Started Yesterday

Just wanted to say HI to the group and introduce myself. I started my C25K training yesterday and feel like this is the program to get me moving. I haven't, in the past, been big on excercise but am finding relaxation in jogging. I am out of shape and this program seems to be a perfect fit to get me moving and running! I look forward to reading everyones post and updating my progress.

Have a wonderful Day!


  • colibri25
    colibri25 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I just finished the program last week with a 5 K race.... I was so proud. When I started in January, I had big difficulties to run for 1,5 minutes. I could not beleive I would run for 45 minutes 6 months later.... BUT I DID. :bigsmile: you can had me has friend, I will support you
  • Adams_Annie
    Thanks.. I am sending you a friends request now. I finished day two yesterday and this week doesn't seem to challenging for me but I know the next few weeks will get rough! I am determined and I feel great after a workout :)