What if I overeat one day?

Doing the 15 % cut. I went over by 500 or maybe more today. See what cocktails will do?

Should I just move on in life or would it be okay to workout a little extra or eat a little less tomorrow?

I feel like I did this a couple times last week already...


  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Take it as a lesson learned and start again tomorrow as normal as tomorrow is a new day.

    Remember to be consistent with the number that you hit as this is make all the difference.
  • nostripewhite
    nostripewhite Posts: 53 Member
    One day won't ruin you, and it's going to happen, that's life.

    You go over by 500 calories one day, will be made up by the next few days. Don't stress over it, but don't let it be a constant :p
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    Of course I won't let it happen all the time. That wouldn't be a diet, now would it? I'm usually dead-on with my cut, but I wasn't able to go home for dinner, then had a drink at a show. I decided not to even bother counting them up when I got home.

    So, I guess cutting a little extra today is a waste of time - not so much that it would cause damage?
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    500 calories is such a small blip on the radar that it won't affect even short term results.
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    Thanks foe the reassurance, guys. We can get so used to the kind of diets that come with punishment for doing wrong. 500 cals over on 1200 is huge! But 500 over 2000 is less of a big deal.