A different kind of emotional eating

I made a recent discovery I thought was worth sharing. I'm in the metabolism reset stage, and I think I'm over the worst of the "fluffy bloated" part because my body seems very stable and the scale is actually creeping down all on its own.

Before I did this, if someone asked me if I was "an emotional eater", I would have said yes. Meaning, when I'm emotional or stressed, I love me some Chick Fil A! And I don't buy Oreos at all because I can sit and dunk them in milk for waaaaay more than a decent portion.

But the last two weeks had some significant stressors and i realized something else: I'm an emotional UNDER eater. When I'm upset, I don't always want to eat. I don't want to feel fat, I don't want to feel full, I don't think I want to *feel* at all. And I can do that for days. Enter in the fact that I'm tracking every bite with the goal of hitting a magic number every day and this led to a definite confrontation with myself.

Starving only makes stress grow, and negative emotions gain momentum. And it sabotages my goal which is all about developing a sustainably lifestyle for nutrition and fitness. I ate. They were admittedly lighter days but they also passed quickly and I got over them. It was a big challenge. Those were days where I thought more about every bite than I have been because this processes has had me *finally* not obsessing over every calorie. On those days, I had to, but for the opposite reason than I would have guessed!


  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Good post! Emotions can affect our eating patterns in so many ways and it's good to recognize that!