think it was going to be a huge problem.

I cannot wait for this to start going in the other direction. Seeing and feeling myself getting fatter is SO HARD. I can't handle it. I don't know what to do. This is not in my head. I had to fight with my pants to get them buttoned and zipped this morning. It's like the weight on my body is finally catching up with what the scale says. I'm just at such a loss I didn't even feel like coming in to work today, but I'm here ... looking down at the big roll of fat squished up by my pants ... chugging water ... eating blueberries ... praying and hoping that this will stop soon. My weight *had* evened out around 225-226 ... I thought I was doing the right thing by eating TDEE and resetting as it seemed that I'd hit that sweet spot and would stay there until my cut, then start losing again. When 230 pounds showed up on that scale (my lowest was 213), I felt like just dying. I am not giving up, I just don't understand why I'm gaining so much. :brokenheart:


  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Have you followed your moderate activity level the entire time?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You say you are eating your TDEE with exercise.. does that mean you are eating back your burned cals??? If so, that is probably why you are gaining. You eat your TDEE only. That includes your average burn cals from exercise. SO by adding in the burn, you are essentially overeating.
    If not, are you sure your activity level is moderate? How long are you doing your strength training? How long are your classes? Moderate level is 3-5 hours a week. If you are closer to the 3 hour mark, you may want to jump down to light activity level and see if that makes a difference.

    Can you open up your diary? There might be some clues in there. How is your sodium intake? Are you tracking that? You might want to. You say you are taking diuretics? That will actually cause you to retain water, not get rid of it, so definitely stop taking those!!

    Looking over your last 5 weeks, you would have to eat in excess of 3500 cals a week just to gain ONE pound. Im pretty sure you havent done that to gain 17.. it would be incredible hard to gain that as "real" weight in 5 weeks. There are a few girls here who have gained that much or more during the reset, and it HAS come off. Have faith, even though I know how hard it is..

    If you can open your diary, and clarify a few things, then we might be able to help a little bit more for you. HUgs. I know its frustrating as hell!!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    One thing you said is that 'You MAY have went over TDEE but you are not sure'....Are you logging everyday, even on the weekends b/c if not, you may be going WAY over...More than you think...

    I am on the reset as well...I make sure to log everyday...Also, on Sundays I go through and add up how much I have had through the week in calories b/c for me at 2029 (TDEE)...I can have 14,203 cals/week and was mostly under for each day only a couple of days over...I go on a Mon-Sun week...I thought I had enough calories for my usual 2029 left for Sunday but I only had 1800 left to keep within my weekly goal....You may want to try this and make sure that you log everyday...If I hadn't calculated my weekly amount I would have been over by around 300 calories for the week...UGH!! I hope this helps some.

    Also, you know to NOT eat back exercise calories b/c they are added into the TDEE and the cut later on??? Just checking...I used to be confused about that....We learn something new on here every single day....

    ETA: Took out part of what I said b/c it was not exercise and moderate exercise do NOT matter when you are doing TDEE...Only for the cut part...Oops...Early morning brain
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    As hard as this is, I am taking a gain showing up ( and it is for me, TOM comes friday, but still higher then I should be at this time :( ) ....but I am trying to take gain as PROOF that my body has, INDEED been starving. I am still trying to get to full TDEE per my bodybugg stats, have been about 150-200 cals under...but yes...with seeing a bit of a gain, I have wanted to high tail it out of this. Not letting myself...because nothing else makes sense. All the troubles I have had with so much activity , no medical issues that have been found, and very very little loss especially during my most stringent calories and workouts the past year and a half also supports the theories of why we need to eat more. ((((Leigh))) stick with it girl, we are gonna make it through!!!! But yes, I feel your pain!!!!!!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    This may not be what you want to hear, but some of us will gain more than others. Depends on the damage done to your body and/or how your body reacts to the fuel you are getting. A few things to watch though to make sure you aren't exacerbating the weight/water retention:

    1. Drink water, BUT don't drink too much or too little. Watch the color of your urine. If it's relatively clear, you are getting plenty of water. An imbalance of too much water can cause weight/puffiness/water retention just as easily as too little. It flushes out your potassium and you need potassium to balance out your sodium. If potassium is deficient then sodium invades the cell. Sodium can bring so much water with it into the cells that the pressure actually causes many of them to burst. Sodium in the correct amounts is as necessary for health as potassium; however, we must strive for the proper balance for our individual needs.
    2. Number one does not mean that you should super restrict sodium. Meet your sodium macros....just keep the sodium within those limits. Too little sodium is not good either!
    3. DESTRESS! Stress can also exacerbate your weight gain. It's hard when the fact that you are gaining is causing stress (I know...I'm up in pounds myself) but it needs to be controlled. So take deep breaths, get a massage, do something that relaxes you when you feel panicked. Get your stress levels down and make sure you are getting sleep.
    4. Track your food carefully (use scales instead of measuring cups). Although it is not bad to go over in your calories during a reset (it can actually be beneficial in the long run), going over can cause you to gain a little more weight. If you don't track, you don't know what you are really eating in a day. It is very important that you don't consistently eat too few calories though...that will undermine your reset efforts.

    I feel your pain in the clothing department. I no longer have any jeans that fit. I am faced with buying 'fat' clothes for the duration of the next 7 weeks or just scaling down into only a very few outfits. :grumble: And I'm only on week 2 (although I did spend 8 weeks at tdee -15% already which brought on the first 4lb gain). This is a very mentally taxing time for many of us. Stay strong, see it'll start your cut soon and it'll all be worth it.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Dont forget to read my thread on why the scale lies! :)

    This is a natural part of the reset. This is why I say it take iron will to get over the first major hump in this process (and leaning on us for support)

    I think you are on the right track, but everyones suggestions are valid. Consistency is key for the body to adapt.

  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I'm going to answer the questions in the order they were posted, lol

    1. Have you followed your moderate activity level the entire time? Yes. There were times I did not log my activity because I did not wear my heart rate monitor, but even if I didn't get to hit the gym, I'm super active every weekend. I have a desk job during the week, but I visit my boyfriend (an hour away) every weekend and he's doing a lot of work to his house. Over the past month or so I've torn down wallpaper, painted, cleaned like a crazy person, landscaped, mowed several times and set up for a cookout, lol. We're always doing something. We also go out to a local fleamarket almost every weekend ... it's a lot of walking. We've recently been swimming and to a larger fleamarket on Memorial Day (7 hours of walking, ugh!!).

    2. You say you are eating your TDEE with exercise ... does that mean you are eating back your burned cals? No. Sorry about the confusion - I meant I was eating at TDEE and exercising. :flowerforyou:

    3. Are you sure your activity level is moderate? How long are you doing your strength training? I *think* I've got this right. I typically end up working out or being active 5-6 hours a week. My strength training sessions are 45-60 minutes. Maybe I should reduce to light activity level?

    4. Can you open your diary? How's your sodium intake? Yep! I opened it. As I said, my eating has not been the cleanest ... maybe that is causing some of the problem?? As for sodium ... gah. I cannot get away from it, haha. I am trying!! I did not know diuretics cause retention, though!! I took THREE yesterday! Omgosh!!!! :sick:

    5. Are you logging every day, even on the weekends? Yes. I try to plan my week every Sunday and put my food into my diary then. On the weekends, I always plan - except for this past weekend with these darn cookouts. I live on plans, haha, so I feel kinda disjointed without one.

    I think that's it! Any advice you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated. I'm working on my diary this week ... I didn't have time to create my plan yesterday, lol. Wondering if I should go ahead and lower to the cut or lower my activity level and recalculate TDEE. I'm anxious about it because I know I've read tons about being consistent ... so ... help? :huh:

    Edit: I just caught the last two replies above. :smile: Jyska - thank you SO much for the tips. That helps a lot!! fiveohmike - I read it! Haha, I know it's a damn liar. :wink: But, up until now, my pants had been fitting just fine! I hope they're lying, too!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    First off, sorry that all of this is so distressing to you! I have not weighed since I started EM2WL but my clothes are fine and I LOOK good but......yeah, if I was busting out of my clothes, I'd be cussin' up a storm!!!

    So ((((HUGS)))) cuz I'm feelin' ya hon!!

    NOW, down to I took a little look at your diary.......

    1) PLEASE find a way to get some real, live VEGGIES in your body!! And yep, your sodium is way too high.

    REMEMBER THIS: BOX or PACKAGE or DRIVE THRU= SALT! If these are where the majority of your foods are from, there's one possible contributor to your problem.

    2) Not sure if your diuretics are prescription or OTC but I don't think you have the concept of how to use them correct.....
    HIGH SODIUM + DIURETICS= WATER RETENTION!!! Your body is in a war with the salt drying you out causing your body to hold onto fluid to maintain hydration and the diuretic wanting your body to release the fluid that it desperately needs.
    See what I'm saying?

    Like I said, I feel your pain with the weight gain but there's a couple of things to think about.

    PS: If your water pill is OTC, I would suggest to go to no more than ONE EVERY OTHER DAY.
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    Your numbers stuck out to me as pretty high because I'm the same height and just 20 lbs lighter, and close to the same age with the same activity level. I just ran your numbers in the fat2fit calculator and came up with a TDEE of 2372. I think you're eating too many calories by quite a bit and that's likely why the weight is adding up. I would change your reset goal to 2372 and only eat that amount every day, regardless of your amount of exercise. Also, take a peek at others diaries for food ideas that are less processed and lower in sodium. Feel free to look at mine. It's certainly not perfect but I've changed my diet a lot in the last few weeks so that I'm not depending on convenience foods so much. I feel so much better. Hope that helps! I'm eating 1883 calories daily right now so 2700 seemed like a huge number, even for a reset. Which calculator did you use?
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    rosied915 - I'm working on the cleaner eating part. I used to do much better than I am now, but I have lots of budget constraints. I am headed to the farmers market this coming weekend, though! I miss eating cleaner ... I hate that it is so much cheaper to get something in a box from the freezer section than to get something fresh!

    The diuretics are OTC. I really didn't realize that they would cause water retention ... I thought they'd help! I will stop them today.

    meggyh20 - I used the fitness frog calculator with a moderate activity level. I checked out the fat2fit calculator that you suggested. Yikes! I thought I was on the right track. Not sure if I should lower or stay consistent with what I've got? I went through a phase where I was super hungry and the 2700 more than satisfied me. It's going to be hard to restrict again. I'm definitely going to need to clean up my diet, though ... it's difficult and expensive, but I know I feel so much better with fresh - not processed - food!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I feel your pain, I'm just 2 weeks into the reset, and my pants are getting tighter :sad: (I weigh tomorrow).

    BUT...the nurse in me has to say stop taking OTC diuretics before your body becomes dependent on them:noway: , try to get your sodium intake under control, and eat potassium rich foods:

    the potassium will assist your body to remove the extra sodium (via sodium/potassium pump of the cell...physiology of the cell) and help reduce the water retention.

    Hang in there, if you need to get some slightly larger clothes for a short time, go to Goodwill (or other consignment shop), $5 for a top or pants, dresses around $7. Remember it's only for a few weeks, and your body will thank you for it in the long run!
    You CAN do this, we're all here to support you!:flowerforyou:
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Potassium is easy! Eat bananas!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Also Leigh. You inspired my thread on Water Retention...check it out!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member

    Hang in there, if you need to get some slightly larger clothes for a short time, go to Goodwill (or other consignment shop), $5 for a top or pants, dresses around $7.

    Good Idea....I was just grumbling about spending a bunch of money on clothes I DON'T want to wear for very long!! lol...
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    There are lots of ways to eat cleaner on a budget. Watch for sales and specials. Produce, beans, eggs, etc. You can do a lot with those, and that's what your body is craving! Cut the water pills. If you're feeling bloaty, eat cucumber and watermelon, put lemon slices in your water. There are natural ways to debloat and those don't have nasty side effects.

    It sounds like from your activity that you're more than moderate. 7 hours of walking in a day? That's not exactly light.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I just have to jump in and remind people that fat2fit bases their calorie recommendation on your GOAL weight, so the TDEE they come up with is the TDEE of your GOAL weight, not your current weight. If you are close to goal, probably no biggie, but if you are still a little ways away from goal, this would make a big difference and I think that is where the difference in numbers between that site and others is. Just had to throw that out there :)
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I wanted to jump in and offer my experience. I did a metabolism reset back around Christmas time and it was a total and utter disaster. I was constantly switching around my macros. I'd eat 4000 calories one day, then freak out because I felt so bloated and cut my calories the next day, or decide I was going to juice fast, or whatever until I felt better. I gained an insane amount of weight. It got to be too much, and I had to quit. I mentally was not ready.

    Metabolism reset is not for the faint of heart. It is very, very challenging mentally. Some weight gain is normal. However, I think most of the time people struggle so much for lack of consistency or too many processed foods. I would recommend keeping your eating choices as clean and simple as possible. Doing one big day of cooking on the weekends works for me. I make lots of steamed veggies, grill a bunch of lean protein, and make individual salads. I also make homemade protein bars (a Jamie Eason recipe from and turkey muffins (another Jamie Eason recipe)Then, even though I stay at home, I have quick things to grab. It would work equally well for someone working outside the home. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but it really is only an hour or two, and adds so much convenience to my week.
    The other thing I would recommend is planning your food the night before. You probably want to keep things with added sugars (including fruit and natural sugars) to once or twice a day. Fruit is a little different, but I still find if I eat too much it is not a good thing for me.

    I dont know if any of that helps. But hang in there, this will be worth it in the end!
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    I just have to jump in and remind people that fat2fit bases their calorie recommendation on your GOAL weight, so the TDEE they come up with is the TDEE of your GOAL weight, not your current weight. If you are close to goal, probably no biggie, but if you are still a little ways away from goal, this would make a big difference and I think that is where the difference in numbers between that site and others is. Just had to throw that out there :)

    Yeah, I realized that after I went to the Fitness Frog calculator to compare. I use Fat2Fit for my own numbers and my body is responding well, but now I' m second guessing what I'm doing. :) Fat2Fit was what I saw recommended here first so that's what I went with. But the Fat2Fit numbers for me almost match exactly with the calculation in NROL4W, so I think I'll stay here awhile and see how it goes. Thanks for pointing that out though.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I am just going to jump in here and make 2 comments..
    About the budget constraint and buying fresh food.. one thing I started doing for produce is going to Aldi's and buying their produce... I know you probably cringe a bit because you don't think Aldi's would be good for that, but they are sometimes 50% or more off on the fruits and veggies I buy.. Not to mention they do meat sales (boneless skinless chicken, ground turkey) that are cheaper than most stores around me. I have 3 stores I stop at on saturdays.. piggly wiggly, pick n save and aldi's.. Its a pain but I save a ton of money by buying whats on sale at the difference places.. I don't even go into the freezer section.

    Second point is about your diary, and I know you mentioned that you are trying to eat healthier but right off the bad that overage on sodium is killer, and make sure you don't eat any big meals 4-5 hours before bed.. and definitely definitely STOP eating those Banquet meals.. I know they are a $1 but stop!!! They are so cheap cause they are so bad :) Outside of that if you start eating healthier and pick up the cooking and more meals from home (fresh) you should be able to drop back down.
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    At Fat2Fit plug in your current numbers for your goal weight to come up with a reasonable current TDEE...