Working out

Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
How much does everyone work out? Cardio and weights.
I have only been doing this for 4 days and I have done cardio everyday (I love it!!) and have done weights 3/4 days.
How long do you do cardio and weights for? I am willing to work hard because I want results.


  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    I do NROLFW 3 times a week and C25K 3 times a week. I sometimes do extra treadmill cardio after the weight lifting at gym (I have a treamill at home so I go back home and do it)
    Ive heard and read that doing too much cardio is counter productive to weight training as the cardio takes lots of the needed energy ure body needs for muscle Im thinking of cutting some of the extra cardio on weight lifting days.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I do NROLFW 3 times a week and C25K 3 times a week. I sometimes do extra treadmill cardio after the weight lifting at gym (I have a treamill at home so I go back home and do it)
    Ive heard and read that doing too much cardio is counter productive to weight training as the cardio takes lots of the needed energy ure body needs for muscle Im thinking of cutting some of the extra cardio on weight lifting days.

    I am currently doing strong lifts 3x a week with a short HIIT session added onto some of those days (like 15-30 mins) and cardio the other 2 days.
    The most important thing though is to choose your correct activity level. Also, if you are doing cardio and lifting on the same day its best to do cardio after lifting, or better yet, later in the day. Most of your energy should be put into your lifts! I am just switching things up, just came off about 6 weeks of only 2 HIIT sessions a week, but curious as to how this might help me bust through a plateau. Will stick with this for another 3 weeks and then reevaluate.