Please help me figure out if this program is for me.

vatblack Posts: 221 Member
I love, love this idea of eating more to weigh less. However, I need to ask a few questions before I make the leap.

First questions first:
Is it advisable for someone who has just left the 300s?
Is it advisable for someone who is not sure whether I can, in the next 2 years, afford a gym? Or even a weights set? Or for whom body weight exercises are really hard to do because of a frozen shoulder and not enough strength to hold up my body yet? (I'm in therapy for my shoulder and range of movement it is improving slowly.)

I think after these questions I will ask more that has to do with my specific numbers.

ETA: I am looking into lots of alternative ways to do muscle strengthening exercises, so I am not completely hopeless in that area - even advice for that will be nice!



  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
    This plan is for everyone! We need to fuel our bodies, no matter what we're doing. Strength training is recommended but not required. Watch this video:
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Thank you...

    My next question is whether I should reset my metabolism or has it already been done. You see I'm a compulsive over-eater in recovery. So, up to 2 weeks ago when I joined MFP, I was basically eating at maintenance for my current weight. I have been holding steady at this weight for about 2 years. This must have been over 3000 cals a day according to a few calculators I've checked. So, with binge eating and bad choices, that is how much I got in a day.

    I have tracked my food for the last two weeks or so and eat anything from 2100 - 2400 a day - this ISN'T NET - it is the food that went into my mouth. Then I feel full, happy and content. Basically, I stopped the binge eating and eating crap foods like packs of crisp, deep fried chicken and those type of things. My eating the last two weeks have been rather "clean" though not completely clean... but very little processed foods. And that is actually how I like to eat.

    So, basically, I want to know, if I should reset now or just continue eating with a cut % that I will use for to help me calculate.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for the video link. I saw it and I'm still not sure it answered my questions. You have though ... weight training is not required so the big size of my body and the inability of to do body weight exercises is not that big a deal.
  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    Maybe some of the experts can chime in, but if you weren't doing low cal (doesn't sound like you were) I would start right at your 15% cut since you were already eating at maintenance.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Maybe some of the experts can chime in, but if you weren't doing low cal (doesn't sound like you were) I would start right at your 15% cut since you were already eating at maintenance.


    I read your profile and see that you are a "cyclist in training" and wanted you to know how much I admire that and also the "cause" they you want to ride for!

    I'm sure you're aware that there are a gazillion things you can do exercise-wise that do not require any equipment or gym memberships!

    Pilates, boxing moves, dancing, Yoga, stairclimbing and if you have access to a pool, the options are endless!

    Good Luck~ hope you stay here with us!
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    I am in my first week of the plan and do no weight training at all currently. That is not to say I never will, but currently I am not. I get my exercise quota from other things and that is enough for me right now. I think the principles apply with or without exercise providing you use the right activity level in making your calculations.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Unless you have been following a very low calorie diet for 6 months or longer, I would definitely recommend starting with the 15% cut. It is not necessary to do weight training, but you will find that your body burns fat alot more efficiently if you do. RIght now it is probably more important that you just keep moving. As you move forward on this journey, you can adapt your exercise program to fit your needs. I was 275 pounds when I began my journey and had to do the same thing. I eventually did begin weight training, but at the beginning I was so embarrassed to even set foot into a gym because I was afraid everyone would think, "Oh here comes the biggest loser." Ugh. I eventually subjected myself to public humiliation by signing up for a boot camp class. It was totally hard and I puked a few times, but it was really good for me, and challenged me to step out of my comfort zone.

    I would really encourage you to stick with the EM2WL program. I really regret I had not done things correctly from the beginning, I think it would have made my journey alot easier.
    Feel free to send me a FR for additional support.
    Enjoy the journey!
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for the advice.

    Mommyofmyfivekids, I have added you, thank you so much.

    Here is the question I was most afraid to ask: Why only 15%. Why not 20% or 25%?

    Because I'm so big, won't it be advisable to lose more in the beginning... On MFP, for example, they suggest that I can lose up to 2lbs a week safely until I have about 75lbs left to lose. So, is the 15% tranlatable to 1lbs a week and could I cut more.

    My numbers ccording to - I set my activity at 1 - 3 hours light activity because I am only now breaking the sedentary lifestyle. I have been active for the last two weeks nearly daily but if I set my activity higher the calories go higher. I also don't know how much I can trust MFP's calory burn information - that is why this program appeal to me, I don't have to eat according to exercise calories unless I'll go under my BMR.

    Maintenance/(TDEE): 3117
    Daily Goal: 2649 (at 15% cut) 2498 (at 20% cut) 2338 (at 25% cut)
    BMR: 2267

    So, as you can see 20% cut seems more on par with what I naturally eat right now. And if I exercise I only need to eat if I burn over 231 calories. At my weight, it seems like I burn that very easily for very little effort.

    Is realiable to use if I DON'T do weight training right away (until my arm gets better or I can figure some weights out)
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Maybe some of the experts can chime in, but if you weren't doing low cal (doesn't sound like you were) I would start right at your 15% cut since you were already eating at maintenance.


    I read your profile and see that you are a "cyclist in training" and wanted you to know how much I admire that and also the "cause" they you want to ride for!

    I'm sure you're aware that there are a gazillion things you can do exercise-wise that do not require any equipment or gym memberships!

    Pilates, boxing moves, dancing, Yoga, stairclimbing and if you have access to a pool, the options are endless!

    Good Luck~ hope you stay here with us!

    Thanks for the admiration. I have always loved cycling. For about 2 years of my life I rode my bike to work. I lived in London and the cooler weather made it easy to cycle everywhere I wanted to be. Now I live in Florida and it is a nightmare to keep dry (from the sweat) just sitting down. LOL.

    The cause is close to my heart. My MIL passed away from breast cancer in May 2010 when my daughter was only 8 months old. My mother died of heart attack 5 months before my wedding and 6 months before I got pregnant. So, my daughter is growing up without any grandmothers. Therefore, I am trying to keep her mommy alive longer. It took me nearly 3 years to get to this point though.
  • khogle00
    khogle00 Posts: 5 Member
    Never cut your calories too low. 20% is what my doctor allows me to aim for as long as that never puts me below 1300 calories which is the minimum the body needs to function.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks K. I'd like to bump this in the hope that I get more opinions.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Thanks K. I'd like to bump this in the hope that I get more opinions.

    The very most we would recommend is the 20% cut. The scooby calculator works for everyone, not just weight lifters. Its just very important to put in your correct activity level.

    Personally, I would start at the 15% cut and see what your results are after 6 weeks. If you are not losing, you can always bump up to the 20% cut, but personally, I don't see any reason to undereat if you don't need to.

    I made the mistake of cutting my calories way too low in the beginning and learned the hard way...I know its hard to lose weight slowly but in the long run it will be more sustainable which is particularly important to those of us who have a long journey ahead of us.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks K. I'd like to bump this in the hope that I get more opinions.

    The very most we would recommend is the 20% cut. The scooby calculator works for everyone, not just weight lifters. Its just very important to put in your correct activity level.

    Personally, I would start at the 15% cut and see what your results are after 6 weeks. If you are not losing, you can always bump up to the 20% cut, but personally, I don't see any reason to undereat if you don't need to.

    I made the mistake of cutting my calories way too low in the beginning and learned the hard way...I know its hard to lose weight slowly but in the long run it will be more sustainable which is particularly important to those of us who have a long journey ahead of us.

    I hear what you are saying, and I'm going to consciously go against the advice. The reason is not that I want to lose faster. I have given myself 3 - 4 years to lose the weight (160lbs). The way I see it is that if I do nothing, I'll still be 300lbs 4 years from now. If I do too much, I'll be 300lbs AGAIN in 4 years time. So, I want to get to my goal weight slowly, healthily and without injury or yet another stage in my eating disorder. My primary concern is getting fitter and healthier.

    However, I want to learn to listen to my body's signals and right now it is telling me that 2500 is enough. I do not want to force it to eat more than it needs. I hear that I need to look at my energy levels too. So, I will do that. I will listen for hunger and full signals and I will monitor my energy levels.

    I think I'll follow your advice in the reverse. I'll stay at 20% cut and if I lose more than 2lbs a week I will up the calories because more than 2lbs a week will be too much for me.

    To be honest, I love the concept of eating more but I have a hard time with eating more than I'm hungry for. I love eating many small meals a day too, that is how I naturally eat anyway.

    And if I find myself getting too hungry, I will adjust too.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Momoffivekids - I just realized I asked for advice and then shot yours down! LOL - I'm sorry. It seems I have made up my mind and didn't realize it. I am concious of your advice, but somehow my mind does not want to wrap itself around the concept of just a 15% cut yet. So, if it means I make a mistake and learn from it, I guess that I what I'm going to try.

    Just wanted to let you know that I do appreciate your input despite me being a tiny bit dishonest with myself earlier about being open to the advice.