Why I decided to do this

MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
The main reason I wanted to do this is I have a problem primarily with sweets and snacking, both tend to lead to binges. Also, sometimes I take seconds, but not very often. Usually I am on to the next food. I realize that binging is what ends up happening and that is not how I want to live so I decided to do this. All I have to do is make it to the next of my 3 meals. These can even be large meals, there is no calorie restriction of 1200 here. My goal is about 1600 calories - or maybe more for you based on your needs - just depends. The idea is to stop binging and I think if I do this it is quite possible. I am not completely depriving myself as I get to have a little more on Saturdays and Sundays. I am not saying go crazy on those days, but allow myself a treat if I want one. I think this will really help me. And i'm willing to give it a try.


  • kidfive
    kidfive Posts: 1
    i am a crack head when it comes to sweets...can't get enough it seems...Going to try this ...cause I gotta get off sweets....going grocery shopping today..will make sure no sweets....will substitute with fruits..sweet potato....had a recipe for chocolate moose ..avacodo..and almond butter..no sugar... guess will try that again..good luck
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I feel that this will be the best way for me to go forward and not have to cal count, 3 square meals a day sounds simple to maintain in the long run :)
  • i think that this is a wonderful idea! i too have a huge problem with snacks and sweets. so this would definitely be tough but i think that if i put my mind to it i could totally do it! thank you so much for posting!
  • kathyanne07
    kathyanne07 Posts: 21 Member
    I am willing to give it a shot. I am at a standstill and need to change it up I think. Binge eating is my downfall. I can be going along and following my plan and then all of a sudden........I'm out of control. Good luck to everyone. I am anxious to see if this is the mental help I need to begin losing again.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    It is all about one's mindset. If I believe I am not restricting myself but also believe I am making good choices then I feel better. My main problem is overeating. If I could stop at just one, that woudl be amazing!
  • I have decided to join this group because I also have a self control issue with sweets and, overeating and snacking continuously! I am new mommy to a beautiful baby girl and I use my breastfeeding as an excuse to pig out and my recent pregnant body as an excuse as to why I'm bigger than I was before... and I'm done with excuses because my husband and my daughter deserve an active healthy mommy and wife... and I deserve to feel good about myself. I think I can follow the rules of this group!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I have decided to join this group because I also have a self control issue with sweets and, overeating and snacking continuously! I am new mommy to a beautiful baby girl and I use my breastfeeding as an excuse to pig out and my recent pregnant body as an excuse as to why I'm bigger than I was before... and I'm done with excuses because my husband and my daughter deserve an active healthy mommy and wife... and I deserve to feel good about myself. I think I can follow the rules of this group!

    It's like I wrote what you just said! That was exactly what I did. I had my baby about 2 years ago and also was breastfeeding. When I started breastfeeding i was 10 lbs more than i am now. when i stopped breastfeeding about 15 lb heavier. then, 3 months after stopping i put on another 10 lbs! incredible how that happens just from eating the way you were when breastfeeding. I also used it as an excuse. i would eat like 3 donuts for breakfast, piles of pasta for lunch, huge dinner. i bet i was eating 3500 calories a day! once i got myself back in line it was amasing how fast the weight came off. but then i got obsessed with calories. that led to worrying which led to overeating. then i realized my problem was with sweets. seems as soon as i give in, i can't stop. so that's the main reason behind this. i need to be more mindful of that and only eat them in moderation on a few days during the week. otherwise i will surely gain the weight back.