What are you eating?

caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
Hey guys just wonderig what are some of the things you are eating. Maybe your go to snack or favorite staple right now. I am always looking for new things to try!
Right now a favorite snack of mine is the Special K multi-grain crackers with either a T. of peanut butter or a wedge of light garlic herb spreadable cheese (Crystal Farms).
The ready to blend Yoplait Smoothies (found in the freezer section) are a great start for the day to. I like these because I just throw it in a Magic Bullet when I get to work with some skim milk and it's a great breakfast. I don't like to eat a lot in the morning b/c food usually just doesn't sound that good so these work well for me!
Wow I sound like an info-mercial for so many items in this post! haha


  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    I tend to have either oatmeal or an english muffin with peanut butter on it for breakfast. I love the Fiber One Oats & Chocolate bars for a random snack, though I'm starting to get tired of them. I've found the mini Orville Redenbacher bags of popcorn (100 cals) are a good late afternoon snack, or a hardboiled egg (or two) with a smidge of salt. I need to find new snacks though.