Stage 1 lunges

SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
Has anyone had issues with the lunges all of a sudden being VERY painful for their upper inner thigh? I was doing B2 last night and had to stop the lunges almost right away (half way thru first set). Maybe I should go lighter? I was doing 12.5. It feels okay today, I just hope I didn't pull anything, and it just needs a break. Maybe I should go lighter? Or stop lunges all together for a while? Or feel it out? Any suggestions would be welcomed.



  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    Perhaps not go so deep with the lunge, or if you are using dumbbells try a barbell instead, I find it more comfortable that way.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Not an issue with my thigh, but my right knee gave me lots of problems in Stage so I switched to doing static lunges with a foot elevated (like you do in Stage 2). For me, it was the motion of going back & forth. Maybe try walking lunges or static lunges for awhile and see if that helps.