I eat like a pig!



  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Isnt it funny how society is so brainwashed into thinking the less you eat the healthier you are.. but then again most of people's knowledge about the real world involve what they hear on reality tv or what some Kardashian says.. Its all the magazines and celebrity quick loss guides that someone that doesn't work a job ate crackers and lost all her baby fat.. or so and so got a movie part and all he did was eat sardines and he is ripped.. then 5 months later.. back to original body weight/muscle mass..
    Eat your calories and tell others to mind their business :)
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member

    I don't think you're going to make much of a dent in his horrible eating habits. He'll figure out that what he's doing isn't working. When he sees YOUR six pack abs, maybe he'll figure out that you're right, but men can be really stubborn, especially when it comes to following the example of a female.

    That made me smile. It would make my year if I ended up with six pack abs before he did. I've never in my life not had some sort of belly fat. I'm afraid of setting that as goal, but who knows what can happen with this plan. I never step foot in a gym or lifted a weight before this group.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    a very large co-worker told me I was "being naughty" the other day when she saw all the food I was eating!

    I told her it was the only way I could get all my calorie requirements in, otherwise I'd loose to much to fast...
    her expression was priceless:noway:


    ROTFL! Awesome reply... ;) We have some of those here too... actually one girl... she's not big, but she comments on, and scrutinizes everything people eat...wasn't so bad when I was the low cal girl....but now when i see her coming I go the other way. LOL :bigsmile:
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I get it from all sides because I'm still fat. I've been told on MFP I'm not 'allowed' to help anyone else because I'm not some paragon of fitness. I've also been told here I'll get even fatter from eating 2300 cals a day. Uhm no- because my TDEE is 2500+. When I grocery shop- Hubby needs calorie dense foods and so do I. The looks I get when I buy full fat cottage cheese- you wouldn't think a nose could get that long to look down but some folks have it to an art.

    Really- I laugh, brush it off and see it for what it is- fear. They are afraid. We all are of something. Some are scared to see a fat person because they fear fat (some parents really suck at their job). Some don't want to get close to a fat person because in middle school the bully made fun of fat people and they now fear being grouped in with 'uncool' people. Others fear not feeling confident so they put others down in a vain attempt to feel a gaping hole in their soul. Some are afraid of being wrong all these years about how much to eat and lose weight- they were always the 'go to' person for good information and they've built a lot of their personality around that trait- so they're terrified to lose it.

    We don't know their reasons- but it almost always comes out as fear.

    gemiwing, you are awesome. just. awesome.

    this was my favorite part of what you said! * Some don't want to get close to a fat person because in middle school the bully made fun of fat people and they now fear being grouped in with 'uncool' people. Others fear not feeling confident so they put others down in a vain attempt to feel a gaping hole in their soul. *

    SO so soooooooooooooooooo true. SO TRUE!!!!!!! I'm adding you now!
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member

    I don't think you're going to make much of a dent in his horrible eating habits. He'll figure out that what he's doing isn't working. When he sees YOUR six pack abs, maybe he'll figure out that you're right, but men can be really stubborn, especially when it comes to following the example of a female.

    That made me smile. It would make my year if I ended up with six pack abs before he did. I've never in my life not had some sort of belly fat. I'm afraid of setting that as goal, but who knows what can happen with this plan. I never step foot in a gym or lifted a weight before this group.

    Don't fear the goal...EMBRACE it :)
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    I'd like us both to be on the same page in regards to weight loss. Not quite sure how to get him to understand he won't achieve what he wants eating 700 - 1000 cals a day. Has your bf questioned your success so far and the differences between what you both are doing?

    My boyfriend never really comments on my weight or what and how much I eat. He knows that weight is a sensitive topic to me so just doesn't bring it up. I haven't told him or anyone about this EM2WL thing.. I just do my own thing and that's that. He understands the increase in food intake though because I am active - running 5 miles 3 days a week, 8 miles one, and 12+ miles on Saturdays. Before, I used to be really self conscience because I was eating so much but now I know that what I'm doing is going to help me on my weight loss goals so I try not to sweat it too much. I'm also a lot happier!

    When I first started dating my boyfriend, and it's been 5+ years now, I was extremely self conscious and always felt like people were thinking "What is he doing with her?!" I was about 15-20 pounds heavier then and he was fit, tall, and handsome. But that's history now...

    The thing that I've always been envious of him is that he can lose weight so easily without even really trying. A few months ago, he said he was getting a little pudgy so decided he was gonna drop some weight. A month and a half later, he was down 10 lbs and all he did was just cut back a little on what he was eating but didn't change what he was eating and no exercise involved. He's just the type of guy that eats when he's hungry and stops when he's full.. Doesn't really question his diet.
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    Oh... And I just wanted to remind everyone that regardless of how much we eat or how much we weigh, we're all strong and beautiful people! :)