Employer's Wellness Recommendations

oneida_russet Posts: 26 Member
I found this information very interesting. Our company's wellness website formulated this for me:

•Manage Your Weight. Based on the standard formula for estimating one's calorie requirements, your recommended target is approximately *1610* calories per day. Following the recommended number of servings from each food group above, including discretionary or splurge calories, will provide the appropriate number of calories. To maintain your current weight of 160 pounds, chances are you are eating roughly *1793* calories a day. Sometimes the difference between what you are currently eating and what you need to maintain your ideal weight is fairly large. Other times the difference seems quite small; maybe only 100-200 calories per day. This may not seem like much, but keep in mind that consuming an average of 100 excess calories per day can lead to a gain of 10 pounds a year.

◦The above number of calories includes *moderate* daily activity.
◦You may need somewhat fewer or somewhat more calories. This depends on your actual level of physical activity. The more physical activity you do, the more calories you need to maintain your weight.
◦Based on your height, the amount you weigh places you in the overweight range. Consult your physician or a registered dietitian for additional help as needed.

I wonder what their MODERATE daily activity includes? Not sure how to compare these two numbers to scooby #'s, since my 15% cut is 1950. That could be a reduction of a whole 350 snack for me, going by their rules.

I think I'll stick to scooby-doo and EM2LW for now, just for consistency’s sake!


  • No wonder we all try to eat so little calories when we try to lose "weight". Everyone tells us to! :)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    No wonder we all try to eat so little calories when we try to lose "weight". Everyone tells us to! :)
