Finding the right number for Repair and later loss Help!!

JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
Hi all!

So I have been dirtying up the forums looking for answers. How much do I need to exercise, do I really have to become a body builder and go paleo to look good?

I like eating with my family and don`t want to do this. I understand some people like this but it truly is feeling like the latest craze.

EMTWL espouses the same thing that all the calorie calculators I have visted do. That at my height and activity level I need to eat about 2600 cal to sustain a day.

What did I do different this week? I really started trying to net my BMR.
I added my incidental exercise. I used my fitbit for the first time.

It says my average cal burn for the week is 2900.

O.k. For a woman who is 5'8" 183lbs (my pre metabolic reset starting weight) 37 years old Sounds pretty high.
I left it on the desk one day. It some how calculated my bmr as 1818 where most calculators would say 1600.
So I took 200 off right there. Then I thought I`d adjust for the burn as maybe it`s too high? I subtracted 100-200 cal. from the burn each day.

I decided to eat at about 2700.

I didn`t do weights or extra cardio this week. I did my daily schedule which is walking about an hour and a half a day. And then I am on my feet cleaning, cooking, teaching, gardening, moving in general for the rest of the day. I don`t sit down much. But I am also not working out hard like a lot of you. How much of weight loss is incidental exercise and how much is structured exercise?

My daily burn was about 1200 cal. What?? I`ve only ever been counting my walks in my exercise, do I really move that much in the day? So I added 1100 cal a day exercise to bring me to my 2700 total and ate to net my BMR of 1600.

I gained 1.5 kg.? Are my new numbers wrong and I should go back to Scooby or Fat2Fit numbers for moderately active?

Or was I underestimating my burn and am finally at the right number?

I am doing so much less than I used to before starting repair. I`m not doing structured HIIt training or body building at the moment. Just walking and living. It feels great! But I don`t want to turn into a cow doing it!

I feel like I am a science experiment now and I am learning about my body. My desperation at gaining has ebbed away.

Most calculators say I should be losing at around 2300, but I never did before. This week I net my BMR. Good thing right?

So my question is, this week hmmm should I go back down to 2500 like I was doing before, or since this is a reset keep it at 2700.
My level of activity now is sustainable and enjoyable. I am happy walking and playing with the fam. But maybe I am eating too much?
Now is the time to get it straight right?

I`ll be grateful for your opinions and science.


  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Now I took a look at leigh peele`s site.I must be eating too much. Going to go with the 2500. Hardly anyone counts their incidental exercise on here.

    I must be shooting too high at 2700 without added exercise.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    checked weight again today and lost. I ate 2700 yesterday. Any ideas?_

    Now aiming for consistency but doing a bit of flailing around in my head.

    2700 it is!
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Talking to myself here but upped it to 2900 as per fit bit recommendation.
  • cinblog1965
    cinblog1965 Posts: 133 Member
    I haven't actually started the program yet, will start tomorrow. But I would suggest you not weigh yourself every day if you are. Water retention causes weight fluctuations, so do hormones for women. It drove me nuts when I used to weigh myself every day. I finally broke that cycle.

    From what I've read, most women aren't counting normal activity in their TDEE. They are just taking their BMR, calculating their TDEE based on their average exercise schedule and cutting that number by 15%. That is what I'm going to try for 4 weeks. Wish me luck.

    Also, give it time for the experienced EM2WL folks to answer. They're a great help, but I know on most forums, Sunday is not a day when a lot of people post to the internet. I've also friended several of them and sent emails to a couple with questions and just getting tips. They've really given me some ideas on how to approach this.