calling all 5'6 females weighing around 150

Ok, so I KEEP hearing over and over again all these stories on this board about people who are buying a BMF (that I cannot currently afford) and finding out that the online calculators grossly underestimated their TDEE. Wondering if anyone out there that OWNS AND USES a BMF that is female and 5'6, 33 yrs old, weighing about 150 could explain to me their weekly workout regimine and whether they have a desk job or busy job (I'm a stay at home mom running around after my kids all day) and tell me what your BMF says your TDEE is? I know it's all personal data and every body is different but similar in the way that we use the online calculators as an estimate I'd love to do a poll here and get an estimate of what my TDEE might possibly be based on other women with similar stats/workout/daily routines as me???

The online calculators estimate my TDEE as 2500 but I have a "gut" feeling that it may be higher than that??? I'm 33yr old, female, 5'6, 150pounds, workout very intense 6 days a week (combination of running, heavy lifting, circuit HIIT type classes, etc) and am on my feet lots of the day taking kids to park, zoo, play dates, pool, etc....So, anyway...there's my info. Anyone wanna help a girl out?! hehe =)


  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hi! I'm 32, same height and WAS 150 before EM. I'm a few pounds heavier now. ;-) I am a stay at home mom and fitness instructor. Right now I teach 7 classes a week. Bodypump, spinning, Combat, and CXWORX. On average I burn 3000 a day. That's my TDEE average over a month. I wear my BMF all the time so this should be pretty accurate! :-)