Good Skeptic/Science Sites - For Health and Otherwise

I only have a few sites I visit regularly, so I welcome any additional links. The sites are not in any particular order.

NOTE: HTML doesn't seem to work here, but I will make the links clickable if I can figure out how.

The Skeptic's Dictionary

A great place to start if you are new to skepticism. Consider this question and answer, which is very relevant to MFP:

What's the harm in believing in something if it works for you? If I believe that by doing 50 jumping jacks in a row I will be "cured" of acne and it works, what is bad about that?


Check out the FAQ and "Junk Science" section too:

*The Skeptics Society and Skeptic Magazine"

The site covers lots of topics, and while there are a fair number exclusive to the magazine, there are also plenty of free articles, including ones on health and medicine. I love their magazine, but it's pricey.

*American Council on Science and Health*

An excellent site chock full of interesting and sound articles on health. Here's a link to the section on nutrition and lifestyle:

*The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and Skeptical Inquirer Magazine*


I've been reading this site since 1998. You could spend a lot of time wandering around reading articles, some of them very entertaining as well as informative. Tons and tons of info and links.

*National Council Against Health Fraud*

There are some good diet and health papers on this site, although everything is quite old. However, there is a list of links that I find very useful (some of the links are listed here).

*James Randi Foundation*

The big kahuna in skeptics circle. He's mostly concerned with claims of supernatural phenomena and abilities, but it's a great site around which to wander.