Water retention - what to expect!

fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
Hey Guys,

I am just writing this up very briefly for everyone who is just starting and struggling with "I have gained weight and my clothes are tighter" during the initial increase in calories and or TDEE Maintenance resets.

This applies especially if you come from a VLCD diet.

First let me start out, that a human body is HIGHLY adaptable, but it takes time and it takes consistency (consistently stressing the body with a new situation, not intermittent stress - this applies to diet, exercise ect. Your body WILL adapt, just takes time).

So with that. The majority of people who start eat more will experience a water retention weight gain.

However, with that comes the possibility of feeling A) Bloated B) Clothes being tighter and C) Feeling pudgier.

This is completely normal. When you up your calories you generally increase both your carb levels and your exercise levels.

The effect of this is two fold and here is why:

- When you increase your carb load, your body converts this into glycogen which your muscles store for a energy reserve. This helps increase your energy levels (which we have all experienced on this). This is great, but it does come at an initial cost. For every gram of glycogen your muscles store, they also store 3-4g of water. This is natural and the water helps as transport mechanism for the glycogen.

- When you increase your exercise load, especially with weight lifting, you body actually has micro tears of the muscle fibers. This cause inflammation (soreness). Your body fights this with water retention. Water is also retained and helps flush lactic acid buildup as well from your muscles.

With these two things taken into account, as most people who have joined our group start both of these at the same time, you are most likely going to experience weight gain and/or increased body volume (increased dimensions). This is perfectly normal. Water takes up space. 5lbs + of water takes up lots of space.

Important!: To help fight this, drink LOTS of water. It may be counter intuitive but there are some things to consider that also affect this.

- If you are not drinking enough water, and you are even slightly dehydrated your body WILL retain water with a vengeance. Drink lots and lots of water, all day constantly. Drink 96+ oz a day if you have too! This also has an added benefits of keep the system flushed :) A hydrated body is a happy body!

However this is the scary part. We have trained our selves, starved ourselves, to look at any bit of "Taking one step backwards" as failure. This is NOT the case. It is no way in any form failure. You are on the right course, as much as it may not seem like it.

You may be taking "One step backwards", but its ok as this is the long haul you are in for. One step back, 10 steps forward.

Hang in there and lean on each other for support. Once you are through the bump, the rest of your life is ahead of you to reap the benefits.



  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Yup...exactly. I'm a perfect example of this. I've increased carbs (strictly due to seriously increased calories) and started lifting heavy. I am up in inches and weight. (Water and water :tongue: ) I wonder how long I could survive in the desert right now...hmmmmm......
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    nice work, mike!

    the water retention can seriously look like you're wearing a full body suit made of unsightly flab. no joke. but if you see the process through it is pure amazingness when it goes away. and if you cut your cals back again and up them later, you will totally have to go through the bloat again. not wanting to re-wear the fat suit is major motivation to stick to it.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    That is what I've been telling myself.. That is why I am not giving up. I am reaching out for support and encouragement. I'm sorry if I am annoying when it comes to gain. But 10 lbs is a lot to me. It is like I am going back to 330lbs. but I am not. I know I am not. I am scared like a chicken without a head right now. I'm just lost. But I know at end of this tunnel I'll be smiling and happy with my decisions. This is the scary part of the journey for real.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    That is what I've been telling myself.. That is why I am not giving up. I am reaching out for support and encouragement. I'm sorry if I am annoying when it comes to gain. But 10 lbs is a lot to me. It is like I am going back to 330lbs. but I am not. I know I am not. I am scared like a chicken without a head right now. I'm just lost. But I know at end of this tunnel I'll be smiling and happy with my decisions. This is the scary part of the journey for real.

    Dont be sorry, it all about support mechanisms. People who have the support structure we do are infinitely more likely to succeed :)
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Edited to add about drinking enough water.

    Please read that part near the bottom as well.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    starting to feel some bloating but since the unwelcomed guest is here I can't really tell if its that or the upping my calories. or both. hopefully the unwelcomed guest will be gone tomorrow. then I will better be able to tell.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    starting to feel some bloating but since the unwelcomed guest is here I can't really tell if its that or the upping my calories. or both. hopefully the unwelcomed guest will be gone tomorrow. then I will better be able to tell.

    No that I know all about TOM or anything haha...but you definitely retain extra water around that time, that compounds on top of the above post :)
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Thanks for the post. I too have been upset about the added pounds and feeling pudgy lately. I do not want to go back to my starting weight in 2010. I was miserable there and I have so many cute clothes now. Haha....

    Anyways - I think it is important to support each other and this is such a great group of people that I know we will all be successful in time.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192

    Dont be sorry, it all about support mechanisms. People who have the support structure we do are infinitely more likely to succeed :)

    agreed!!!! More support, more better it is :):) thanks!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    Dont be sorry, it all about support mechanisms. People who have the support structure we do are infinitely more likely to succeed :)

    agreed!!!! More support, more better it is :):) thanks!

  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    That is what I've been telling myself.. That is why I am not giving up. I am reaching out for support and encouragement. I'm sorry if I am annoying when it comes to gain. But 10 lbs is a lot to me. It is like I am going back to 330lbs. but I am not. I know I am not. I am scared like a chicken without a head right now. I'm just lost. But I know at end of this tunnel I'll be smiling and happy with my decisions. This is the scary part of the journey for real.

    Like everyone else has said, please do NOT be sorry about voicing your concerns and fears.

    Your story and success so far is inspiring to me and many others. I look at your ticker and think "My God she's lost a whole person" and that could NOT have been easy!

    So seeing ANY bit of that loss come back MUST be terrifying. PLEASE, PLEASE STAY OFF THE SCALE~ at least for now.

    When I was eating 600 calories a day and netting in the negatives, I truly believed if I ate more I would blow up like a balloon.
    Guess what, I eat over 1800 calories now and while I'm pretty sure I haven't LOST any weight, I don't think I've gained either!

    Hang in there PLEASE! Stop in and read our board all day long if you need to~these people are RIGHT!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    That is what I've been telling myself.. That is why I am not giving up. I am reaching out for support and encouragement. I'm sorry if I am annoying when it comes to gain. But 10 lbs is a lot to me. It is like I am going back to 330lbs. but I am not. I know I am not. I am scared like a chicken without a head right now. I'm just lost. But I know at end of this tunnel I'll be smiling and happy with my decisions. This is the scary part of the journey for real.

    Like everyone else has said, please do NOT be sorry about voicing your concerns and fears.

    Your story and success so far is inspiring to me and many others. I look at your ticker and think "My God she's lost a whole person" and that could NOT have been easy!

    So seeing ANY bit of that loss come back MUST be terrifying. PLEASE, PLEASE STAY OFF THE SCALE~ at least for now.

    When I was eating 600 calories a day and netting in the negatives, I truly believed if I ate more I would blow up like a balloon.
    Guess what, I eat over 1800 calories now and while I'm pretty sure I haven't LOST any weight, I don't think I've gained either!

    Hang in there PLEASE! Stop in and read our board all day long if you need to~these people are RIGHT!

    thanks girl. that means a lot
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Great post!!
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    How long should we experience this?
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    How long should we experience this?

    Your bodies water retention is constantly changing. There is no such thing as no water retention. If you have a heavy workout you will retain some water. If you bump your calories up you will retain some water. It is best to learn your bodies ebbs and flows. This is why its critical to weight youself at the same time everytime so you have the best chance to get consistent results.

    FOr someone like me who weights everyday I have come to know my bodies water retention cycles.
  • Joeyje3
    Joeyje3 Posts: 58 Member
    Nicely said. Great post! Thanks for writing! :smile:
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    I really, REALLY needed to read this... I've been getting frustrated and stressed out about feeling pudgy (I'm 2.5 weeks into EM2WL), to the point of fighting back tears. I'm so used to disappointment with regards to dieting, I figured this is just another let down. Nothing regarding diet has ever worked well for me in the past and I've stopped "hoping" something will work. I will come back to this post and read it daily to keep going.

    Thank you for posting.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    love water
  • curiousheathy
    This was so helpful. Bookmarked for when I am feeling down on myself.m

    Thank you for posting this!!!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    You know what's weird for me?

    Since I started lifting with P90X, my LEGS have started swelling up. Near the end of my day. It's weird. The rest of my body, not as much. But my legs...some days it's almost unbearable.