Syncing My Exercise

How do I double check to make sure my exercise isn't being counted twice?? I use the stopwatch feature on my fit bit (primarily because I want to know how long & how many steps). Then after my exercise/ walk I log the information into MFP - making sure I have included the time I started and the duration.

It looks like I am double counting it (because there are two activities on my fit bit dashboard) - but I'm not really sure.

Any help? :happy:



  • sgall123
    sgall123 Posts: 133 Member
    I don't set the stop watch I just enter the start time into MFP & the duration however on some days if I've been more active than normal I get a "fitbit calorie adjustment" on top of my workout but as far as I'm aware that's how it works .. The fitbit will give you back extra calories if you have been more active than you have said you are un your settings... I'm no expert as only using it a week but from what I gathered on the MFP FAQ under fitbit that's what it said... & seems to be working for me!