Texting sucks - What are your thoughts.



  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I agree with the other comments. She is clearly not interested. Took the whole day to text you back then didn't suggest a day she was free to meet up with you. I wouldn't even text or call her again.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    Hello Everyone! I really appreciate everyone's input.

    I totally agree with most of you.

    1. Texting is dumb. I agree. I feel like my generation relys on texting as communication. I honestly prefer conversation face to face or verbally on the phone vs text. text messaging can be interpreted in many ways because you can't tell the tone.

    2. I agree with those who said I wasn't as commanding/demanding in my offer to hang out.. I did seem like I was giving her an option on plans. I should have said "if you are busy, then perhaps tell me when you're free becaue I would love to hang out again unless you think differ" That way, if she's not interested.. she can at least say so then. Ya know

    3. I agree with some of you when you say I should try one more time... Instead of texting her.. I'll just call her and say hello and see how her week has been.

    4. She may or may not be into me and that's totally fine. As I mentioned before.. she mentioned that she would make it obviously that she's not into me. So i'm thinking that her idea of including sad faces and such, made it seem like she was really bummed that she had plans already and such. .

    5. Conclusion - she's probably working tonight but I'll give her a call to say hello and ask about her weekend and take it from there.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member

    I called her and she asked "who is this" which immediately made me think she didn't even have my phone saved in her contacts. LOL.. which was funny.. I asked her if she was busy and she said she was actually at work.. so i was like.. "I didn't know you were working but just wanted to say hello.. i guess I'll talk to you later" So yeah.. I'm done with that one. LOL.. Moving on.

    J :)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member

    I called her and she asked "who is this" which immediately made me think she didn't even have my phone saved in her contacts. LOL.. which was funny.. I asked her if she was busy and she said she was actually at work.. so i was like.. "I didn't know you were working but just wanted to say hello.. i guess I'll talk to you later" So yeah.. I'm done with that one. LOL.. Moving on.

    J :)

    Definitely, next! Wow.. "who is this?" Really..
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member

    I called her and she asked "who is this" which immediately made me think she didn't even have my phone saved in her contacts. LOL.. which was funny.. I asked her if she was busy and she said she was actually at work.. so i was like.. "I didn't know you were working but just wanted to say hello.. i guess I'll talk to you later" So yeah.. I'm done with that one. LOL.. Moving on.

    J :)

    Definitely, next! Wow.. "who is this?" Really..

    LOL!!! It was funny!! Doesn't reflect her age or what i thought her maturity level was... she make an effort to say that she wish she didn't have to work....assuming she meant she wish she could have time to talk... but yeah.. she killed the moment when she said who's this.. oh well.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    yeah, if she's that busy with work and school and whatever, then you are better off without her!

    I hate the land of limbo! At least you now know not to waste any more time on her. Next! :bigsmile:
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I disagree with all the people who say that "one shouldn't text".

    Phone calls *can* be useful, but for me texting is a low pressure way of organising dates. The girl can pick up the text when she wants, she will never be bothered while she is doing something else by a phone call.
    I'm busy most of the time (99%) and the things I do are more or less "interruptible", but I'm never keen on receiving an impromptu phone call (arranged one is different). I'd rather receive a text that I can leave in the "to do list", and reply to later.

    I don't use texting to generate closeness, I do this in person. I think the mistake/misinterpretation people are doing here is that they think you use texting to "get the girl", but you don't.
    You use texting to organise dates, dates during which you generate closeness.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I hate talking on the phone. I've said this before, people never answer their phone anymore, people are busy, I know I'm busy and usually in an environment where I can't really talk on the phone but I can text. Plus, I just find phone conversations boring, for some reason it's harder for me to talk to someone when I can't see them.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    I hate talking on the phone. I talk to my mom and that is about it. I would rather text. Sometimes it is nice to hear a persons voice, but, normally .. meh.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    I disagree with all the people who say that "one shouldn't text".

    Phone calls *can* be useful, but for me texting is a low pressure way of organising dates. The girl can pick up the text when she wants, she will never be bothered while she is doing something else by a phone call.
    I'm busy most of the time (99%) and the things I do are more or less "interruptible", but I'm never keen on receiving an impromptu phone call (arranged one is different). I'd rather receive a text that I can leave in the "to do list", and reply to later.

    I don't use texting to generate closeness, I do this in person. I think the mistake/misinterpretation people are doing here is that they think you use texting to "get the girl", but you don't.
    You use texting to organise dates, dates during which you generate closeness.

    I think our generation has made texting very acceptable and I do agree with you.. It's an easier way organize dates or even let some one know they are not interested...

    There some people I've met online who have full blown messages via text.. again, I'm used to it so it doesn't bother me. I just miss the closeness you can get from talking on the phone.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Im sorry, she doesnt seem interested. She'd be finding a way to reschedule if she was.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member

    I called her and she asked "who is this" which immediately made me think she didn't even have my phone saved in her contacts. LOL.. which was funny.. I asked her if she was busy and she said she was actually at work.. so i was like.. "I didn't know you were working but just wanted to say hello.. i guess I'll talk to you later" So yeah.. I'm done with that one. LOL.. Moving on.

    J :)

    Good for you - that "who is this" wow that is harsh! But I may need to be using that soon. And I concur texting SUCKS!!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I get anxiety for talking on the phone. I am much more comfortable with text and face to face.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I am most comfortable with face to face, but I am more comfortable with phone than texting. I hate the thought that everything I'm getting from the other person is edited, that I can't hear the tone of his voice or see his facial expressions so that his words have some context, etc. It's not that big of a deal when you're already in a relationship and you don't need those cues, but when you're trying to get to know someone, I just think texting comes with unintended consequences. It's way too easy to misinterpret someone over a text message.

    I also just think it's lazy, and that, in my opinion, is what our generation has made acceptable. All I hear is "it's easier." Well, if I'm not worth the monumental effort of a phone call, let's just end the charade now.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I admit I am not really a phone person either since I am on the phone all day. Texting is my preferred way to communicate or face to face. Today I will readily say texting sucks, because I was dumped today via text. That is something that should be done face to face
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member

    I called her and she asked "who is this" which immediately made me think she didn't even have my phone saved in her contacts. LOL.. which was funny.. I asked her if she was busy and she said she was actually at work.. so i was like.. "I didn't know you were working but just wanted to say hello.. i guess I'll talk to you later" So yeah.. I'm done with that one. LOL.. Moving on.

    J :)

    Definitely, next! Wow.. "who is this?" Really..

    LOL!!! It was funny!! Doesn't reflect her age or what i thought her maturity level was... she make an effort to say that she wish she didn't have to work....assuming she meant she wish she could have time to talk... but yeah.. she killed the moment when she said who's this.. oh well.

    You made a great effort, but you deserve someone who is as into you as you are into her! Next.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    I admit I am not really a phone person either since I am on the phone all day. Texting is my preferred way to communicate or face to face. Today I will readily say texting sucks, because I was dumped today via text. That is something that should be done face to face

    I'm sorry to hear that.. .you see... texting makes situations like that easier which sucks...
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Favorite text "rejection":

    Me: blah blah blah
    Him: Sorry, lost my phone and the numbers. Who is this?
    Me: Oh, it's Lori.
    Him: Lori who??

    A week later - run into him on campus, and just walk on by w/o acknowledging him.
    Him: Hey, Lori? Not even going to say hi?
    Me: *turns around and glares* I'm going to be late to class. *walks off*

    Next week - I run into him at a local hardware store, where he just started working in customer service.
    Him: Hey you. Whatcha looking for?
    Me: *keeps discussion to purpose, determine they don't carry what I'm looking for*
    Him: So, I haven't heard from you lately, whats up?
    Me: *glares* Lori who?
    Me: *walks out of the store*
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Favorite text "rejection":

    Me: blah blah blah
    Him: Sorry, lost my phone and the numbers. Who is this?
    Me: Oh, it's Lori.
    Him: Lori who??

    A week later - run into him on campus, and just walk on by w/o acknowledging him.
    Him: Hey, Lori? Not even going to say hi?
    Me: *turns around and glares* I'm going to be late to class. *walks off*

    Next week - I run into him at a local hardware store, where he just started working in customer service.
    Him: Hey you. Whatcha looking for?
    Me: *keeps discussion to purpose, determine they don't carry what I'm looking for*
    Him: So, I haven't heard from you lately, whats up?
    Me: *glares* Lori who?
    Me: *walks out of the store*

    my thought maybe he knows more then 1 Lori and didn't know which one you were through text.
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Considering the message, the out of state area code, and the history/intimacy between us... it wouldn't have been difficult to ID me WITHOUT my name.