Kelly's Body Rev Journey

klafrankie Posts: 14 Member
Today was my last day of week 3 (a rest day) but I went out and took a 4.5 mile walk. Feeling great and excited to start my last week of phase 1 tomorrow. So far I haven't had major weight loss (and haven't remeasured yet) but I am feeling stronger and have noticed a huge difference in the appearance of my back and arms. Can't wait to finish this last week and post my results from phase 1.


  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi It's nice to meet you.Your doing great too :happy:
  • klafrankie
    klafrankie Posts: 14 Member
    Had a great day today! Got through workout number 4 (week 4 day 1). 4 isn't my favorite but I got through it and I am making progress on my push-ups. I then went to my neighborhood Fit Club night and burned an additional 200 calories. Then I came home and took a 1.7 mile run/walk. Winding down the night with some baseball on tv and ready for a good night of I can wake up and start over tomorrow!