What qualifies as "light" exercise?

nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
I guess I am asking this from more of a calorie burn perspective. Since I am still obese ( I really hate that word), I easily burn through 800+ cals an hour when doing cardio according to my HRM....and that's if I am not giving it 100% effort. I want to make sure that if I am going to calculate my cut, I am getting the right number up front or I might still be not eating enough.


  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    How many times aweek would u be burning 800 cals?
    If its 3 to 5 you are actually moderate.
    1 - 3 would be light....but... When u know ure BMR number u have to Net above it....so uf u burn so much that the burn takes u under ure BMR u need to eat back the difference.
    But Id say that if u exercise at least 3 times a week, use Moderate. Remember to go recalculate ure numbers every 5 pounds u lose.