I need advice baddllyyy!

So not too long ago I decided that I could lose a couple of pounds so I joined MFP. they set me up on a 1200 calorie diet which i managed to maintain for about 2 and a half weeks. Then on may 10th I found out about em2wl and i started it. Going into em2wl i weighed 124 lbs with a TDEE of 1900. Since those 2 and a half weeks was my only low cal diet ever i went straight to my TDEE-15% cut of 1622...So I ate that for a month and today was my big weigh in day andddd I weigh 123.5 =/ What should I do?? go to maintenance even though I didn't starve my body for too long? Or should I keep it up at my cut? I really have just been trying to lose 5 lbs! haha Thanks in advance for the help!


  • anyone??
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    You did lose though....I think you should keep doing what you are doing. If you only have 5 pounds to lose, then it SHOULD come off uber-slow. I say congrats on that loss and I mean it!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Did you measure or take pics before and after? The scale may not move, but your physical appearance could be changing.
    Also if you're close to your goal weight you would probably do better with a 5% cut.
  • Thank you for that nettasaura =), i guess I need to look more on the positive side ...And plumsgrl I didn't take any measurements or pictures, but I think I will do that now! Thanks for the tip.
  • Kindone
    Kindone Posts: 138 Member
    I am not convinced about the eating more thing. I want to be. I have this sick sinking feeling i am just justifying eating more calories. I really really wish I knew which way to go.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am not convinced about the eating more thing. I want to be. I have this sick sinking feeling i am just justifying eating more calories. I really really wish I knew which way to go.

    Have you watched any of the videos? Sometimes they help.

    Give it a go especially if what you have done isn't working. The body needs fuel....if nothing else at least watch this one

  • mtaylor1980
    mtaylor1980 Posts: 134 Member
    I am not convinced about the eating more thing. I want to be. I have this sick sinking feeling i am just justifying eating more calories. I really really wish I knew which way to go.

    Same here!!!I am right there with you :-) I am confused and just don't know!!!! I think it might be different for each person...I always have eaten pretty healthy, I just eat ALOT! I lose weight when I watch my calories and food intake, but it just sucks because I am hungry and I have trouble staying at 1200. and yes, that is with fruits, veggies, and protein filled foods.....
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member

    Hey lady, I would honestly suggest giving it another 2 weeks...that will be the 6wk mark right? I would tell you try going up another 100 cals if you aren't moving.

    Are you weight lifting, because if you are, then don't focus so much on the scale. The last five pounds...hmmm, lets say you ate maintenance and over the course of 2 months, you reduced your bf 2-3% by lifting heavy and eating enough protein...though the scale could actually go up, your fat level would go down and I bet you would have the look you desire.

    I am so close to my goal size and decided to go to TDEE because I don't care what the weight is, I really want to burn off the fat off the muscle...I've lost 2% bf so far and I am like a smidgen away from wearing my smallest jeans...lol.

    Just a thought...
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    Yep....what Lucia said! If you have that little to lose....or are just looking to tone up, then I'd do the weight lifting....you could actually put on a couple of pounds, but shrink in size at the same time. And at your current weight, personally, that is what I would focus on. Course now....I need to lose almost a whole one of you first, so I have a way to go first.......