Monday Morning Freak Out

Anita672 Posts: 32 Member
Hi everyone,

Monday is weigh in day for me (I am limiting myself to once a week) and I am freaking out.

I am starting my 7th week of EMTWL after an on again off again cycle of following 1200 calories.

I was 155 when I started (April 30th) with the goal of losing 1/2 lb per week and was seeing some progress. I was down to 152.8

May 21 - 152.8
May 28 - 153.5
June 4 - 154.2
June 11 - 155

I was interpreting the jump in numbers to salt/fluid rentention/TOM but here I am now at 155 which was my starting weight.

I am completely freaking out.

Weight 155
Height 5'6
Age 38
BMR 1450
Current Calorie level 1740
Exercising consistently 3 times a week (sometimes 4) doing cardio - running, elliptical
Just started strength training late last week only 1 session. Goal to do 2 sessions a week.

Any advice? Thanks in advance.


  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Have you done the metabolism reset? The same thing was happening to me. I started eating 1891 every day after 1200 low, and initially gained about 3 lbs and then held steady and was maitaining at that weight. Your body needs a reset after all the years of holding at 1200 or less, etc.

    There is a stickied item on this board for a reset. Read up on it. Sounds like that is what you need. So you'd eat at TDEE for 4-8 weeks and then drop 15% to start losing again.
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    Have you taken measurements? Weight increase isn't neccessarily a bad thing if it is muscle building and toning, you may have put on 3 pounds or so, but if you have lost 2 or 3 inches where it matters would the weight increase be a bad thing???

    SFC Q
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I would agree that in the long run inches matters more than what you weigh. That being said I can totally understand you freaking out about the scale. I have been in the same boat for a long time. I started lifting in Feb. I jumped around and did a few weight lifting programs and I was eating 1300, 1500, back down netting below 1200 for a while and then I went on vacation and when I got back I jumped right up to eating 1900 cals a day. I gained. I was 168 before vacation and then up until this weekend I was 173 lbs. This weekend I finally lost 2.6 lbs. It took me almost a month to lose that weight. I'm still up a few pounds from where I was before I started lifting in Feb but my measurements have stayed the same. Don't get too worked up about it. Hopefully your body is just holding on to water or something and you'll see a loss soon.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    First of all, YOU WEIGH YOURSELF ON MONDAYS?!?!?! holy moly, after a weekend?! that just sounds stressful. i like to do it fridays after a week of being really good!

    i bounced around the same 5lbs and finally got so sick of it i decided to take a scale-break. i havent stepped on for 2 weeks but i did take measurements and have already noted some changes. although i weigh the same (maybe?) i am getting smaller but it was too hard to get past the number.

    i suggest a break!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    First of all, YOU WEIGH YOURSELF ON MONDAYS?!?!?! holy moly, after a weekend?! that just sounds stressful. i like to do it fridays after a week of being really good!

    i bounced around the same 5lbs and finally got so sick of it i decided to take a scale-break. i havent stepped on for 2 weeks but i did take measurements and have already noted some changes. although i weigh the same (maybe?) i am getting smaller but it was too hard to get past the number.

    i suggest a break!

    This!!! ^ ;)
  • Anita672
    Anita672 Posts: 32 Member
    First of all, YOU WEIGH YOURSELF ON MONDAYS?!?!?! holy moly, after a weekend?! that just sounds stressful. i like to do it fridays after a week of being really good!

    i bounced around the same 5lbs and finally got so sick of it i decided to take a scale-break. i havent stepped on for 2 weeks but i did take measurements and have already noted some changes. although i weigh the same (maybe?) i am getting smaller but it was too hard to get past the number.

    i suggest a break!

    First of all, thank you for a MUCH needed chuckle/smile. My thought was it would help keep me motivated OVER the weekend when diet can be much different. But, I see where you are coming from and I am going to switch days!!

    I haven't done measurements. I have some clothes that I use as my goal clothes if you KWIM and these are not any looser. I do agree that inches are a better indicator and I will ask DH to help me with that tonight.

    Just to put in perspective, when I say strength training, literally started yesterday. Have done some in the past, but just adding it in. I was planning to do this 2x/week consistently. At this point, I can see doing this in my schedule. I wouldn't call it 'lifting'. But, I am doing a series of biceps curl, shoulder press, back butterfly, deadlifts, overhead press, tricep dips, crunches, lunges, calf raises, etc. I was up to 10 lb for some of these previously, but starting at 5 lb. hand weights.

    I haven't done the metabolism reset. Quite frankly, increasing to 1740 was in itself somewhat of a challenge. So, going to 2175 which I have calculated as my TDEE is very, very scary.

    My instinct is to quit the 1740 and go back to 1200. I know that I am in a better mood (other than Mondays!), I am not thinking about food all the time and I am consistently exercising and it isn't the bane of my existence. All non scale victories. I would just like a scale victory too!!
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I too (based on personal experience) recommend the reset. I did 7 weeks of upping cals but not over tdee - 15% and only saw bloat and gain. I am now in week 2 of my reset and although I've gained 1lb, the bloat has reduced and I just feel smaller (hence better...haha)

    If you don't see results in inches or scale after 6 weeks at tdee - 15%, then the recommended course is to do the reset, get your metabolism line drawn where it should be and then drop back down into your cut.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I joined in April and ate 1200 cal x 2 weeks, then 1500-1600 for two weeks. I lost 5 lb. Then I found EM2WL and had gotten back to exercising with P90 and upped to 1700 (tdee-20%) cal and gained 3 lb. Then I started the metabolism reset and went up to 2200 cals. I've been doing that for two weeks and I've gained another 1-2 lb and feel much fatter! So, I'm also right back where I started weigh-wise and am up in inches from when I started in April.

    Three years ago I lost 30 lb over summer eating 1500-1600 cal and exercising 3x wk. I've kept it off ever since and probably was eating between 1600-1800 cal/day. I just want to lose another 25 lbs.

    I'm at a loss for myself today. I'm SO not sure of which direction to go... Good luck with whatever direction you take!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Check out this thread! I have it saved in my Favorites b/c it is proof that the scale is not the end all be all to measuring weightloss!!