
hypallage Posts: 624 Member
I'm new here & just toying with the idea of Paleo/Primal. Thinking of just easing myself into it slowly, cut out bread & pasta over the last three weeks (except last night) and quite liking how I'm feeling.
Was just wondering, has anyone tried making fishcakes with cauliflower rather than potato? Does it work?


  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I'm not sure what fishcakes are, but cauliflower is a substitute for a ton of things. Just try it.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Actually yes, and its not the same. Califlower has so much more water and not enough starch compared to the potatoes. I just make mine now with all fish and a little egg to bind. Its more dense like a breading-free crabcake, but I think it tastes way better
  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    Even on Paleo, there's nothing wrong with an occasional potato if you don't have issues with nightshades.
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Thank you.
    I tried it using half sweet potato & half cauliflower, with an egg to bind. A little moist maybe but were really tasty...

    I medium sweet potato
    1/2 Head of cauliflower
    1 small tin of tuna
    zest of 1 lemon
    chopped parsley
    1/4 finely chopped red onion
    1 egg

    cook & mash sweet potato & cauliflower, mix all ingredients together, form into patties.
    I fried in avocado oil.

    (just a quick note - I have never liked tinned tuna, love the fresh stuff but thought I would give it another try - just need some way of easing myself into eating it, hence the relatively small amount of fish in here )
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I have done up salmon cakes...

    what i do is take a

    can of salmon
    1 egg
    diced onion
    spices - I use some dill, tarragon, crushed garlic, salt, pepper
    almond flour/meal (I buy mine at Trader Joes and it says Almond meal on the package)

    So I mix the salmon, onion, spices and egg together and then add some almond meal to bind it - I don't really measure out the almond meal just add a little bit at a time until it sort of holds together.

    I form two patties and coat them with some more almond flour and put them in the fridge for an hour or so. Fry them up in some coconut oil

    I usually top mine with some homemade mayo that i have spiced up with some dill, tarragon and some season salt
  • th301603
    th301603 Posts: 5
    I'm not sure what fishcakes are, but cauliflower is a substitute for a ton of things. Just try it.

    You don't say! I've been working on a recipe for cauliflower pizza "crust" and I think I'm getting close. I found several paleo crust recipes that relied only on almond or coconut meal, and also some that used cauliflower and egg. I'm trying to merge the two by using the cauliflower and the flour, and also some flax seed meal instead of just eggs. I've given 2 trial runs so far, but neither had the right consistency. At least they tasted okay!

    I don't eat fish.. anybody use cauliflower for anything else?