Ugh! So much food!

I haven't been doing this long, so I know that it's going to take some adjusting, but how do you guys manage to eat so much! I feel like I've been eating all day long, and I still need to eat another 200 calories in order to hit my BMR after exercise.

My lunch wasn't the healthiest (Taco Bell lol) and my dinner was frozen stuff, but I haven't made it to the grocery store yet. Long day at work! I am definitely trying to watch my portions with that kind of food though.

Basically, I'm just wondering what you guys do to manage to hit your high calorie goals or at least net at your BMR. I've really been struggling since I switched to this diet a couple of days ago.


  • elly1979
    elly1979 Posts: 79 Member
    I hear you.

    It is a learning curve & balancing act for sure.

    Lucia wrote here somewhere that planning her day (eg in the mfp tracker) ahead of time helps. I have started to do this, and it shows me the holes. It showed me, for example, I could really up what I eat at breakfast.

    Some ideas for you, collected from others:
    Natural peanut butter (just maw on a tbsp or two)
    Other nut butters
    Add olive oil other good oils to veggies, eggs, etc
    A nice trail mix of nits, dark chocolate bits, dried cranberries
    Oatmeal with protein powder

    You will get there. It doesnt happen overnight. Some nights I find myself shoveling down some yogurt concoction with protein. Planning ahead helps with this :)
  • Haha, yeah, I had oatmeal with protein mix in it tonight in an attempt to hit my cut. It actually wasn't bad. I wasn't hungry though, so it was a bit hard to force myself to eat it.

    I find myself using olive oil quite a bit as well. I've been reading SO much great information from this site and this group and trying to stick to all of it, but it gets hard when everyone has such differing opinions. lol

    Now it's 11pm and I'm trying to think what I should eat to net my BMR. I don't want anymore food. :P
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I plan my food the night before too...i eat lots of things like tahini, bananas, prtein shakes, protein bars, dried fruit & nut & seed mix for snacks which seem to up the calories for not heaps of food. But my snacks have definitely increased and i only have 15 minutes at work for my morning and afternoon breaks...and this morning i still had half a protein bar left once my break finished :) lol
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Oh I know exactly what you mean, been there! But I'm now going into week 5 of eating more and now I find the opposite to be true!
    Once your body gets enough food and gets the fuel it so desperately needs, your metabolism wakes up and presto! you are almost always hungry!!
    So just be patient, try and eat high calorie foods, nuts, avocado, olive oil, avocado oil, real butter, whole eggs, full fat milk, full fat yoghurt, honey, protein shakes...etc.
    Before you know if you will start wanting food more often and then you know that your metabolism is correcting itself and that is a very good thing.
    There are plenty of us that now has to put on the breaks to make the 15% cut for a deficit, LOL!
    There will be days that your appetite seems to dissapear again or just lessen, but thats normal due to hormones, sickness etc.
    Just try and stay as close to your eating goal as possible.
    Oh and dont forget to drink loads of water.
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    Planning helps a lot, and if you feel like the volume is too much, then look for more calorie dense foods. Cook veggies in olive oil instead of steaming, eat whole eggs, not just whites, bump your dairy to full fat, or more fat anyway. You'll get there! Just remember, it is a process.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    It will feel like a lot right now, but no worries. I'm a few short weeks your metabolism will kick in and you will feel like you can't get enough! ;)
  • Thanks everyone for the helpful advice. Such an awesome community here. :)