Having a bad day. :'-(



  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I know you don't want to eat at TDEE and do the reset....but if you aren't willing to do EM2WL in full, then you can't expect the full results. Because even if you don't choose to do the reset, you will still need to bump up to TDEE every so often. I have seen it recommended at 4 weeks, 8 weeks or 10 then to eat at TDEE for 1-2 weeks then cut back down. So no matter how hard you try to hide from eating that much...you are going to have to anyway!

    I am in no way a professional at this, but I still think you should consider the full reset. I know you weren't eating the standard 1200. But you also don't work out like a standard person. Even at 1800-2200, you were eating maintenance cals of standard woman. Add in all your crazy burns and real life activities, you were indeed starving your body. You are doing the work-outs of 3 women and eating for one woman. You need to bump up and eat for 2-2 1/2 women!

    I don't mean this to come across as critical if it does, coming across through typing is not easy! But as someone who was MFP friends with you before this, you were not happy before. You now look back and think that what you had before wasn't so bad but you know in your heart you were not happy there. If you are so willing to go back to they way things were, be willing to go the other way to what could be. You are almost there! You came up to the creepy woods to get to Utopia and you are saying no way, those creepy woods aren't worth walking through to get to Utopia!

    When you go through Hell you don't just stop and sit a while, you keep going! So keep going! Add 3 Tbsp of real PB to those protein shakes, cook with more olive or coconut oil. Drizzle some flaxseed oil on your salad. Hell, eat some mac n cheese with a smile! I have a great homemade recipe that I could easy eat 3 servings of! You CAN do this.

    Its been 5 weeks at cut. Why not try a week at TDEE then cut 10%. Or maybe TDEE won't be so bad and you go another, then another until you have done the full 8. Or definitely follow whatever Lucia or Kiki tell you to do with out a second thought since they definitely are more knowledgeable then me!

    WOW. Great post ....

    Here, here!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I know you don't want to eat at TDEE and do the reset....but if you aren't willing to do EM2WL in full, then you can't expect the full results. Because even if you don't choose to do the reset, you will still need to bump up to TDEE every so often. I have seen it recommended at 4 weeks, 8 weeks or 10 then to eat at TDEE for 1-2 weeks then cut back down. So no matter how hard you try to hide from eating that much...you are going to have to anyway!

    I am in no way a professional at this, but I still think you should consider the full reset. I know you weren't eating the standard 1200. But you also don't work out like a standard person. Even at 1800-2200, you were eating maintenance cals of standard woman. Add in all your crazy burns and real life activities, you were indeed starving your body. You are doing the work-outs of 3 women and eating for one woman. You need to bump up and eat for 2-2 1/2 women!

    I don't mean this to come across as critical if it does, coming across through typing is not easy! But as someone who was MFP friends with you before this, you were not happy before. You now look back and think that what you had before wasn't so bad but you know in your heart you were not happy there. If you are so willing to go back to they way things were, be willing to go the other way to what could be. You are almost there! You came up to the creepy woods to get to Utopia and you are saying no way, those creepy woods aren't worth walking through to get to Utopia!

    When you go through Hell you don't just stop and sit a while, you keep going! So keep going! Add 3 Tbsp of real PB to those protein shakes, cook with more olive or coconut oil. Drizzle some flaxseed oil on your salad. Hell, eat some mac n cheese with a smile! I have a great homemade recipe that I could easy eat 3 servings of! You CAN do this.

    Its been 5 weeks at cut. Why not try a week at TDEE then cut 10%. Or maybe TDEE won't be so bad and you go another, then another until you have done the full 8. Or definitely follow whatever Lucia or Kiki tell you to do with out a second thought since they definitely are more knowledgeable then me!
    There you go making sense, you awful awful woman! :laugh: :laugh:

    That was kind of my point. I DO remember what it was like before and I was so annoyed. I love that you were friends with me "there" too. LOL. Watching the cellulite plump up...and finding NEW STRETCH MARKS today was so hard. I guess I was hoping that once I fed my body lots of food it would say YIPPEE and start dropping. Not puff up and stay. LOL! I'll give it a few more weeks for sure. TDEE still scares the poo out of me...probably more so now that it's Summer. If a bathing suit wasn't staring at me it would be easier...and knowing that people will probably be thinking "she has put on some weight, hasn't she?" is scary.

    I WILL SAY that I may be imagining it, but I feel like I"m able to do more during Pump. Lunges aren't as awful and I used 10 pounds on each side of my bar for biceps today which is a lot in Pump. So maybe I'm getting stronger? Here's hoping!!

    I'm rolling into week 6 here, and I'm contemplating stepping on the scale. That way if I do start going down I will see that happen. Right now I have absolutely no idea how much I've gained. So I don't know if/when I'm going to start losing. The inches haven't budged though which is all I care about. Next couple of weeks maybe? Fingers crossed! Thanks for my swift kick in the pants. :blushing:
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    I haven't been doing this long enough to give advice. I'm learning from these comments. BUT YOU HANG IN THERE! Giving up is not an option, period. No quiting! Not now, not ever!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    :blushing: Oh...stop it...:blushing:

    Its amazing what I can come up with every so often :wink:

    I'm just sitting here rooting for you is all! You had made an impact on my life, you are the first person I "met" that was like me. Not afraid to work out, eat healthy but for years struggled to lose and always gaining back what you do manage to lose! Many of your prev post took the words out of my mouth!

    Today was my third time in a bikini. I take a parent-tot swim with my youngest and then took my girls to the pool for the day. While I am definitely not super happy in a suit its not so bad. Theres women of all sizes in bikinis out there plus in the water or laying down no one can see it all hang out anyway :wink:

    Its not easy, I am just working on ignoring all the negative thoughts and its not like I can get out of taking my daughters to the pool over my hang ups.

    I would wait to step on the scale until you are going to cut......I'm still scared of the scale!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm not doing the reset. I'm already in the cut. I started this before the reset became the new norm!:blushing:
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I am feeling EXACTLY the same way. I was browsing through this group for the purpose of finding something like this- to know I'm not alone... because, honestly, this SUCKS and I am despising it. Not giving up, but certainly not enjoying myself.
    I had 2.6lbs to lose until I hit my goal weight... then I found EM2WL and I was like, AHA! Something to coax the last few pounds off me! And, by the way, hitting that "goal" is probably not even as low as I COULD go, it's just that- a goal. Something totally practical. Now, after about 2 weeks of this, I am back up to my "uh-oh" weight of 150 (about 8lbs up). I don't know if it's just bloating or if it's really weight. I've been trying to lose weight for probably 2 years, and although I abused VLCD's for the first year, this past year has been drastically better (think 600/day to up to 1600/day (net) toward the middle of last year). I figured I'd been upping cals enough to not need a reset.. perhaps I'm wrong. I don't know. But if eating at this 15% cut is making me this unhappy, how would maintenance feel!?

    Anyway, I totally ranted and am probably not helping you at all, haha :) But what I'm attempting to get across is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! And there are enough beautiful looking people in this forum to prove that it DOES work, eventually, so let's stick to it!!! Feel free to add me if you wish and we can whine together. <3

    edited because I kan't speell! ;)
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    So sorry!!! I totally get it!! I am new to this as well. Wow, that is a lot of calories!! I am doing the TDEE - 20% option at Scoobys workshop calculator. I only eat 1744. Maybe it is all your activity that pushes yours higher! Ive heard give it 3-4 weeks, some say longer... I don't know how to help. It is only you that can decide!! If it were me, after a month, I'd start slowly knocking mine down a little bit. Sorry you are struggling. This weight thing can be really tough!!!:flowerforyou:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks guys. You are not alone either. Maybe we can start a whining thread, just to get it all out. LOL! I'm starting my 6th week with no change in clothes/inches. I ALMOST got on the scale this morning but chickened out. I've lowered my calories just slightly as I'm not exercising as much this Summer (put some classes on hiatus) so even though my 28 day TDEE is over 3000, my week average is 2700...so I averaged, took 15% off...and came up with 2400. I'll see how that goes. I just want to see this fat come off. Even if it's slowly. It has been 6 weeks now with nothing but weight gain to show..but i'm going to stick with it for another few weeks!
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    That actually sounds like a great plan to me! Though I am pretty new to this and the "powers that be" on here might totally disagree!!:laugh:
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    That is amazing that you didn't get on the scale!! That is some willpower right there!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    That's not willpower. That's FEAR. LOL! BTW, 62 pounds lost?? AMAZING!
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Oh no!!! Yes, after I had my last baby, I went in for my 2 week post partum visit and it wasn't pretty. I had lost 36 pound by then after the first baby, then about 20 something by then with my second baby. That last time... only about 5!!! I freaked out to see that number on the scale and decided then and there I had to lose all my accumulated baby weight!! It has been a year and a half!!:) Thanks!