
Does anyone have the same problem with stress as I do?

Everytime I'm really stressed out I can feel my stomach starting to flare up! It has nothing to do with what I ate, it's just my body making myself even more uncomfortable than it already is!

If anyone goes through this, is there anything you do to calm yourself down so your stomach doesn't hurt?


  • chefsusan
    chefsusan Posts: 101 Member
    Yes, I go through the same thing. I just have to calm myself down, take deep breaths and try not to worry and work myself up over what I am about to do or happen.

    Having my ex around is very stressful for me. I try not to talk to him to much or be around him. ha

  • mjboswell
    mjboswell Posts: 114 Member
    Extreme stress causes a flare for me. The only thing I can do is get through it and hope it doesn't last too long. Sorry, no good advice but you are not alone.
  • vibegirl
    vibegirl Posts: 69 Member
    It can usually be a cycle for many...stress and our bowels! I remember it well. Digestion is controlled by the enteric nervous system consisting of millions of nerves that communicate with the central nervous system. Soooo..needless to say stress will affect various digestive and intestinal responses in the body! ChefSusan is correct in realizing we have to do what we can to breathe...calm down etc. I've pretty much gotten rid of my bowel issues - but changes had to be made and dealing with stress made a huge difference! Yoga, meditation and more 'ME' time...helped so much! Relaxation therapy can make a huge difference- no need to have to be a slave to stress and bowel issues! :o)
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Yep! Stress or too many days of grease and/or meat ( esp red) in a row since I don't eat much meat to begin with. Ie. if ground meat is not drained of fat ( thanks so much DH for not doing that last week! Ugh! Lol
  • striskjorta
    I had a nice vacation for about 4 days where I didnt think about work, school or anything at home, my stomach was completely fine... then I opened my email and BAM the pain was back!
    JPLYLER09 Posts: 78 Member
    I don't know if its food or stress with me. I had a bad flare about a month ago and was doing ok, up until Tue when I showed up for work. About an hour in was called into the office and was told they don't need me anymore... Needless to say I've been feeling like crap! I'm still taking my Lialda, trying to drink more water, and keep telling myself it's going to be ok... now go get a job... lol So, I guess the diet has been working, but now I need to figure out how not to stress.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Stress was a huge factor for my hubby (he had ulcerative colitis). Frustrating when the doctors and the medical info say that there's no proof that stress can cause a flare, but ask almost anyone with UC and they will say it's definitely an issue! Certain foods would also send him into a flare, but as the disease progressed, stress was the biggest factor. And he was a cop, so bad combination.

    You probably go through what he did - stressful situation, then you tell yourself not to stress so you don't flare, and then you stress about stressing....vicious cycle.

    I hope you all feel better soon!