Critiquing, pretty please!

Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
Hey guys! So ... I'm in week five of my reset. I had a mini meltdown when my clothes started getting tighter ... but thanks to encouragement from you guys, I am cleaning up my diet, keeping my activity at the moderate level and working on lowering all that sodium!

I just need some critiquing on my workout program! I'm currently doing a two-day strength training split, a day of spin class and a day of a circuit workout. I do three sets of each, usually 8-10 reps. The weights I've listed below are what I can remember ... I didn't write it down as I went. It goes kinda like this:

Hacksquat/squat (I do these in a rotation ... hacksquat one week, squat the next) - 100 lbs. on the hacksquat, 75 on the squat (freeweight, not Smith machine ... I can't seem to do as much on the Smith machine)
Leg press - 100 lbs.
Calf extension - 100 lbs.
Abduction machine - 105 lbs.
Adduction machine - 110 lbs.
Standing side bends - 20 lb. dumbbell on each side
Crunch machine - 65 lbs.

Deadlift - 95 lbs. (straight-leg)
Bench - 45 lbs.
Upright row - 40 lbs.
Curl - 15 lb. dumbbells
Bent over row (one knee and one hand on bench) - 20 lbs.
Skull crusher - 20 lbs.
Chest press machine - 65 lbs.
Sitting row - 65 lbs.
Shoulder press machine - 50 lbs.
Flys - 55 lbs.
Pulldowns - 45 lbs.

My spin class is either Thursday or Friday, lasts 45 minutes and burns around 400 calories. The circuit workout is at Planet Fitness and is 30 minutes, rotating between a step and machine. Kinda like the Curves workout.

Over all I feel really good about my plan! I am working my way away from machines and toward as many freeweight exercises as possible.

Thoughts? :flowerforyou:


  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Sounds good! Keep up the good work! As many free weights exercises you can do will be very beneficial!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks so much!! :smile:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    *bump* any more input from any of you awesome people out there? :flowerforyou:
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I'm certainly no expert, but it looks awesome to me. Wish I had that kind of stamina. I started NROLFW this week, would never have been able to make two days in a row. I'm lifting every other day, cardio in between, with a rest day once a week. Good luck to you!