Just starting out with EMTWL

Good morning all,

First some back story. I started Nutrisystem (NS) back on January 3rd at a weight of 256 lbs, 5'10", 27 y.o. male. As of now, I weigh 215 lbs. I run 5 days a week, and lift 4 days a week. During this time, NS had me taking in ~1500 calories daily and only eating exercise calories back if I felt the need to....Which I never felt the need. So looking back at the last 5 months, I've been consuming on average 1650 calories, while buring close to 700 a day (via Garmin HR monitor), for a net of ~900-1000 a day. Obviously my weight loss has stalled the last 2 monthes (2-3 lbs maybe), and I'm beginning to think I've been in Starvation mode. I have no problem ramping up to TDEE-20% or TDEE for a full reset if necessary. However, I have been reading the forums and came across the Minnesota Experiment that was posted where men had to OVER-eat for 4-6 months just to compensate for the damage that had been done to their metabolism (eating at 1560 cal/daily for 3 months), and they ended up gaining all the weight back +10% before their body stabilized and they were able to start losing healthily. Has anyone found this to be the case with them after a low calorie diet sustained for 5 months? Really worried about this outcome.


  • Bump. Hoping for some responses.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Many people here have gained 10+ lbs before beginning to lose again, I think one person was even up 18 lbs at one point. Everyone is different so you may or may not gain. BUT you won't gain it all back since technically you are not OVER eating like they did in that study. When eating your TDEE that is maintenance so while you might gain some it is mostly water gains.

    Also, some people even lose still when they go up to their full TDEE.

    I didn't do a reset, just went to my 15% cut but plan to do a reset in the near future. I lost right from the get go, never had a gain.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    I am on day 10 also doing the cut value and no gain at all either:) of course I am on a no scale challenge till June 30th
  • I understand that they over ate in that study...but according to the study, they had to overeat to repair the damage they caused their metabolism. I'm assuming this hasn't happened to anyone and that my 5 months of low calorie dieting hasn't ruined mine...Hoping anyway. It's going to be tough to go from 1500 daily calories to close to 2500.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    It is hard at first but after a few days/weeks you will wonder how you ever survived on 1500.