Okay Let me make sure i have this right

lovesharmony Posts: 71 Member
I am 26
Weight 197
Workout 3-5 x a week with a sit down job

My BMR is 1419
My TDEE is 2200
15% of TDEE is 1870 (?)

So i need to eat every day 1870 including my workout days. If i burn 760 which would drop my intake to 1110 i need to eat atleast 309 calories to hit the BMR of 1419. Do i have the information correct?


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    How many hours are you working out a week, and what type of exercises?
  • lovesharmony
    lovesharmony Posts: 71 Member
    I atleast workout 45- hour doing cardio then i lift weighs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I do alot of high cardio workout.
  • teenasbody
    teenasbody Posts: 212 Member
    You don't eat back exercise calories the TDEE already accounts for those calories
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    That would definitely put you in the moderate activity level.

    From there this is what I calculate using the Scooby calculator:

    BMR - 1689
    TDEE - 2618
    TDEE -15% cut - 2225

    I would start at 2225 and test for 6-8 weeks to see how your body responds during that time. The key is consistency with exercise and calorie intake.

  • lovesharmony
    lovesharmony Posts: 71 Member
    That would definitely put you in the moderate activity level.

    From there this is what I calculate using the Scooby calculator:

    BMR - 1689
    TDEE - 2618
    TDEE -15% cut - 2225

    I would start at 2225 and test for 6-8 weeks to see how your body responds during that time. The key is consistency with exercise and calorie intake.


    Okay! Let me make sure i have this correct. I need to eat every day at 2225 calories a day. In on the days i work out i just need to make sure my net calorie intake isnt under 1689. Correct? The TDEE of 2618 is the maintence calorie intake if i want to stay at the weight of 197 ( which i do not).
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    That would definitely put you in the moderate activity level.

    From there this is what I calculate using the Scooby calculator:

    BMR - 1689
    TDEE - 2618
    TDEE -15% cut - 2225

    I would start at 2225 and test for 6-8 weeks to see how your body responds during that time. The key is consistency with exercise and calorie intake.


    Okay! Let me make sure i have this correct. I need to eat every day at 2225 calories a day. In on the days i work out i just need to make sure my net calorie intake isnt under 1689. Correct? The TDEE of 2618 is the maintence calorie intake if i want to stay at the weight of 197 ( which i do not).


    2225 is what you want to eat per day regardless if you work out or not. This number is an average over a week divided by 7 days. Makes it real easy :)
  • lovesharmony
    lovesharmony Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks alot for the help! I will change everything now in my diary. Thanks again.