Reset Metabolism....

wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
EEEEEK! You guys are swaying me to stop my lower calorie ways and do a reset. Not going to makes me nervous. My current stats/history:

1. I'm almost 4 weeks in to using MFP
2. I've lost 4ish lbs
3. This week I'm not seeing much of a loss
4. MFP has me eating at 1300, and I just about always eat most of my workout calories back.

I just feel like I'm already stalling out and it's frustrating. So....I could read thread after thread on where to get started, but my mind might explode. Anyone have a link to a site to help me figure out what my TDEE is? And a good site that explains all this TDEE/BMR stuff? I'm a busy working momma, and would rather just post a new thread instead of spending time sifting through all the information :wink:

I don't know if I can do this for 8 wondering if anyone has done this for 4 weeks and if that works? I was watching one of those video links mentioned above, and I saw how she does a break every 4 weeks and eats to maintain and I'm thinking that would be a good route for me personally. I just know myself and eating habits and my brain and emotional eating and I don't want to open the flood gates for too know.

Thanks so much for your advice!


  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    It's a lot of info! I agree. :smile:

    Here's a link to a great calculator most of us use:

    As well, if you are planning to do a full reset, we have a support thread for it and there's lots of info in there too:

    Of course, if you want to start at TDEE - 15%, do that for about 4 weeks, then up to maintenance (diet break) for a couple weeks before dropping back down again to your 15% cut, you can try that too. If you find you still don't make much progress, then you can think more about doing a full reset. :smile:
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member

    Of course, if you want to start at TDEE - 15%, do that for about 4 weeks, then up to maintenance (diet break) for a couple weeks before dropping back down again to your 15% cut, you can try that too. If you find you still don't make much progress, then you can think more about doing a full reset. :smile:
    So maintenance would be eating at TDEE right?
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member

    Of course, if you want to start at TDEE - 15%, do that for about 4 weeks, then up to maintenance (diet break) for a couple weeks before dropping back down again to your 15% cut, you can try that too. If you find you still don't make much progress, then you can think more about doing a full reset. :smile:
    So maintenance would be eating at TDEE right?

    You got it!! :)
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    Another question b/c I can't find a clear answer...when I do a reset eating TDEE do I eat back my workout calories or is it taken into consideration b/c I notate my activity level when calculating my TDEE?
  • CamyLoo
    CamyLoo Posts: 39 Member
    Your exercise is taken into consideration, so you do not eat them back unless you exercise more then what you normally do and if it makes your calories drop below your BMR then you have to make the overage up. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. :smile:
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Your exercise is taken into consideration, so you do not eat them back unless you exercise more then what you normally do and if it makes your calories drop below your BMR then you have to make the overage up. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. :smile:

    Yes that is how it works :smile:
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Jumping in to clarify TDEE for you.

    Yes ...if you calculate your TDEE correctly per your activity level DO NOT eat back exercise calories. Your activity levelis already accounted for in your TDEE daily energy expenditure. TDEE , of course, includes your BMR.

    The Scoobysworkshop calculator is a good one and you can choose your activity by the # of hours you spend per week exercising.
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    Jumping in to clarify TDEE for you.

    Yes ...if you calculate your TDEE correctly per your activity level DO NOT eat back exercise calories. Your activity levelis already accounted for in your TDEE daily energy expenditure. TDEE , of course, includes your BMR.

    The Scoobysworkshop calculator is a good one and you can choose your activity by the # of hours you spend per week exercising.

    Do I eat my TDEE on days I don't workout too?
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I just wrote this under another topic similar to this one and copied to here as well...

    Here is an Awesome site to give you your numbers to go by - MFP calculates a little differently (lower than average):

    TDEE = The most calories you should eat and stay at the same weight (maintain)

    BMR = Least amount of calories that you should ever eat b/c these are the calories you need just to breathe and function

    CUT = (-15% or what you are comfortable with) = The equation that you should most likely use to get your number of calories to eat per day (You eat this amount of calories...Do NOT eat extra calories from exercise unless you NET under your BMR.

    NET = Calories eaten - Calories burned (You can see this number on your News Feed page)

    Confusing I know but you will remember it all once you get the hang of it....

    I hope this helps you out!! :)

    **For Metabolism Reset**

    Eat at TDEE for 8 weeks and Do NOT eat back exercise calories....At the end of 8 weeks use TDEE - 15% to get your CUT amount to eat to lose weight again....Still - Do NOT eat back exercise calories with this one either....
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Jumping in to clarify TDEE for you.

    Yes ...if you calculate your TDEE correctly per your activity level DO NOT eat back exercise calories. Your activity levelis already accounted for in your TDEE daily energy expenditure. TDEE , of course, includes your BMR.

    The Scoobysworkshop calculator is a good one and you can choose your activity by the # of hours you spend per week exercising.

    Do I eat my TDEE on days I don't workout too?

    Yes....Be consistent with it....Eat at TDEE everyday...
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    Jumping in to clarify TDEE for you.

    Yes ...if you calculate your TDEE correctly per your activity level DO NOT eat back exercise calories. Your activity levelis already accounted for in your TDEE daily energy expenditure. TDEE , of course, includes your BMR.

    The Scoobysworkshop calculator is a good one and you can choose your activity by the # of hours you spend per week exercising.

    Do I eat my TDEE on days I don't workout too?
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member

    Yes....Be consistent with it....Eat at TDEE everyday...

    EEEK! That's upping my calories by 800. Makes me nervous...but I'm going to trust it. And thinking that I've been dropping my calories by 800 makes me understand how my body must be in shock...starvation mode. Going to still try to be healthy.

    So how do you put calories into MFP...b/c I still want to log my workouts to keep track. I'm thinking of just putting in my TDEE for my goal and disregarding calories left when it takes into account my activity. Is this what you've done? I know for me I need to keep up journaling b/c it holds me accountable.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Please also make a note that 4 pounds in 4 weeks is a great rate of loss and completely healthy. You might not see a loss every week on a TDEE cut either. One week of a small loss, maintain, or even a gain in a month is your body's way of adjusting, not necessarily a sign of stalling.

    I think everyone can benefit from the idea of eating more, and I think it's great that you're doing this before you low-calorie your way to a problem. However, I also want to make sure that you don't have an unrealistic expectation of yourself. You might gain or maintain the first few weeks on TDEE/cut. An average of a pound a week loss is AWESOME though.
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    Please also make a note that 4 pounds in 4 weeks is a great rate of loss and completely healthy. You might not see a loss every week on a TDEE cut either. One week of a small loss, maintain, or even a gain in a month is your body's way of adjusting, not necessarily a sign of stalling.

    I think everyone can benefit from the idea of eating more, and I think it's great that you're doing this before you low-calorie your way to a problem. However, I also want to make sure that you don't have an unrealistic expectation of yourself. You might gain or maintain the first few weeks on TDEE/cut. An average of a pound a week loss is AWESOME though.

    I'm happy with the loss too, but netting 1300 calories a day per MFP, which is 250 calories under my BMR, and it's just not fun. I'm slowly going to work my way up to my TDEE, to mentally prepare to eat more. Thanks for the support. I'm really wanting this to be a lifestyle change. I've yo-yo dieted for 8 years and I want this to be know :)