My mood has shifted to be deing DOWN!

MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
I took my before pictures for NROLFW and it instantly changed my perky and happy mood yesterday to being upset. Now I am in a ****ty mood about everything and feeling like this journey is going to take forever. All I can do is continue on and hope that results start to show eventually.


  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I'm sorry. I'ts hard to see progress now, but in just a few months you are going to feel and look so much better. I admire you for having the guts to take those pictures, I've been avoiding it myself. I know I'll want the "before" pictures when I'm an "after" but I just don't want to see it now. We are always our own worst critic. Is today your lifting day? I'll bet you'll feel better after. My legs are still singing from my session yesterday. You'll get there, not quickly, but in a healthy and strong way!
  • Emilit_uk
    Emilit_uk Posts: 87
    The best things come to those who wait, you'll get there eventually, trust me! Pay attention to the little changes you see in your body, like maybe in your recent workouts you've felt a little stronger? Or noticed a little more definition that you wouldn't even see in a photo? These little improvements make all the difference,focus on the workouts and you won't even notice the time that's gone by, and one day you'll catch yourself in the mirror and think, wow, where did that come from?
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    sorry you're feeling low.

    i just rememberd this morning that i needed to take my before pics too. i'm gonna let the water retention go down from my workout yesterday and take them this weekend. my legs looked seriously huge last night. and my neck/shoulders FEEL seriously huge today....OUCH!!!

    perk up!! slow progress and is more permanent progress. you will see it soon enough if you keep doing the right things.
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    The best things come to those who wait, you'll get there eventually, trust me! Pay attention to the little changes you see in your body, like maybe in your recent workouts you've felt a little stronger? Or noticed a little more definition that you wouldn't even see in a photo? These little improvements make all the difference,focus on the workouts and you won't even notice the time that's gone by, and one day you'll catch yourself in the mirror and think, wow, where did that come from?

    I love this comment! And wih today's workout at the gym I experienced the "I felt a little stronger" part with doing my barbell squats! I loved it and was surprised at how much easier it suddenly felt.
    Hang in there, I'm sure you will see some seriously good results in a few short weeks!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am hoping that after lifting today I'll feel perkier! I always feel MUCH better after a workout! Thanks for the encouraging words. It's just so hard. I won't have to take those pictures again for another month when I compare them. So hopefully there will be some differences by that point. We'll see!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I get what you mean 100%. I've been gaining weight and I feel like my stomach is huge. On the other hand I am getting stronger so I know the lifting is working but come on...I want to see the progress in my body. Hang in there.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member

    Thanks for posting that! I needed to see that today! I need to just suck it up and :), because I am doing something to change those before pics!
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    darn straight, girl! you cant have an after without a before!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    i just did my before insanity pics last week and didnt like what i saw either. however I had to start somewhere and cant wait for the after results