HELP! Im trying NOT to loose weight

mommyblessed7 Posts: 72 Member
But I've been on this diet for 5 days and Ive already lost 4 pounds! What else can I do ..Im only starting with the 30 day challenge. I use olive oil to cook , Im drinking coconut milk in my coffee ..eating almonds..Im going to be too thin if I finish , which I really want to for health reasons, any suggestions ??


  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    If you are eating plenty of calories and eating healthy and still losing weight, then more than likely, that's your body's natural way to be. Your body is trying to reach what optimal weight it should be. Why hinder that? Why exactly do you NOT want to lose? If you are afraid of being too thin, cut the cardio back and do some weight lifting (I'm not familiar with the 30 day challenge, so not sure if it's mostly cardio).

    Just my thoughts... I don't know what else to suggest. Good luck!
  • mommyblessed7
    mommyblessed7 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks, its from the Whole9 website , really thats just the eating plan. Im a gym rat at heart. I workout 6 times a week , I may have to cut back to 5 .... I love it and its a big stress reliever for me. I have 6 (5at home) kids and homeschool so its my chance to escape a while lol. As far as weight Im at a really good weigh for my frame Im 5'5 and now weigh 123 but prefer to be 125-7. hardly have much body fat but dont know the percentage.
    I guess I need ideas of high fat snacks because when I do workout I have a hard time eating back the calories..And I've just started lol I dont wan tto drop anymore weight for sure Thanks again
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    what is your protein intake in g's per day? When you are fit/lean and want to manage body composition, proper protein is essential.
    My favorite way to take in huge calories is bulletproof coffee - google it ;)
    then say to yourself - oh my I could never do that .
    then try it :)
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Chances are the weight is your body adjusting - if you are lifting add gobs and gobs of protien and eat and eat with the strength training you will probably start to add on some weight in muscle
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    This actually happened to me when I first started. After my first month, I had lost 10 lbs, but I was already at my goal weight when I started. I spent a few weeks tracking my calories at that point (I didn't track at all the first month like is usually suggested) to make sure I was eating enough. Without dairy and grains, I found there was a bit of a learning curve when it came to getting in all my daily calories and I was "undereating" without them at first, even though I felt full most of the time. Like others have mentioned, focusing on getting enough protein was a big help for me to ensure that I was also eating enough to maintain my current weight instead of continuing to lose.

    Good luck!

    Edited to add that I also now am consistent with my strength training and I find that it makes me a lot more hungry (ok, ravenous!) than when I was just doing cardio. This in turn makes it a lot easier to eat enough calories without feeling like I'm over-stuffing myself. My only cardio these days are my 45 minute walks home from work 4-5 days a week.
  • mommyblessed7
    mommyblessed7 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions
    first of all Bulletproof coffee ok YUCK LOL not sure butter in coffee is something Ill want to try but maybe Id put some in a smoothie! only time will tell ;)

    Im eating my recommended protein and then some but I am not sure gr wise what I should be eating , as far as my weight is concerned. Is there a calculator or something ? Im 122 as of this am. and Im in the whole 600 some calories..but Im going to have a fruit smoothie hopefully that will give me a few 100 more..
    I do lift weights 2-3 times a week *kitten* life allows. Thanks , its really nice to have folks as a reference! amy
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    told you that you would say yuck.
    Then I tried it.
    must be good coffee, and excellent unsalted organic sweet cream.
    Its pretty good - worth trying just once. make sure to use a blender and be careful not to get it on the walls and ceiling.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    told you that you would say yuck.
    Then I tried it.
    must be good coffee, and excellent unsalted organic sweet cream.
    Its pretty good - worth trying just once. make sure to use a blender and be careful not to get it on the walls and ceiling.

    What happens if you don't use a blender? If you just melt the butter in the coffee? I don't have a blender. I do have a food processor. But either way, I don't relish the idea of firing up that noisy thing first thing in the morning when my kids are still sleeping.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    The blender helps to "whip" it into a froth, rather than just be an oil in your coffee. it tends to separate quickly if not blended. I've done it at restaurants by just stirring in a spoon but it tends to just float.
  • njdoll
    njdoll Posts: 106 Member
    Try increasing your fruit and starchy vegetables. If you are working out nearly daily, paleo will cause you to drop a few. But honestly, that initial loss is probably excess water weight caused from cleaning up your diet. Your body will find an equilibrium.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    what is your protein intake in g's per day? When you are fit/lean and want to manage body composition, proper protein is essential.
    My favorite way to take in huge calories is bulletproof coffee - google it ;)
    then say to yourself - oh my I could never do that .
    then try it :)

    I love BP coffee!!! It was the perfect substitute for the lattes that were making me sick. Plus I love the energy without the anxiety I get from it. I'm actually losing weight drinking it but I could see how it could help you maintain or gain.
  • 2_young_2B_old
    2_young_2B_old Posts: 90 Member
    If you are looking to gain? I'd eat like this girl.

    If not you'll probably just have to eat more fat and higher carb veggies like yams and more fruit.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Carbs will help you gain weight. Once I hit my goal the weight still kept coming off but is now holding and my body is reshaping. I had to add back carbs (good carbs) to gain a couple pounds more.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    But I've been on this diet for 5 days and Ive already lost 4 pounds! What else can I do ..Im only starting with the 30 day challenge. I use olive oil to cook , Im drinking coconut milk in my coffee ..eating almonds..Im going to be too thin if I finish , which I really want to for health reasons, any suggestions ??
    If you've just started the diet, the 4 lbs is probably water. Your water weight will fluctuate during the month (you know why), plus if you are eating healthier you most likely are using less salt - so you won't need to retain as much.

    If you are still losing weight in a couple of weeks, the solution is simple: EAT MORE. Add fats (like coconut oil) to your diet as an energy source.