Are my numbers right? Still no progress?

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
Hey guys! I did a summary report from my BMF and after 5 weeks I've seen NO change so I was wondering if these sounded ok?

My average TDEE of the past month is 3050

My average consumption is 2550

My average deficit is 500 on the nose

Should I be seeing some movement by now??:ohwell:


  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    What is your current height, weight, and activity level?
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Hey guys! I did a summary report from my BMF and after 5 weeks I've seen NO change so I was wondering if these sounded ok?

    My average TDEE of the past month is 3050

    My average consumption is 2550

    My average deficit is 500 on the nose

    Should I be seeing some movement by now??:ohwell:

    :huh: I would think....yes... So I'm confused for your part as well. 15% off that TDEE puts you at 2592 calories...maybe up your calories by 100 and see then?
    You are so hecticly active that I wonder if your afterburns dont burn even more calories than the BMF picks up... I don't know, Im trying to figure this.
    You weren't on very low calories before right, so its not like your body needs a reset.
    The other thing is that you are only working on body composition now... or are you still trying to lose some more?
    Because that deficit is too high if you are basically at goal weight now that I think of it again. Make your deficit 250...I think you might see some results then. Worth a try, even though its hecticly lot of food, LOL!
    I think a high calorie, high protein might be worth looking for! :laugh: Not the low calorie, high protein ones.
    And lots of calorie dense foods.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    What is your goal right now? What progress are you looking for? According to your ticker, it looks like you're at goal weight.

    If you're working on body composition rather than weight, you should have a much smaller deficit at this point, as little as 50 cals and up to 250 MAX.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    What is your current height, weight, and activity level?
    I'm 5ft 6. Weight I'm not sure. I was 153, then last I checked 157...but that was a few weeks ago. I've kept off the scale for my sanity during this process. ;-)

    I'm very active. I'm a mom of 2 boys, one doggie, and a group exercise instructor. I wear my BMF all the time these days to get accurate numbers. Some days like yesterday I have no deficit at all, other days it's 700+...but it seems to average at 500. I DO want to lose weight, yes. I'd like to be between 135-145...but ultimately I'd like to lose the inches I've gained in this process and then a few more and get my BF% down to 20 or so. Last I checked it was 24%.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    How are you measuring change? Scale? Measurements? Pictures? It may be subtle and you may not just notice it.
    Also, remember the bmf devices can have a 10% accuracy discrepancy. Whether that is 10% up or down, who knows, but for you that is 300 calories.
    Make sure you are wearing it correctly too. It should be on your left arm, in the back, middle of tricep. When you put your arm down at your side and look behind you in a mirror, it should be squarely centered on the back of your arm. I was originally wearing my bodybugg on the outside of my arm and got higher burns that way. Not saying you don't have those high burns, just something to check.

    I am also curious, bmf aside, what do you get when you run your scooby numbers for the hours of exercise you do?
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I think you need to give it 6-8 weeks before deciding to change anything.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    haven't gone on the scale yet. Clothes a little snugger. Measurements up a bit from the beginning. No change since the initial increase, but no decrease. Scooby gives me 2300 a day, but it says my BMR is 1400 something when I had it checked through metabolic testing and it was 1607. So up Scooby by 200 and it's 2500. What i'm eating. :grumble:
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I say stick with what you are doing for at least 3-5 more weeks. Someone as active and fit as you will take longer to see changes I think.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    What was your food intake before the 5 weeks? I ask because it may be that your body is using all of the extra calories for muscle, slowly packing it on and burning fat. You seem very active and probably have a quick metabolism - so based on your progress this doesn't seem out of this world comparing that to others in this group.

    I think you're doing it right. I am having the same sort of "issue" but today I woke up and took a progress picture and I can tell you I look completely different. So maybe try showing some photos to someone you know and see if they can tell a difference?
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    I think you need to give it 6-8 weeks before deciding to change anything.

    I agree that you need a little patience here. You said it's been 5 weeks, but I believe it was within that time frame that you had the lavash debacle. How long ago was it that your body fat tested at 24%?

    Considering you do still want to lose another 15lbs or so, you're probably ok with the 500 deficit. Maybe you could try eating 200 cals or so more on workout days versus rest days since they vary so greatly, but keep to an average 500 calorie deficit for the week.

    Your diary looks good, but you could try cleaning it up a little more - getting rid of even more food that is processed or short on nutritional value (jell-o cups, etc, not that you eat much of it) and possibly trying even lower carb. Perhaps try to limit carbs to before dinner. I think the main thing you need is to be patient, but tweaking these things a bit may help some.