vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
I've always hated scrambled eggs. In the past month or so I have put on my big girl panties and toughed it out for breakfast. Now I hate them even more than #YOLO, and because of the diet, I haven't been hungry at breakfast time anyway. Well, the snowball keeps rolling, and I'm consistently under my calories daily. I'm tired of MFP yelling at me... What should I do?

On the flip side, 12 days into peeing purple colors and I haven't lied ONCE on my food diary. I would always do this when I was just counting calories (not logging that extra slice of pizza, grossly underguesstimating that dressing on my salad, etc.) but I'm doing this no more. Also, taking a cake decorating class with my mom & sister, and not even tempted to try the freaking icing and cookies. Blech.

There's a lot more, but I would like to start eating breakfast again. Any help is welcome!


  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Scrambly eggs fried in bacon grease or butter, with bacon bits and mushroom slices and frozen spinach is good.
    Scrambly eggs fried in butter with cream cheese is good.
    Scrambly eggs fried in butter with pepperoni slices is good.
    Scrambly eggs fried in butter with pork or beef chorizo/carne asada, guacamole and salsa is good, with Sriracha is better.
    Scrambly eggs with garlic powder, chopped onions, and curry spices is good.

    Just have two eggs, a couple bacon slices, some coffee, and you're fine. If you're under calories daily, you can have a couple teaspoons of coconut oil for a quick boost of calories and very ketogenic fat fuel. Also, you might consider taking fish-oil pills. :)
  • janitor61
    janitor61 Posts: 2
    Even if you aren't into the spicy, try 1 tsp of Sriracha on your scrambled eggs, it completely transforms it, I have it every day. (Sriracha is the rooster sauce, and is 1 tsp = 1 net carb)
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Ok, a week has gone by, and I have discovered my love for crustless quiche! I made the sausage spinach bake from Linda's website. OMG so good. Mmmmm.... Thanks for the suggestions, guys! I'm also using sambal oelek again (finally made a trip to the grocery) and I'm still kicking *kitten* in ketosis. You guys rock.
  • big_onion
    big_onion Posts: 11 Member
    I once (some years ago, long before I ever heard of a keto diet) made a quiche with a crust made of sausage. It was pretty enlightening. :)
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member

    This guy ate a dozen eggs and a quarter pound of butter a day. He wasn't trying to lose weight, or on a ketogenic diet or anything, just an experiment to prove to his doctor that medical advice was wrong. It worked.
  • big_onion
    big_onion Posts: 11 Member

    This guy ate a dozen eggs and a quarter pound of butter a day. He wasn't trying to lose weight, or on a ketogenic diet or anything, just an experiment to prove to his doctor that medical advice was wrong. It worked.

    Whoa. From that same blog, this link:

    88 year old man eats 25 eggs/day, has perfect lipid profile.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    That is a good read! BAH I say to the keto nay-sayers. BAH!