Need some advice, 6'1", 282 lb guy.

Alright hey guys, new to this group and eating more to lose. Whole idea is mind boggling, but Im gonna give it a shot.

Im going to post what scoobys calculator says for me, it seems like so much, but here are my Stats:

73 inches
And my activity can be 1-5 hours a week, this week it has been 3 hours of walking 3.5mph brisk walk.

So, If i do 1-3 hours a week of light exercise with a -20% reduction, these are my requirements:

BMR: 2447
TDEE: 3365
Calorie based on goal in step 6: 2692

Also, if I set my weekly activity to 3-5 hours of moderate exercise with -20% reduction, these are the requirements:

Calories based on goals in step 6: 3034

Alright, so this is where it gets me, what should i be following? for example, my hour walks that ive done 2x this week already burn around 600-700 calories each. And im always suppose to make sure my calories at the end of the day are higher then or equal to my BMR of 2447, correct? So if I follow the first plan of eating 2692 calories, then have a defeceit of 600-700 cals, that leaves me with ALOT of extra eating to do. And even with the last set of results, eating 3034 calories, than is ALOT of damn food! I use to weight 331 lb, was eating around 1500-1900 daily for awhile, then hit a plateau at what im at now, then came across this group. Just seems like a RETARDED amount of food im suppose to eat. Watcha think?

p.s I also follow a paleo lifestyle :P

I appreciate all input, thank you!


  • It's not a lot of food when you look at your TDEE at 3700+ calories. Even if you are consuming 3034 calories a day, you're in a deficit of ~700 calories daily....thats 4900 calories a week! If you workouts are that irregular though, it might make more sense to go with the lower option and to just make sure you net your calories on the days you work out. You are a bigger guy, as am I, so an hour burns a lot of calories! If you know you'll do at least 3 days a week, use the second setting. If not, go with the 1st and jsut make sure you net BMR on those days you do workout.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi there, you need to friend FiveOhMike, he had the same shock going on when he realized he had to eat 3000 cals.

    Exercise is key during the process and most people really don't fit the light activity, but more moderate and . Do you plan on starting a weight lifting routine? If you can, you should, you will hold on to your muscle and burn off the fat quicker. Plus your walking is great maybe do HIIT where you speed walk 30 sec and mod walk 60 secs, that is a great fat burner too.

    Now, we don't normally suggest a 20% cut but a 15% cut...a nice small deficit. You are a big guy and you require lots of calories...just to help put things in perspective...

    I am 5' 7.75", 158lbs as of this morning, I lift heavy 3 times a week and zumba one time a week...I am moderate. My TDEE is 2420 and I am eating that number as maintenance. So, now your 3000 really shouldn't look so high. It is all relative.

    Hope this helps.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    Hi! welcome to the group its great to have you here:) I am 11 days in the eat more to weigh less.
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Thanks for the replies, I'll answer in order.

    Pitt:I get a min usually of 3 hours of walking in a week, so far this week im at 3 hours.
    I guess it makes more sense anyways to aim for the 3-5 hours a week of activity anyways hey? then I dont even need to worry about the defeceit being lower than my BMI resulting in eating more?

    Lucia: I looked FiveOhMike up, sent him a request :P
    Well what im about to start, when i get my pull up bar orderded here is called simple fit, here is a link to it does this count as weight lifting?
    I mean for someone as heavy and big as me, to try and do as many pullups, pushups and squats as i can do in 20 min is a pretty big workout.

    Speaking of simplefit, where would that fit on the activity level? It's only an hour a week, but 20 min on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and it seems like it would be harder than being under light activity?(If I only did that by itself during the week)

    Thank you very much for the help :D
  • Do you have a HR monitor? The best way to determine what level of activity you're doing is to know how many calories you're burning. If you're consistently having to eat back some of your exercise calories just to make your NET intake hit BMR, you need to up your activity level. If it's only every now and again, your activity level is probably about where it needs to be. Short answer- Try to find out how many calories you burn doing the SIMPLE FIT...if you're going to need to keep eating some of them back, up it to moderate.

    For example, I'm at moderate now because I "only" work out 5 days a week. Moderate says 3-5 days a week, vigorous says 6-7....But every day I am having to add in around 800-900 calories just to net my BMR...but if I up the setting to vigorous activity, I will only need to add 100 calories or so every other day. This is much more accurate for me. Just do what works for you. Usually us bigger guys burn calories like crazy when we do cardio...I know my HR is usually around 195 for 25 min straight...
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Regarding calories burned, I actually just ordered a Bodyfit media today, and im going to wear that thing like no body's business, Ive heard great things, and it's really accurate so this will give me a solid amout of how much im burning. And I can adjust from their.
    Ya I'll definitely up to moderate once i get my pull up bar that i just ordered, then do my SIMPLE FIT Mon, Wed, Friday and so my cardio on Tues and Thurs
    Pitt, are you currently trying to lose wieght? You sound like a big guy like me? how has this been working for you?
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm about the same size as you (72.5 inches, 265). I walk at the same 3.5mph for about an hour. I've been using a BMF for the past week. On work days (desk job), it shows I burn about 3200 calories. I've set my goal for around 2700. I can burn closer to 3800 on an active weekend day. Once you get a week or so in on your BMF, you should be able to get a good gauge on your calorie goal.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Ya you might as well be backing a dump truck of food into my mouth! Heh I have been losing on 2900-3100 calories so it does work!
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Aweosome, Grimm, hows the weight loss been for you since you been eating around 2700 cals?

    And awesome glad to hear Mike, look forward to getting my BMF to really get some accurate numbers!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Aweosome, Grimm, hows the weight loss been for you since you been eating around 2700 cals?

    And awesome glad to hear Mike, look forward to getting my BMF to really get some accurate numbers!

    I also use the BM Fit LINK. I kicks major *kitten*. Just remember, when people ask you about it tell them:

    The judge made you wear it instead of going to prison
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Ya, I wanted to get the LINK so bad, but it isnt supported with my Xperia Play, and I didnt want to risk getting it only to not be able to use the live feature ya know lol

    And ya, im totally going to say that when people ask haha