Team 8 - The Ringers

carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
Hello fellow Ringers. Here is our team thread. Feel free to keep us posted on your activities. We will also see if we can get some Relay points through our discussions. As well, motivation for each other is also a bonus.

Go Ringers. Carla


  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Okay, so my first post is to say that I am going out of town for a week. My son, who just got married last July, was dealing with some legal issues and yesterday everything was settled. My husband and I are taking him back home to Winnipeg. We will be staying at a Sheraton for 5 nights so will have access to a gym at least so I will be able to get in some bike and walking time at least. If they have a rowing machine, I will try that as well.

    I have gotten in 3 sports so far, athletics (walking/running), cycling and gymnastics (aerobics, aquafit classes). Today I will add swimming and if I have time, I will do some rowing.

    What are your specialties. How can we double up??

    Have fun with this and let's see if we truly are Ringers. Carla
  • scotrunner
    scotrunner Posts: 87 Member

    Glad to be on the team, thanks for having me! I live in Aberdeen, Scotland. You can read more about me on my profile.

    I've done some swimming this week, I'm currently taking some 'improver' swimming lessons at my gym so that I can do more than just a little breaststroke and I am LOVING being able to do some front crawl (freestyle) and even backstroke. I am primarily a runner so it is good to be learning something new. I ran last night, a 10km. I have been having a bit of a rest/recovery recently as I had a bought of illness in late Feb/March that really knocked me for six so I'm trying to regain my fitness and get out more often. Wednesday is my rest day as my youngest daughter doesn't go to nursery and I run a Guide unit at night so I haven't done any exercise today. Hopefully fit some in tomorrow.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    lately I've been hitting the bike at the gym, and have in the last few weeks begun to add weights. so that's what I've been tallying. I haven't done the rowing machine for a bit, but I will see about getting back on there now and again.

    the jacobs ladder has been part of my workouts lately, too, but don't see that as being anything on the list. likewise, my arc trainer/elliptical/AMT machine seem to not count toward stuff.

    I am registered for a pair of 5Ks -- the first of them in a week and a half -- and will run in one other for sure this summer. also plan on running a 3K.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello Everyone... outside of being frustratingly sick for the last 2 days, I am ready to start earning some points. I hope we can work out some of the relay stuff, not sure if it needs to be done on the same day? Or just that we all do it?

    My areas of concentration are running (elliptical, potentially C25K) and lifting weights. But, I also do some boxing stuff and do classes which will count in the gymnastics section. I have been talking about starting with the pool again, so no excuses I will just have to get that in! I would love to play some tennis, haven't played since college... but not sure if I know anyone around here who also plays? Could potentially do some basketball stuff, but we'll have to see. I haven't done as much on the bike lately but can do that at the gym to get us some relay miles if needed/wanted... and, I will get on the row machine again if we will score relay points! LOL. I actually loved that machine, just ended up with some scars from it... long strange story...

    Best part of this challenge? No weigh ins and we get to get points for doing what we already do! I am excited... enough that I am tempted to go to the gym anyway despite being sick. However, I am refraining as I don't really think that my mind can will my body to not be sick tonight. I'll make up for it I'm sure!

    By the way - I'm Becky... let's take Team 8 to the top of the leaderboard!! :)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    OK - I thought I'd let people know what I've done so far... just so that we can maybe tally some things up and see where we can get relay points!

    Does anyone know (sorry, haven't studied the challenge enough) -- do we get the relay points JUST ONCE per event? Or... every time all 4 of us do something?

    Here's my list thus far (please note... all but one? were from today!)

    Athletics - 100 meter dash -- 4 real ones
    Athletics - 400 meter dash -- 2
    Athletics -1600 meters -- 2
    Cycling - 5,000 meters -- 1
    Cycling - 10,000 meters -- 1
    Weightlifting (30 min increments) -- 2

    Bonus Points? I was really psyched to see what people have been doing and how many we already have (though - this may be a big jump for teams as they get them... so, we'll see how we fair out there)... 3 of us have already completed 6 events and 1 completed 4!! This is already 2,700 bonus points! Whoop! :)

    And... tomorrow - no ifs, ands... this butt is getting in to swim! May also do some boxing. I need to get back on my Cardio plan, so I am hopeful... (please note HOPEFUL) ... that my week off didn't kill me (sick, didn't go to the gym for 1 full week!) and I can get my semi-regular 6.2 miles in... which means that I could be at 9 events by end of gym session... But, since I want to be a Decathalete?!? I may just have to find some other thing on that list to do... (or perhaps do more than 1 swimming event!).

    I am really, really liking this challenge... I love that we are getting points based on what we do, and you don't really even have to change it up... but if you do? It's a Bonus! ha!

  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    PPPShhhh... I GOT THIS... Just realized what "water polo" translated to! 30 min of treading water?!? That actually means that I can get in the WARM pool and do that... By the end of day tomorrow? I will at least have 10 events in and possibly 11!!

    Whoop! That's right ladies and gent... I am back... and I am ready to get on the medal stand! :bigsmile:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    You remember those phitbits, right.... ? :-)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    lately I've been hitting the bike at the gym, and have in the last few weeks begun to add weights. so that's what I've been tallying. I haven't done the rowing machine for a bit, but I will see about getting back on there now and again.

    the jacobs ladder has been part of my workouts lately, too, but don't see that as being anything on the list. likewise, my arc trainer/elliptical/AMT machine seem to not count toward stuff.

    I am registered for a pair of 5Ks -- the first of them in a week and a half -- and will run in one other for sure this summer. also plan on running a 3K.

    Being nosy here - i hope you don't mind. I would assume that your elliptical / ladder etc count as running. I mean, if we're counting walking as running, I don't see why anyone would be snitty about you counting elliptical that way. I'm not doing indoor stuff much at the mo, but if I were, I would definitely count it that way.

    Right, I will stop being nosy and wander back to my own thread. Missing you guys a bit! :-)
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Always room for a little bit or two. Ha!

    I could see elliptical going for running. Same motion, mostly. But the ladder ... way more brutal!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Always room for a little bit or two. Ha!

    I could see elliptical going for running. Same motion, mostly. But the ladder ... way more brutal!

    Hmmm. Talk to me when you've run 10 or 13 miles... :-)

    Still, I'd count them both as running.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Oh - T - I guess I missed that you weren't sure about the elliptical/AMT stuff -- completely log that as the Running!!

    As for the ladder? I don't know what that'd count as... but it must be able to count as something... can't see how you could do that as "running" unless it's the short sprints because the distance piece is how running is measured versus the ladder is done by minutes... I mean - a mile on the ladder has to be worth WAY more than running - as it'd take you... what, time wise? Some crazy amount of time... What I guess I am saying is that the distance is so much harder to obtain on the ladder.

    Though - Jane - yes... if you happen to pop back in... no minimization to the running. How you do 12-13 miles of actual running outside just amazes me and I love ya for it! :) And, yes... we miss those Phitbits... though - your darned Team 6 is gonna make this a fun competition in here too! And - you are way up on that leader board... but I am "after" ya! Missing out on a week being sick? Just adds fuel to my fire to try and make it into the Top 10... and maybe to finish out in the Top 5... but, we'll see as time goes on! :)

    Okey Dokey... I need to get moving and get to the dang gym... :) Gotta earn those points. Have I mentioned? The gym has summer hours... I do NOT like Summer Hours!! :(
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member

    Here's my list thus far (please note... all but one? were from today!)

    Athletics - 100 meter dash -- 4 real ones
    Athletics - 400 meter dash -- 2
    Athletics -1600 meters -- 2
    Cycling - 5,000 meters -- 1
    Cycling - 10,000 meters -- 1
    Weightlifting (30 min increments) -- 2

    And... meant to add -- that 400 meter dash? Holy Buckets! That's hard!! To keep at a good "sprint" pace for an entire lap?!? No wonder I never did the 400 in real life... Ugh! That about did me in... HR? Up in the 180's... Couldn't wait for the lap to end!

    And "real" ones for the 100 meter dash? I did 100 meters at my "sprint" ability, then would walk one, then do one at my "sprint" ability, then walk, did a 400 meter dash (and almost died, see above paragraph!), walked a 100 meters, did the "sprint" ability.. you get the drift. I don't know if people are counting ones that they aren't actually trying to "dash" ... so I didn't... just counted the ones that I was actually trying to "sprint" them in the spirit of the competition. (if I am wrong, let me know?!? Because, well, I'd have another 4 to put in... they were walked, but?!?)
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Always room for a little bit or two. Ha!

    I could see elliptical going for running. Same motion, mostly. But the ladder ... way more brutal!

    Hmmm. Talk to me when you've run 10 or 13 miles... :-)

    Still, I'd count them both as running.

    I can't run 10 or 13 miles. you have that one all to yourself. I have terrible knees. have since high school. so a 5K is pretty much a marathon for me. got one of those on Saturday.

    have you tried the ladder, though? it's seriously brutal stuff. and it's measured in feet, so no way that would work as a running thing because that's all based on distance. I battled to a 61-minute session on it a few weeks ago, coming away with a huge blister that is just now healing. I hit something like 2600 feet.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Becky, just be careful sprinting too early on in running training. Interval running is something you're only really supposed to start doing when you've built up significant endurance, as you can really hurt yourself. Don't overdo it. xx
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hi all,
    Sorry to have abandoned you so soon after this challenge started. I have done several sessions of gymnastics (aquafit, zumba), various distances of athletics and cycling. I got in one session of water polo (treading water). Tomorrow I plan to get in the water and swim as well as tread water again. There is no rowing machine here, so I can't row until I get home, but that is something I plan to do. I also hope to get my hands on a skipping rope to see about that (it is considered trampoline). My knee may not let me, but I want to try.

    Becky - for weight lifting what did you do. I use the machines and free weights but did not know if that counted.

    You are all doing great, keep it up. CArla

    P.S. Troy, I count the elliptical as running.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Added to my events today --

    Athletics - 100 meter dash -- x4
    Athletics - 400 meter dash -- x2
    Athletics -1600 meters -- x3
    Cycling - 5,000 meters -- x1
    Cycling - 10,000 meters -- x1
    Swimming - 100 meters - x3
    Swimming - 400 meters - x3
    Water Polo (30 min increments) - x1
    Weightlifting (30 min increments) -- x2

    I'm just gonna try and keep this running tally - so that we can start working out for relay points/options. There may be some events that just isn't able to happen for everyone (such as swimming - Troy - do you have access to a pool?), but if we are able to do relays -- we get double the points! Pretty awesome, I'd say.

    Thoughts for my day: Well - I didn't realize that the "mile" swim was actually the way that they measure it for competitive swimming... in my head I kept thinking that it was listed as 1600 meters - but got caught up in my head at the pool... and thought that I needed to do a FULL mile. Which, isn't that... Anyway - i would have only had to swim another 2 laps to basically get that for swimming... I am just fine with the way I did it. And, I know that I can get that done with an hour of time... but, only had 55 min so that I could get in the 30 min of treading water (water polo). Thought that the water polo one would be - relaxing?!? NO - it's boring! And - doesn't produce much of a burn for me. Treading water is like nothin'... it's easy for me... heart rate?!? Stayed in the high 90's which is nothing... and, I even moved to the warm pool to help with my HR. Cold water drops your HR - so my swim today wasn't a great burn because my HR stayed in the 120-130 range, lower at times, much lower at some times. BUT - I swam it all without a break! Not a single one, just slight pauses to empty and clear my goggles... (apparently since the last time i swam, my head shrunk but I didn't want to deal with adjusting them... I only had 55 minutes!). So, felt pretty dang good. Next time, I'll get that 1600 meters plus more! :)

    And... I wanted to see about getting one more activity in or event in today... but the day slipped away without me realizing it. So, I will be sure to get more events in tomorrow! :)
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    This is my tally as of this morning. I am going to try to get in some more walking/running and swimming today (we are going to the zoo and I hope to get back in the pool tonight). We are getting close to some relay points. Go Ringers.

    Athletics - 100 meter dash -- x1
    Athletics - 400 meter dash -- x1
    Athletics -1600 meters -- x4
    Athletics -5000 meters -- x2
    Cycling - 5,000 meters -- x3
    Cycling - 10,000 meters -- x3
    Cycling - 20,000 meters -- x1
    Gymnastics - x4
    Swimming - 100 meters - x2
    Swimming - 400 meters - x1
    Water Polo (30 min increments) - x1
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    This is my tally as of this morning. I am going to try to get in some more walking/running and swimming today (we are going to the zoo and I hope to get back in the pool tonight). We are getting close to some relay points. Go Ringers.

    Athletics - 100 meter dash -- x4
    Athletics - 400 meter dash -- x2
    Athletics -1600 meters -- x4
    Athletics -5000 meters -- x2
    Cycling - 5,000 meters -- x1
    Cycling - 10,000 meters -- x3
    Cycling - 20,000 meters -- x1
    Gymnastics - x4
    Swimming - 100 meters - x4
    Swimming - 400 meters - x2
    Water Polo (30 min increments) - x1

    If I do a half hour weight session tomorrow we will have our first relay event. Woo Hoo
  • scotrunner
    scotrunner Posts: 87 Member
    Hello Team!

    I will try and keep a tally of what I have logged too, more to keep myself right but hopefully it will help for the relay aspect of the competition. I actually notice I have a few duplicates logged so I'll ask Rebecca to sort that out. Don't want to be accused of cheating!

    So far:

    Athletics 1600m x 2
    Athletics 5000m x 2
    Athletics 10000m x 1
    Swimming 100m x 3
    Swimming 400m x 4
    Weightlifting (30mins) x 2

    I think we are doing great so far! This is a great challenge :)

  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    you know, I have no idea how many times I've done my deals. I guess I will have to go back and see if I can figure it!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hey Ringers!!

    I don't think that we need to keep a running tally of the number of times that we complete the events... I started that initially in case we could get relay points more than once. BUT it appears we can only get them one time per event.

    However, the list of the events that each of us has done at least one time? That's great because it will help us know if we are close to relay points. In other words - if all you crazy people bike the 12.4 miles?!? Then, I will get my angry butt on the bike and go that far... just to get the bonus... ;)

    So, I think just a list of the events will suffice! :)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Added to my events today --

    Athletics - 100 meter dash
    Athletics - 400 meter dash
    Athletics -1600 meters
    Boxing (30 min increments)
    Cycling - 5,000 meters
    Cycling - 10,000 meters
    Swimming - 100 meters
    Swimming - 400 meters
    Water Polo (30 min increments)
    Weightlifting (30 min increments)
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hello all,
    Back for one day then off again for the weekend. I just checked out our events. As of 10:00 (EST) on June 14th, here is what we've got.

    Team "The Ringers" is currently in 3rd spot.
    Carla and Becky have reached the Decathelete level (next level is 20 events so will be tough)
    Lorraine has completed 6 different events - Pentathelete
    Troy has completed 7 different events - Pentathelete

    Athletics - 100 meter dash - Carla, Becky
    Athletics - 400 meter dash- Carla, Becky
    Athletics -1600 meters - All of us - Woo Hoo relay points
    Athletics -5000 meters - Carla, Becky, Lorraine
    Athletics -10,000 meters - Lorraine
    Badminton -
    Basketball (half court - shooting baskets for 30 minutes)
    Basketball (full court game)
    Boxing (30 min increments) - Becky
    Canoeing/Rowing - Troy
    Cycling - 5,000 meters - Becky, Carla, Troy
    Cycling - 10,000 meters - Becky, Carla, Troy
    Cycling - 20,000 meters - Carla, Troy
    Diving -
    Equestrian -
    Fencing -
    Football (Soccer game)
    Gymnastics (30 minutes aerobics class, aquafit, zumba etc.) - Carla
    Swimming - 100 meters - Becky, Carla, Lorraine
    Swimming - 400 meters - Becky, Carla, Lorraine
    Swimming - 1600 meters (1 mile) -
    Table Tennis -
    Trampoline (Skipping) -
    Volleyball (Beach)
    Volleyball (Team)
    Water Polo (30 min increments) - Carla, Becky
    Weightlifting (30 min increments) - All of us, Woo Hoo another relay

    Take a look and see if there is something you can do that will give us another relay. Try something new. Don't normally swim - give it a try, how about climbing on that exercise bike, whatever you fancy. I am going to set up my daughter's WII and see about table tennis, archey and badminton (they can be virtual).

    Everyone is doing awesome. Keep it up and keep it healthy. Carla
  • scotrunner
    scotrunner Posts: 87 Member
    It's great we have a couple of relay points! I will try and cycle next week, I don't normally as I'm more of a runner but it's good to try new things. When you did your short sprints what were you doing? A quick run on the treadmill or as part of a longer run? I know where I can do interval training on a 500m stretch of road so I could do some there.

    My life is busy just now, it is nearly the end of the school term and we seem to have so many end of term activities like sports days etc to attend so I'm not getting my 3 'free' mornings a week to exercise plus I'm heavily involved in girl guides and this is end of term and camping season! It's not easy when you have little ones to consider first so I apologise. My husband is off to Singapore tomorrow for a whole week. Arrragghh!!!

    Keep at it ringers (even if I'm not lol!!).
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hello all,
    Back for one day then off again for the weekend. I just checked out our events. As of 10:00 (EST) on June 14th, here is what we've got.

    Team "The Ringers" is currently in 3rd spot.
    Carla and Becky have reached the Decathelete level (next level is 20 events so will be tough)
    Lorraine has completed 6 different events - Pentathelete
    Troy has completed 7 different events - Pentathelete

    Athletics - 100 meter dash - Carla, Becky
    Athletics - 400 meter dash- Carla, Becky
    Athletics -1600 meters - All of us - Woo Hoo relay points
    Athletics -5000 meters - Carla, Becky, Lorraine
    Athletics -10,000 meters - Lorraine
    Badminton -
    Basketball (half court - shooting baskets for 30 minutes)
    Basketball (full court game)
    Boxing (30 min increments) - Becky
    Canoeing/Rowing - Troy, Carla
    Cycling - 5,000 meters - Becky, Carla, Troy
    Cycling - 10,000 meters - Becky, Carla, Troy
    Cycling - 20,000 meters - Carla, Troy
    Diving -
    Equestrian -
    Fencing -
    Football (Soccer game)
    Gymnastics (30 minutes aerobics class, aquafit, zumba etc.) - Carla
    Swimming - 100 meters - Becky, Carla, Lorraine
    Swimming - 400 meters - Becky, Carla, Lorraine
    Swimming - 1600 meters (1 mile) - Carla
    Table Tennis -
    Trampoline (Skipping) -
    Volleyball (Beach)
    Volleyball (Team)
    Water Polo (30 min increments) - Carla, Becky
    Weightlifting (30 min increments) - All of us, Woo Hoo another relay

    Take a look and see if there is something you can do that will give us another relay. Try something new. Don't normally swim - give it a try, how about climbing on that exercise bike, whatever you fancy. I am going to set up my daughter's WII and see about table tennis, archey and badminton (they can be virtual).

    Everyone is doing awesome. Keep it up and keep it healthy. Carla
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    It's great we have a couple of relay points! I will try and cycle next week, I don't normally as I'm more of a runner but it's good to try new things. When you did your short sprints what were you doing? A quick run on the treadmill or as part of a longer run? I know where I can do interval training on a 500m stretch of road so I could do some there.

    My life is busy just now, it is nearly the end of the school term and we seem to have so many end of term activities like sports days etc to attend so I'm not getting my 3 'free' mornings a week to exercise plus I'm heavily involved in girl guides and this is end of term and camping season! It's not easy when you have little ones to consider first so I apologise. My husband is off to Singapore tomorrow for a whole week. Arrragghh!!!

    Keep at it ringers (even if I'm not lol!!).

    I have done my sprints as part of a longer run and actually on the treadmill for the most part. Once you do one of the new activities once, it gets the relay points and we can not get them more than once, so it you don't like it, you don't do it again. I do find that changing up my exercise helps to work other parts of my body. The weight lifting I did the other day is still haunting me (my thighs are so sore from squats).

    You need to do what you can do. I know when I was working full time, I did not have time to do a lot of exercise. Kids take up time and you need to fit it in. You family is important. How many children do you have and how old are they? I used to be involved in Girl Guides when my daughter was little and I really enjoyed that.
  • scotrunner
    scotrunner Posts: 87 Member
    The good news is I managed to fit the sprints into my run tonight. I did 4.6 miles which is 5000m, 1600m, 2 x 400m and 1x100m!! I did the sprints faster than the majority of my run.

    I actually don't work at the moment (well not paid work!), however, my children are still little so command most of my attention. I have 2 girls. Christina is 5 and starts school (9-3pm) in august. At the moment she goes to pre school nursery 5 mornings a week. Katherine is 3 and attends nursery 3 mornings a week but will start 5 mornings in August. Hence I don't have a lot of time to myself!

    I run a guide unit on Wednesday evenings, we have 34 girls at the moment but it's great fun and I've been doing it for nearly 18 years which i can hardly believe! I think it's a great organisation.

  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hello all, I am sorry, I have not been a very good leader. Here are our stats as of this morning, Saturday, June 23rd.

    Team "The Ringers" is still in 3rd spot.
    Carla and Becky have reached the Decathelete level (next level is 20 events so will be tough) Carla - 17, Becky 10
    Lorraine has completed 8 different events - Pentathelete
    Troy has completed 9 different events - Pentathelete - just one more to become a decathalete Troy, wonder what it will be???:laugh:

    Athletics - 100 meter dash - All of us - Woo Hoo relay points
    Athletics - 400 meter dash- All of us - Woo Hoo relay points
    Athletics -1600 meters - All of us - Woo Hoo relay points
    Athletics -5000 meters - All of us - Woo Hoo relay points
    Athletics -10,000 meters - Lorraine, Carla
    Badminton -
    Basketball (half court - shooting baskets for 30 minutes) - Carla
    Basketball (full court game)
    Boxing (30 min increments) - Becky
    Canoeing/Rowing - Troy, Carla
    Cycling - 5,000 meters - Becky, Carla, Troy
    Cycling - 10,000 meters - Becky, Carla, Troy
    Cycling - 20,000 meters - Carla, Troy
    Diving -
    Equestrian -
    Fencing -
    Football (Soccer game)
    Gymnastics (30 minutes aerobics class, aquafit, zumba etc.) - Carla
    Swimming - 100 meters - Becky, Carla, Lorraine
    Swimming - 400 meters - Becky, Carla, Lorraine
    Swimming - 1600 meters (1 mile) - Carla
    Table Tennis -
    Trampoline (Skipping) - Carla
    Volleyball (Beach)
    Volleyball (Team)
    Water Polo (30 min increments) - Carla, Becky
    Weightlifting (30 min increments) - All of us, Woo Hoo another relay

    So last week, I went over to the neighbours and jumped on their trampoline for half an hour. It was pretty boring cause I was alone, but it is one other event that I can add to the total. I then went out to shoot some hoops in their driveway with the kids. I think they wished that I was on the other team because I was so bad, but another event down. The older kids in the neighbourhood walked by and snickered as they saw me chasing down the ball (it was rolling down the street) but who cares. I will get in 20 events because I will do a few on the Wii as soon as I figure out how to attach it to the big television.

    What new activity will you try?? Anyone got a horse out there (Equestrian) especially in Montana, or how about a pair of roller blades (hockey). My husband has actually forbidden me to try and rollerblade or play volleyball (I used to play when I was younger and always got hurt) so we definitely won't relay in those events, but it should be fun for those of you who can do it.

    Here is my challenge to you this week, try one new event that you have not competed in. Just do it once and if you don't like it, you don't have to do it again. Let's see what we are capable of.

    Everyone is doing awesome. GO RINGERS!!! Keep it up and keep it healthy. Carla :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :drinker:
  • scotrunner
    scotrunner Posts: 87 Member
    I took you up on your challenge today Carla and went to my vinyasa yoga class. I used to go religiously but for one reason or another I got out of the habit. After an hour of yoga I decided to cycle since I was at the gym and had 45 minutes before I needed to collect my daughter from nursery. I managed 15.5kms so have now completed the 5km and 10km cycle as well as 2 x gymnastics from the yoga. I think we should get more relay points and I will be a decathlete. I am going to do the 1.6km swim and will try the 20km cycle too.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    You rock Lorraine. Great to see you moving out of your comfort zone and trying something new. I am settingup thw Wii today cause the weather is going to be so hot today and gonna try to get in another sport virtually. I have been warned to be careful of my shoulders though. I have really gotten addicted to the rowing machine at the gym and try to do this 3 times a week. I am up to 6K in half an hour thanks to Troy. I wanted to try to get a further distance. I tend to be a little competitive. Have not heard from him in a while on this thread, I will have to see how he is doing. I know he has moved up to 10th place overall, so he is definitely working hard. Becky just got back from camp so has some catching up to do, but she is very competitive as well, so let's go Becky.