Looking for some wise advice...

kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
Can someone give me some wise advice about sticking to this eating plan? I think the concept of the EM2LW principal is great...im into my second week...i cant help but feel i am eating too much. I started at 88.2 kilos....in the first 3 days i dropped down to 85.9 kilos since then i have gained every day and as of this morning i am up at 87.3 kilos. I work out 3 days a week...i do a 6.5km-10km run one day, second day i do a 45 mins body pump class followed by a 30 min PT weight session (mostly free weights) and then on saturdays i run 10km then do a 60 minutes body pump class followed by a 60 mins body balance class. Ive had the activity level at strenuous but think thats too high and at the most should only be moderate. My cycle is due in the next 6 days but this whole process is doing my head in severely cos i know if i cut back to 1500 calories i would prolly be at goal (8 kilos away) in 8-12 weeks....i was at goal...and the fact ive gained makes me feel terrible and i just want to get back to where i was. Sooooo any wise words of advice before I cut these calories back?

Also ive lost absolutely nothing in measurements either


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi-I don't really have wise words for you.

    But if you are only into your second week it is way to early to really see results.

    I know how you are feeling. I am right there with you. I am resetting and I have gained 3 kg as well. Not liking it at all. But I do believe in the process and it takes time for your body to adjust to the new situation.

    I am at the active level as well. I am working out 6 times a week, doing 3x Insanity and 3 times weight training. When I started out I did 6 x a week Insanity. Now I am only doing it three times. I thought to put the level to moderate as well, but I had a chat with Lucia, and she told me to not do that.

    I will do the reset and then see how things are. I have thought of getting a media device. Will see, maybe that will shed some light on the guessing.

    Hang in there. Don't give up and go back to the old way. Even if it makes you reach your goal quicker, you might be gaining it back quickly as well. Take the time it needs. I am sure it will work for all of us.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    I'm certainly no expert but I had a similar drop like you had and I was like wahoo?...then it bounced back and after 4 weeks I had dropped .5kg but lost 6.5cm and 1% body fat. I had measured myself which I truely must suck at as I noticed no difference but my trainer did. I guess my advice would be hang in there and give it a bit more time.:flowerforyou:
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Dont give up! Two weeks arent enough to judge by.
    You are really very active, those long runs makes your body need lots of food to refuel and repair. Dont lower your calories, I really think you will do more harm than good.

    I'd also advise staying away from the scale for the next month....it plays terrible head games with a person and is a big fat lier.
    If you think logically about it, with all the exercising, running and weight sessions you do....do you really think your body only needs 1500 cals to keep you healthy, strong and fuel your metabolism to keep burning high?

    You have come SO far, you are such an inspiration! Stick with it, you will not be sorry.
  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    Dont give up! Two weeks arent enough to judge by.
    You are really very active, those long runs makes your body need lots of food to refuel and repair. Dont lower your calories, I really think you will do more harm than good.

    I'd also advise staying away from the scale for the next month....it plays terrible head games with a person and is a big fat lier.
    If you think logically about it, with all the exercising, running and weight sessions you do....do you really think your body only needs 1500 cals to keep you healthy, strong and fuel your metabolism to keep burning high?

    You have come SO far, you are such an inspiration! Stick with it, you will not be sorry.

    I second this. Put the scale away for a month or so, and give it more time!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks for the support/advice everyone :) I was shocked this morning to see a small loss so I will continue to leave my calories exactly where they are n keep persisting :)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey hun you are not moderate but truly the next level up. Make sure to be consistent and give it no less than 4-6 wks. It does work but like we keep saying the first couple months is the most challenging mentally. Do you know how many times I thought about quiting, but I kept telling the little voice to HUSH UP in my head...thank God I did.

    I had to kep remebering that low cals didn't work....and now here I am eating 2420 tdee. Forget that scale and give it. Few more weeks. You email me personally at the 6wk mark if you need to.

  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks Lucia - I will if needed :)