Get to know me...



  • avelline
    avelline Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so glad others started today. This will be really nice :)

    My name is Sam, I'm a 20 year old college student at Michigan State, studying to be a teacher. Just came back from a 2 week trip to China, and I was painfully aware of how much I weigh. I reached my highest weight (with the help of a lot of MSG in China...) and decided I was really not happy with my body image. So I started MFP 10 days ago, dropped all my water weight, started eating better and working out, and I'm already feeling better.

    Jillian may kill me, but I'm excited to get farther into this work out so I can make some serious progress.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name is Clarissa, I'm from NH but currently living in VA with my husband. We just celebrated our second anniversary yesterday and couldn't be happier :) I joined MFP a little over a year ago and loved adapting to my new lifestyle. With Jillian's help and calorie counting I went from about 155 to 135, the lowest weight I'd ever been and only about 5 pounds away from my goal weight. Then I got pregnant ^_^ So for the past 6 months I've been MIA from MFP but today decided to hop back on here and start back with Jillian. Of course I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm just eating when I'm hungry (which is quite often lol.) I'm also modifying the workout so as to not hurt myself, but I figure a modified workout is better than sitting on the couch all day! This is my third time doing 30DS, but I haven't decided whether to work through all 3 levels or just stick with the first as it's the easiest. Anyway, just a little about myself.... good luck to everyone and I hope you all achieve your weight loss goals!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Hi my Name is samantha Im 24. Yrs old and newley engaged! I started Gaining wait about three years ago when. My "high school, I can eat anything I want and not gain weight. Body" went away lol so with a wedding in my future I'm ready to take out my 30day shred Dvd and start counting calories! Im very active ridding my two horses and I'm wondering if that counts as exercise (sure feels like it lol) and how do I log that? As well as how do we log doing the 30 day shred o here? I. Couldn't find it! Thank you!

    There isn't an option for logging the 30DS, so most just log it under Circuit Training, general. Personally I only log it as 25 minutes but I've seen others who log it as 30 ( I just don't want to count the stretching as a workout!) so I suppose you can time it however you like. Congratulations on your engagement! :)
  • SaucyPeas
    SaucyPeas Posts: 52 Member
    Hey Everyone My name is Jeanne and I live in the DFW Texas area....I see there are several people already on this thread from Texas, GO TEXAS! hehe...

    Good Luck everyone
  • brittneyburger
    brittneyburger Posts: 6 Member
    Hey guys! My name is Brittney and I'm from Texas. I'm 21 and a mom to a handsome 5 month old little boy. My husband is in the Air Force and had been in training since Jan. It's been difficult trying to stay motivated without him here by my side. I didnt think i would stay consistant or get the motivation i needed with MFP but I absolutely love it! I'm really excited about getting back into shape and having a great support system behind me! :]
  • Iluvmydogs24
    Okay! I thought i may have to put it under something else! lol Thank you im very excited!