Tdee and no exercise but dropped a teeny bit

GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
Just after someone's 2cents on this. I had been doing a cut that gave me 2000 cals a day which I stuck to. Working out 4 times a week mainly with weights at the heaviest I could handle with help from my trainer. I had a good success with 1% bf loss, .5 kg, 6.5cm down in 4 weeks. So I took a break for a week and ate at tdee which is 2300 one day I was under a bit but the rest i was pretty tight.

My question is ......I ate more didn't exercise at all as I was sick with sick kids too and the scales are basically the same. So I know that tdee should maintain my weight but I would have thought with no exercise my weight may have gone up.

Does anyone think my activity may be too low, set at moderate.

A gym session for me is

15 min interval on tread
Kettle bell swing
Kettle bell snatch
Kettle bell squat
Weighted squats
Weighted lunge
One leg lunge
Bicep curls
Pull ups
Cable cross
Chest press

Generally burn 600 per session

4 sets 12 reps

Sometimes a quick spin on the bike. But I've just recently bought one for home. So my plan for this month is 3 weight session at gym and two spin session at home.

Any input to ease my OTT/OCD brain would be great.



  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    First, congrats on your success! Dropping body fat, inches, and pounds is really great!

    Couple of things you may consider.

    TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. If you eat your TDEE, theoretically, you should maintain your weight.

    Remember your TDEE is adjusted by your activity level. Even if you didn't go to the gym, I would bet you were still running around doing things for the sick kiddies. So consider that movement exercise.

    A lot of people are doing resets, where they eat at maintenance (TDEE) for 4-6 weeks before eating at a cut level. So moving up to TDEE for some time is OK. In fact, it is recommended if your weight loss stalls.

    I'm not sure how long your gym session is or how long you anticipate your spin sessions will be. If it's over an hour, you may want to consider increasing your activity level to "active."

    Hope that helps.
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    Thanks for answering, I've decided that I'll go with 2100 which is a 10% cut from my katch mcardle number. I think I'm pretty borderline between moderate and active as I do 5 hrs and I'm always exhausted at end. The cut is only 100 away from active at a 15% cut. Another month and I'll re-*kitten* again.
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    Sounds like a great plan. Let me know how it goes.