My personal ground rules to get this started right
I find that I made a few missteps this first week. First of all, I had a never ending lunch yesterday which led into my blowing the whole day because of that "well i blew it might as well enjoy myself" feeling. so I thought it might be good to set up some ground rules just for myself to follow. 1. Each meal has to be one…
What it is - The No S way of living The No S Diet, also known as the "Grandma Diet," the "Why Didn't I Think of that Diet," and the "No $ Diet" is a program of systematic moderation I invented for myself that I imagine might work for similarly minded people. No funny science or calorie accounting involved, just a few simple and…
Why I decided to do this
The main reason I wanted to do this is I have a problem primarily with sweets and snacking, both tend to lead to binges. Also, sometimes I take seconds, but not very often. Usually I am on to the next food. I realize that binging is what ends up happening and that is not how I want to live so I decided to do this. All I…
Just started and introduction
Just started this diet/lifestyle yesterday for about the millionth time I just hope I can stick to it this time. My biggest problem is my head. I keep saying to myself if I can have this thing at my meal why can't I just leave it and eat it as a snack as I will still eat the same amount of calories for the day and then the…
Mid June check in
I found this really great explanation from the designer of No S about how S days can "go wild" and what to do: He has a really great webpage and message board over there too. great stuff! I did ok this weekend, a bit of overdoing but the most important thing is I am…
First week... how are we all doing?
just wondered how everyone was doing. i made some mistakes today (monday) after allowing myself some excesses this weekend. I just have to figure out how to rein it in. the rest of this week i am determined to make true N days. I know chocolate is my downfall and I just need to figure out how to stay away from it!
S days are not permission to binge
I have to remember this. With S days coming up in a few days I am already starting to think about what I want to do, what I want to eat. The problem is that I have been set in diet mindset for so long that it almost feels like a planned binge. But I can't let that happen. My goal is to think of something that I really want…
oops snacked on the first day
:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: first day doing this and I snacked, it turned out dinner was going to be really late (home made pizza from my 11yo daughter) she was so keen to make it and we wouldn't be eating till 8:30 as she had the dough to prepare soooo I had a tuna wrap to tide me over, I just…
Three days in, doing well
Even though I can have a treat on the weekends, I figured I would be a bit more strict with myself since I had a graduation party to attend on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Plus my anny. is coming up this week. That would have turned into 6 S days in 10! No seconds has proven to be fairly easy as I tend to…
I love simple
I am not a big sweet eater but seconds and snacks, you bet. If I could cut out these three S's I would be well on my way to weight loss. Cutting out two P's would help too--Pizza and Peanut Butter. So that's it 3 S's and "2 P's Let's call it Grandpa's PASS diet. I am a grandpa and ready to do this thing.
So what are your S's?
In thinking about doing this I realize I need to define for myself what are the things that set me off into binge land. First and foremost, Chocolate. In any form. Even in diet cocoa, low calorie jello mousse, coconut milk/chocolate ice cream bars... all those things are under 100 calories but they set me off. There is…