Day 3....feeling...interesting...

nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
So...three days in to upping my cals. First off....I'm not at a full reset because I haven't stalled on my weight loss at this point. I've gone from netting 1400 a day to my BMR of 1950 for starters. Eating a lot more food, but spreading it out over the day. I still feel overly full by the last meal of the day....kind of like food is half way up my esophagus, but I expect that to go away as my stomach stretches a bit.

I AM bloated....still up almost 2 pounds as of this morning. Yes....I know a lot of you put the scale away, but I can't resist I am simply fascinated by how my body reacts to things lol. I don't get discouraged by the numbers, so I think I will continue to weigh in every I have a crap load of myself to make disappear, so I expect those numbers to go on a downhill trek at some point.

Although I AM bloated....I do not feel crappy or fat......I chalk that up to my being so large still...I can't tell much of a difference at all. ;)

As for how I am feeling that was a bit unexpected.....I feel.... I might possibly have had a double shot espresso on an empty stomach....which I haven't. Matter of fact, it's not dinner time yet, and I do have a bit of a weird cross between a "I'm still full from lunch" and a "My stomach just bottomed out after the roller coaster went over the first big drop" kind of feeling.

I am both excited and nervous about what the following days might bring, but I am ready for bring it on!


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    So...three days in to upping my cals. First off....I'm not at a full reset because I haven't stalled on my weight loss at this point. I've gone from netting 1400 a day to my BMR of 1950 for starters. Eating a lot more food, but spreading it out over the day. I still feel overly full by the last meal of the day....kind of like food is half way up my esophagus, but I expect that to go away as my stomach stretches a bit.

    I AM bloated....still up almost 2 pounds as of this morning. Yes....I know a lot of you put the scale away, but I can't resist I am simply fascinated by how my body reacts to things lol. I don't get discouraged by the numbers, so I think I will continue to weigh in every I have a crap load of myself to make disappear, so I expect those numbers to go on a downhill trek at some point.

    Although I AM bloated....I do not feel crappy or fat......I chalk that up to my being so large still...I can't tell much of a difference at all. ;)

    As for how I am feeling that was a bit unexpected.....I feel.... I might possibly have had a double shot espresso on an empty stomach....which I haven't. Matter of fact, it's not dinner time yet, and I do have a bit of a weird cross between a "I'm still full from lunch" and a "My stomach just bottomed out after the roller coaster went over the first big drop" kind of feeling.

    I am both excited and nervous about what the following days might bring, but I am ready for bring it on!

    Love your is a process one in which you will learn your body so well...I look forward to going through this journey with you.

  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I love the way you describe things like the way your tummy feels...So cute!! Best of luck with this...You will definitely get tons of support from this group!! They are the best! That full feeling will stop soon and you will start getting hungrier b/c your body is finally burning up some calories and wants more....I have been at a reset for about a week now (was at cut for a month before the reset) and now I am ravenous...It's weird but good at the same time....But I know that my body is finally realizing that I am NOT going to starve anymore....YOU CAN DO IT!!! ...Best of luck to you!! :)
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    Hey...ANYTHING has got to be better than feeling hungry all the time. And personal experience has shown that vlcd's just don't work in the long run. So...with that in mind, I WILL figure out how to make this work.....even if it take's me months to fine tune it.

    On the upside, even though hubby (he's kind of on board too in that I am running the whole food show) is 2lbs bloated today too, he took the boys to the park this afternoon and his size 36 jeans that were fitting just fine last week...well....they pretty much fell off while he was on the basketball court. Gave everyone a good laugh rofl! When they came home, I had him try on the 34's that I had in reserve for him, and....they fit! So...he may be bloated, according to the scale, but he still shrank!

    Now...if something cool like that could happen to me tomorrow........ :tongue: