Exercise Math = FUN!

bsinno Posts: 344 Member
quick question....

My 15% cut is 1713 (light exercise - i aim to commit 30 minutes a day give or take) my BMR is 1465

SO if I DONT burn about 250 a day doing some exercise and i just "maintaining" basically? My TDEE with no exercise whatsoever is around 1750 according to scooby

i might be over thinking this....i mean, im sure i am - thats what i do. my screen name should be "ovrthnkr1" ive also been checking out some diaries and feeling like im still way off even though im uber aware. feel free to take a look if you're bored...



  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    im going to bump myself so maybe somebody takes a look before my bed time
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    What are your height, weight, and age?

    If you spend a lot of time with that lil' cutie in your profile pic, there is no way you're sedentary. I'm not even sure "lightly active" would apply, especially if you're doing exercise on top of caregiving. (Oh, I remember those days.) So really, don't sweat the activity level on that. As I recall, when I had little ones I was either running around at top speed...or comatose.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    The light exercise value for your TDEE is for your week on average.
    So the idea is to eat the same TDEE -15% every day even on rest days.
    If you eat sedentary on your day off then you'll have a bigger deficit than 15%.
    Just make sure that light exercise TDEE is appropriate for the amount of activity you truly do.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    thank you both for the reply! Im 150lbs/65inches/30yo

    Yes, my lil sweet pea keeps me moving BUT i have a classic sit on my butt all day job 40 hours a week and when i get home she usually just sits on the floor playing while i cook dinner! once she starts walking (any day now - GULP) im sure ill have to up my activity LOL