Eating more is making me more hungry..hope that is ok!



  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    This started happening to me now too... this is my 3rd week of the reset... this is the first full week of my normal exercise routine (last week I was SO TIRED!!!!) ...yesterday I did an hour of zumba, and hour of kettlebells... per my bodybugg...burned over 900 cals... ate TDEE, and had to add a little to net over BMR...and i was STILL SO HUNGRY! LOL! I actualy woke up in the middle of the night with a grumbly tummy... ate some cottage cheese and felt better. LOL!

    Before, I RARELY got hungry...even when I was an insane cardio fiend...and burned over 4000 calories total...(sometimes over 2000 cals of pure exercise) i rarely was hungry for even 2100 or so at MOST and then, i think it was only on a lifting day ( i would often do 2 or more hours cardio, and 45 mins to an hour of weights...) ... ( i shudder thinking of the past year of negative and crazy low below BMR's. :sad: ) MOST of the time I was eating FAR under BMR..and that even BEFORE even adding in exercise. So. So. Often. :grumble:

    I was thinking last night, being hungry must mean that hibernating metabolism is waking up!!! :bigsmile:

    That, and looking like I took a second shower after my workouts. Holy buckets. LOL!