Week 2 Results

ox45 Posts: 90 Member
I'm a little behind, but I've updated my week 2 results.


For those without Google Drive:
Avg TDEE: 2966
Avg Intake: 2466
Avg Deficit: 500
Avg Weight: 196.6
Weight Delta: -1.23 lbs

Another good week! I'm learning I really need to keep an eye on my sodium. I never tracked it until now, so I never realized how ridiculously high it is!

This upcoming week ought to be interesting. I was down hard with a head cold on Sunday and Monday, so no working out for me there. I am running the Corporate Challenge tomorrow, so no working out today or most likely Friday. It will be interesting to see how a week of no working out affects things. Plus I had a sodium bender on Sunday which caused a nice little water weight gain to start the week on Monday.